Democrats are in a full meltdown only 3 weeks away from the midterm elections.
Hillary Clinton is making waves in the news and it isn’t the good kind of waves. While she and the Democratic Party have tried to portray themselves as the champion of the #metoo movement, Hillary and Keith Ellerson are destroying that perception as quickly as possible. Hillary is claiming you have to believe all women who claim sexual assault. All women except the ones that have accused Bill Clinton. They aren’t believable. Also Democratic Keith Ellersons domestic violence abuse allegations continue to swirl.
Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren has chosen now to come out and use a DNA test to prove her Native American heritage. In a video posted she goes right after President Trump with the supposed results showing she has that heritage in her past. Only problem is, on further research she is only 1/1000th Indian and the Cherokee tribe has come out against the report. Saying DNA can”t say if you are even Native American Indian and her claims are an insult to true Native Americans.
Democrats have no platform for the midterms. They have nothing to offer the American People. No reason for us to vote Democrat.
The only platform you hear is we deserve to have power and we will impeach Trump. Maybe they throw in Health Care for all. That’s it. That’s why you should vote Democrat.
They have tried from the moment Trump was elected to find something that they can run on. nothing has stuck and they are seen as obstructionist and the party of disruption. They promote discourse and a mob mentality.
Their Blue wave is quickly dispersing and the chances of Democrats taking control of both houses has all but gone. Most think Republicans will maintain control of the Senate and probably will increase seats there. Democrats still have a slight lead in taking over the house, but that is even getting to be a much tighter race.
Should be an exciting Election Day.
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Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Do Democrats really think Americans are that Stupid?
Lets get some things clear right from the start.
I am in support of the MeToo movement. With a caveat of course. I believe that both sides have a right to be heard. I believe that people are not guilty just because they are accused of something. I believe that if a person denies what they are being accused of then there must be compelling evidence to prove they did the things they are accused of. I believe that regardless of who the accuser or accused is.
In the Kavanaugh Case I believe there are several questions that don't have answers too. I also question whether something that happened back in High School should be held over someone for the rest of their life. So with that in mind, I haven't heard evidence, let alone compelling evidence that would disqualify Kavanaugh. Maybe some will come forward with the FBI investigation. We must wait and see.
However what really gets to me with all of this, is the way the Democrats have politicized everything to get their way. Nothing is sacred and they plainly don't give two shits about the people involved.
The way they have handled these accusations have done more harm to the people involved than to help them. They have also done great harm to the entire MeToo movement with their tactics.
They made Dr. Ford's credibility suspect from the very beginning with the way that they handled the entire thing. They held the information, they leaked the information to maximize effect and then it is obvious they are bankrolling the effort on behalf of Dr. Ford.
When those efforts didn't appear to be working another accuser comes forward. Another accuser with no compelling evidence. Nobody can support the accusations. Except for the Democrats in the Senate.
But that wasn't enough still. So we have yet another accuser. This one will work better because another Democratic Operative will handle the case. With even more damning accusations. But those again have no compelling evidence and nobody has supported the accusations with the exception of Democrats.
To make matters even more strange for the American People to watch is the people grandstanding and making the speeches and attacking Judge Kavanaugh are a group of Democrats with their own skeletons in their closets.
Dian Feinstein is the ranking member. She was the one who held the complaint from Dr. Ford and played in when it would best suit the needs of the Democratic Party. It is a law firm with strong ties to her that are representing Dr. Ford. Sen Feinstein employed a Chinese Spy as her personal driver for 20 years. Those are allegations of Fact and with Compelling evidence.
Cory Booker himself admits to groping a woman in High School. Apparently in his case because he admitted to it then it is all ok.
Richard Blumenthal who decided to attack Judge Kavanaugh trying to plant that if you tell even 1 little lie then your whole life is suspect. Well the problem for Blumenthal and the Democrats is that we are all well aware of the lies that Bluenthal told about his Service record. He didn't just tell 1 little lie, he told several and they were big lies.
Democrats think that Americans can't see through their banter and tactics and see the truth. They are on an all out mission to stall and stop anything the President wants until they can try and win the midterm elections.
The problem is Americans aren't as stupid as they think we are. Yes some are.
It is time to do their jobs. Both sides. Work together and do what the Founding Fathers expected of our elected officials.
I am in support of the MeToo movement. With a caveat of course. I believe that both sides have a right to be heard. I believe that people are not guilty just because they are accused of something. I believe that if a person denies what they are being accused of then there must be compelling evidence to prove they did the things they are accused of. I believe that regardless of who the accuser or accused is.
In the Kavanaugh Case I believe there are several questions that don't have answers too. I also question whether something that happened back in High School should be held over someone for the rest of their life. So with that in mind, I haven't heard evidence, let alone compelling evidence that would disqualify Kavanaugh. Maybe some will come forward with the FBI investigation. We must wait and see.
However what really gets to me with all of this, is the way the Democrats have politicized everything to get their way. Nothing is sacred and they plainly don't give two shits about the people involved.
The way they have handled these accusations have done more harm to the people involved than to help them. They have also done great harm to the entire MeToo movement with their tactics.
They made Dr. Ford's credibility suspect from the very beginning with the way that they handled the entire thing. They held the information, they leaked the information to maximize effect and then it is obvious they are bankrolling the effort on behalf of Dr. Ford.
When those efforts didn't appear to be working another accuser comes forward. Another accuser with no compelling evidence. Nobody can support the accusations. Except for the Democrats in the Senate.
But that wasn't enough still. So we have yet another accuser. This one will work better because another Democratic Operative will handle the case. With even more damning accusations. But those again have no compelling evidence and nobody has supported the accusations with the exception of Democrats.
To make matters even more strange for the American People to watch is the people grandstanding and making the speeches and attacking Judge Kavanaugh are a group of Democrats with their own skeletons in their closets.
Dian Feinstein is the ranking member. She was the one who held the complaint from Dr. Ford and played in when it would best suit the needs of the Democratic Party. It is a law firm with strong ties to her that are representing Dr. Ford. Sen Feinstein employed a Chinese Spy as her personal driver for 20 years. Those are allegations of Fact and with Compelling evidence.
Cory Booker himself admits to groping a woman in High School. Apparently in his case because he admitted to it then it is all ok.
Richard Blumenthal who decided to attack Judge Kavanaugh trying to plant that if you tell even 1 little lie then your whole life is suspect. Well the problem for Blumenthal and the Democrats is that we are all well aware of the lies that Bluenthal told about his Service record. He didn't just tell 1 little lie, he told several and they were big lies.
Democrats think that Americans can't see through their banter and tactics and see the truth. They are on an all out mission to stall and stop anything the President wants until they can try and win the midterm elections.
The problem is Americans aren't as stupid as they think we are. Yes some are.
It is time to do their jobs. Both sides. Work together and do what the Founding Fathers expected of our elected officials.
Sue the President to Stop Emergency Messages from Cell Phones
Just when you think the wacko's couldn't get any more wacky they go out and prove us all wrong.
In New York (of course) a lawsuit has been filed to stop FEMA from broadcasting emergency alerts over cell phones.
They claim it is an invasion of their privacy. You can't make this stuff up.
I guess the amber alerts and weather alerts and silver alerts and traffic alerts and sports alerts are not an invasion of their privacy.
This is nothing more than another attempt at partisanship.
I appreciate their lawsuit for a good laugh this morning.
see the lawsuit here (Click Here)
In New York (of course) a lawsuit has been filed to stop FEMA from broadcasting emergency alerts over cell phones.
They claim it is an invasion of their privacy. You can't make this stuff up.
I guess the amber alerts and weather alerts and silver alerts and traffic alerts and sports alerts are not an invasion of their privacy.
This is nothing more than another attempt at partisanship.
I appreciate their lawsuit for a good laugh this morning.
see the lawsuit here (Click Here)
Friday, September 28, 2018
Democrats Handled the Whole Assault Case Wrong
I watched the entire hearing and all I could think about was just how wrong the Democrats and Diane Feinstein handled the whole thing.
As I listened to the testimony from Dr. Ford all I could think about was how her credibility was destroyed before she even set foot in the hearing. How, because the way the Democrats politicized the whole thing that they had ruined this woman's chance of being credible. How they had casted doubt on the whole thing all because of their hell bent ways of stopping the Nomination.
If the Democrats and Diane Feinstein was seriously concerned about this allegation then they would have moved many weeks earlier to get to the bottom of the allegation. They easily could have done it in a way that would have protected the privacy of Dr. Ford. Instead they held the information.
It was clear from the moment that this all came to light that they were not interested in getting to the bottom of the allegations. They choreographed their plan to try and drag this out for as long as they possibly could.
They never participated in any of the phone calls with the Judge to hear his side of the story. They never participated in any of the investigation by the Committee. Instead their whole plan was the FBI. Knowing that the FBI would give them more time and more time is all they want. They are all about making this take as long as they can.
If you had any doubt that was their plan, then you only had to watch the hearings to know the facts. They didn't ask but maybe a small handful of questions the whole hearing that lasted for hours and hours. Instead of asking questions to get answers and try to inform themselves and the public, they made speeches and speeches and speeches. They had no intention of gathering information. They just want to try and delay, delay, delay.
They have even gone so far as to try and change the rules. They have come out and said that it isn't the accusers responsibility to prove the charge. It is the accused to prove they are innocent. Yes you heard that right. In the Democrats new America it is the Accused job to prove their innocence.
I feel for Dr. Ford. She got caught up in a political fight that could careless about what happened to her. Not one person in that room cared seriously about what happened. She was being used by the Democrats to try and kill a nomination.
This is what our Politics have come too. We have allowed it.
As I listened to the testimony from Dr. Ford all I could think about was how her credibility was destroyed before she even set foot in the hearing. How, because the way the Democrats politicized the whole thing that they had ruined this woman's chance of being credible. How they had casted doubt on the whole thing all because of their hell bent ways of stopping the Nomination.
If the Democrats and Diane Feinstein was seriously concerned about this allegation then they would have moved many weeks earlier to get to the bottom of the allegation. They easily could have done it in a way that would have protected the privacy of Dr. Ford. Instead they held the information.
It was clear from the moment that this all came to light that they were not interested in getting to the bottom of the allegations. They choreographed their plan to try and drag this out for as long as they possibly could.
They never participated in any of the phone calls with the Judge to hear his side of the story. They never participated in any of the investigation by the Committee. Instead their whole plan was the FBI. Knowing that the FBI would give them more time and more time is all they want. They are all about making this take as long as they can.
If you had any doubt that was their plan, then you only had to watch the hearings to know the facts. They didn't ask but maybe a small handful of questions the whole hearing that lasted for hours and hours. Instead of asking questions to get answers and try to inform themselves and the public, they made speeches and speeches and speeches. They had no intention of gathering information. They just want to try and delay, delay, delay.
They have even gone so far as to try and change the rules. They have come out and said that it isn't the accusers responsibility to prove the charge. It is the accused to prove they are innocent. Yes you heard that right. In the Democrats new America it is the Accused job to prove their innocence.
I feel for Dr. Ford. She got caught up in a political fight that could careless about what happened to her. Not one person in that room cared seriously about what happened. She was being used by the Democrats to try and kill a nomination.
This is what our Politics have come too. We have allowed it.
Monday, September 24, 2018
NFL is about to become the lower level to College Football - Roughing Calls are Out of Control
The NFL has gotten totally ridiculous with their roughing calls. Every game I have watched I am just in disbelief at what they do call and what they do not call.
This is roughing?
The QB has the ball and there is no helmet to helmet, no picking him up and driving him into the ground. This is a text book tackle.
Apparently this is roughing the passer also.
Two calls that the NFL has come out and said were correctly called by the officials.
This apparently is not roughing.
Well except for the part where he picks him up and drives him to the ground. But it wasn't called.
You know you have a problem when the Officials are deciding games. It isn't just these calls. I can tell you that almost every game I watch I am seeing these kinds of ridiculous calls. Not just on the QB either. I saw a receiver catch a pass and get tackled and it was roughing. Yes there was helmet to helmet contact. Because the receiver lowered his head and hit the defender. But nope, it was on the defense.
I pretty much have had enough of watching the NFL. I can't stand the politics that have taken over and now it isn't even football. I can't stand watching teams play and have officials deciding games. Then the NFL makes it worse by agreeing with these calls when even your youth players know that it is a bad call.
College Football does a 100% better job of officiating and running the game. They have made it safer and done it in a way that keeps the game true. The NFL has lost its way and better move quickly or they will continue to see their fan base shrink.
Saturday's is all about real football, Sunday's is not.
It wouldn't surprise me to see someone come in and capitalize on all of this with a competing league. The NFL is showing cracks in it's armor for a USFL comeback.
This is roughing?
The QB has the ball and there is no helmet to helmet, no picking him up and driving him into the ground. This is a text book tackle.
Apparently this is roughing the passer also.
Two calls that the NFL has come out and said were correctly called by the officials.
This apparently is not roughing.
Well except for the part where he picks him up and drives him to the ground. But it wasn't called.
You know you have a problem when the Officials are deciding games. It isn't just these calls. I can tell you that almost every game I watch I am seeing these kinds of ridiculous calls. Not just on the QB either. I saw a receiver catch a pass and get tackled and it was roughing. Yes there was helmet to helmet contact. Because the receiver lowered his head and hit the defender. But nope, it was on the defense.
I pretty much have had enough of watching the NFL. I can't stand the politics that have taken over and now it isn't even football. I can't stand watching teams play and have officials deciding games. Then the NFL makes it worse by agreeing with these calls when even your youth players know that it is a bad call.
College Football does a 100% better job of officiating and running the game. They have made it safer and done it in a way that keeps the game true. The NFL has lost its way and better move quickly or they will continue to see their fan base shrink.
Saturday's is all about real football, Sunday's is not.
It wouldn't surprise me to see someone come in and capitalize on all of this with a competing league. The NFL is showing cracks in it's armor for a USFL comeback.
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Accusations against Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh Appear to be Stall Tactic
The accusations against Supreme Cort Nominee Brett Kavanaugh appear more and more to be a stall tactic orchestrated by the Democrats.
When I first heard the accusations I agreed that we need to hear what Dr. Ford had to say and then listen to Judge Kavanaugh before making a decision.
I also had serious concerns at how the whole thing was being handled by the Democrats. It appeared that they really didn't care at all about Dr. Ford, only in using the allegation as a Political Tool to try and derail the nomination. They knew about the accusations and held them for weeks and months. They played them like a card in a game instead of calling this out early.
Now that it is out they want to stall the nomination. Why? Lets hear from both sides and then decide on whether to move forward or not.
The opportunity has been given for both sides to tell their story and let the people who make the decisions make those decisions.
That all sounds reasonable. But now they want a full FBI investigation before doing anything? What is the FBI Investigating? Dr. Ford thus far has not date, time or place of the aforementioned act. What is the FBI expected to investigate? Also the statute of limitations has long passed on any crime so they wouldn't be expected to file any charges. So what is the FBI exactly suppose to figure out for everyone?
The answer is easy. They aren't really expected to figure out anything. They are suppose to be used as political tool of the Democrats to stall out the Nominee and give the Democrats more time. Exactly what they have been trying to do all along.
So lets quit playing games. If Dr. Ford wants to come out and lay out the allegations under oath then so be it. Lets get this done in an expeditious way. Then Judge Kavanaugh shall have his day under oath to answer those allegations. Then the people who make those decisions can make those decisions.
I firmly believe that anyone who feels that they have been wronged should be heard. But you also have to do it in a way that is fair to all sides.
When I first heard the accusations I agreed that we need to hear what Dr. Ford had to say and then listen to Judge Kavanaugh before making a decision.
I also had serious concerns at how the whole thing was being handled by the Democrats. It appeared that they really didn't care at all about Dr. Ford, only in using the allegation as a Political Tool to try and derail the nomination. They knew about the accusations and held them for weeks and months. They played them like a card in a game instead of calling this out early.
Now that it is out they want to stall the nomination. Why? Lets hear from both sides and then decide on whether to move forward or not.
The opportunity has been given for both sides to tell their story and let the people who make the decisions make those decisions.
That all sounds reasonable. But now they want a full FBI investigation before doing anything? What is the FBI Investigating? Dr. Ford thus far has not date, time or place of the aforementioned act. What is the FBI expected to investigate? Also the statute of limitations has long passed on any crime so they wouldn't be expected to file any charges. So what is the FBI exactly suppose to figure out for everyone?
The answer is easy. They aren't really expected to figure out anything. They are suppose to be used as political tool of the Democrats to stall out the Nominee and give the Democrats more time. Exactly what they have been trying to do all along.
So lets quit playing games. If Dr. Ford wants to come out and lay out the allegations under oath then so be it. Lets get this done in an expeditious way. Then Judge Kavanaugh shall have his day under oath to answer those allegations. Then the people who make those decisions can make those decisions.
I firmly believe that anyone who feels that they have been wronged should be heard. But you also have to do it in a way that is fair to all sides.
Friday, September 7, 2018
Democrats are Helping Trump
Democrats and the media haven't figured it out yet, but they are the biggest helpers of the Trump Administration.
With everyday being a sky is falling day in the Media and from the talking heads of the Democratic party, they are making most of America tone deaf to all of the drama.
From the very beginning the media and Democrats have made every move a life or death for America moment. Trump was leading us into war with North Korea. Tariffs were going to end the economy. The Russia probe is putting Trump in jail. Stormy Daniels has Trump dirt. Trump, Trump, Trump.
Now most people are sick of hearing it. Most people don't even care anymore. Most people see it all as partisan politics.
Democrats along with their media friends have turned America off to all of it. They don't watch, they don't listen and they just don't care.
The only people who are even listening anymore are the extreme part of the party that has very little credibility with most of America.
With everyday being a sky is falling day in the Media and from the talking heads of the Democratic party, they are making most of America tone deaf to all of the drama.
From the very beginning the media and Democrats have made every move a life or death for America moment. Trump was leading us into war with North Korea. Tariffs were going to end the economy. The Russia probe is putting Trump in jail. Stormy Daniels has Trump dirt. Trump, Trump, Trump.
Now most people are sick of hearing it. Most people don't even care anymore. Most people see it all as partisan politics.
Democrats along with their media friends have turned America off to all of it. They don't watch, they don't listen and they just don't care.
The only people who are even listening anymore are the extreme part of the party that has very little credibility with most of America.
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Remember When ESPN was a Sports Network
ESPN has forgotten that it is a sports network apparently. Continually wading into politics.
Several of their hosts and reporters just can't help themselves but to jump into the realm of politics and taking shots at the President.
You are a sports network and should stick to talking about sports. The scores, highlights, injuries, trades and cuts. Plenty of stuff to talk about without trying to get into the politics.
Right now most polls show the President with between a 44-46% approval rating. So for a sports network to be alienating roughly 45% of their audience just isn't smart business.
The latest comes with ESPN's Max Kellerman apparently angry that Tiger Woods thinks that people need to respect the Office of the President. It apparently made Max "Angry".
Well Max Tiger Woods is absolutely correct. Up until the Democrats lost and you along with your twisted friends decided that civility was out the window, that is exactly what every American was taught and that was the standard.
It never has mattered who the person was occupying the office, the office itself demanded respect.
Boy oh boy remember when Obama got called a liar by a Congressman? The Democrats along with Republicans came out in force against them. The conversation of Respect for the Office was demanded.
Now Democrats and friends of the Democrats have forgotten that whole thing. They have forgotten about civility.
ESPN apparently has decided that after years of success in reporting and covering sports, that they are now going to dive into politics. They are going to alienate a large portion of their viewers.
Well good luck. Yet another channel that I won't be watching. I turn it on to get away from all the craziness in politics and you want to take that away from me. Thank goodness that there are other sports channels to watch now. Good bye, ESPN.
Several of their hosts and reporters just can't help themselves but to jump into the realm of politics and taking shots at the President.
You are a sports network and should stick to talking about sports. The scores, highlights, injuries, trades and cuts. Plenty of stuff to talk about without trying to get into the politics.
Right now most polls show the President with between a 44-46% approval rating. So for a sports network to be alienating roughly 45% of their audience just isn't smart business.
The latest comes with ESPN's Max Kellerman apparently angry that Tiger Woods thinks that people need to respect the Office of the President. It apparently made Max "Angry".
Well Max Tiger Woods is absolutely correct. Up until the Democrats lost and you along with your twisted friends decided that civility was out the window, that is exactly what every American was taught and that was the standard.
It never has mattered who the person was occupying the office, the office itself demanded respect.
Boy oh boy remember when Obama got called a liar by a Congressman? The Democrats along with Republicans came out in force against them. The conversation of Respect for the Office was demanded.
Now Democrats and friends of the Democrats have forgotten that whole thing. They have forgotten about civility.
ESPN apparently has decided that after years of success in reporting and covering sports, that they are now going to dive into politics. They are going to alienate a large portion of their viewers.
Well good luck. Yet another channel that I won't be watching. I turn it on to get away from all the craziness in politics and you want to take that away from me. Thank goodness that there are other sports channels to watch now. Good bye, ESPN.
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
How Many Crimes do Illegal's have to Committ before the Left Does Something?
It seems more and more we are reading and hearing stories of the Illegal Immigrants committing severe crimes. Yet the Left is still hell bent on open borders and sanctuary cities. How many Americans have to be killed, harmed or victimized before they open their eyes?
I firmly believe that a vast majority of Americans believe in Immigration. I don't believe that most people want to stop Immigrants from coming to this Country. We just want them to come to this Country the correct way.
The left likes to paint people who feel that way as racist and against American Values. Well I say BS to that. Those people are just angry people. They like to attack people, like me who believe that Immigration has to be done within the rules and the law.
They like to claim that we have no compassion for those in a bad situation in the Country they come from. That is just an outright lie. We have compassion. We care. We just want them to do it within our laws.
We can say the same for the left. They lack compassion for the American's who have died, been raped, robbed or victimized by some of these illegals.
Where is their compassion for Mollie Tibbitts and her family?
How about the 3 women in Illinois who were assaulted and raped?
The girl in california shot and killed?
The list goes on and on. But they apparently have no compassion.
I believe they do have compassion. I believe they really do care. I just believe that they have let anger and politics cloud their judgement.
It really is that difficult to see that this is wrong. But they just don't care. They would rather turn a blind eye to these Americans that ever admit that Donald Trump is right about Immigration. That is the sad truth.
I firmly believe that a vast majority of Americans believe in Immigration. I don't believe that most people want to stop Immigrants from coming to this Country. We just want them to come to this Country the correct way.
The left likes to paint people who feel that way as racist and against American Values. Well I say BS to that. Those people are just angry people. They like to attack people, like me who believe that Immigration has to be done within the rules and the law.
They like to claim that we have no compassion for those in a bad situation in the Country they come from. That is just an outright lie. We have compassion. We care. We just want them to do it within our laws.
We can say the same for the left. They lack compassion for the American's who have died, been raped, robbed or victimized by some of these illegals.
Where is their compassion for Mollie Tibbitts and her family?
How about the 3 women in Illinois who were assaulted and raped?
The girl in california shot and killed?
The list goes on and on. But they apparently have no compassion.
I believe they do have compassion. I believe they really do care. I just believe that they have let anger and politics cloud their judgement.
It really is that difficult to see that this is wrong. But they just don't care. They would rather turn a blind eye to these Americans that ever admit that Donald Trump is right about Immigration. That is the sad truth.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
West Hollywood City Council Is OK with Pedophiles and Rapists but not Trump
West Hollywood's City Council voted to remove President Trump's star from the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
In what shows just how far the left continues to go with their politics they vote to remove a politician from the Walk of Fame and appear to have really no issue with pedophiles and rapists continuing to have their stars on the walk.
Could you Imagine if a Republican City Council voted to have Obama's name removed from the Barack Obama School of Career and Technical Education? The uproar would be deafening.
Just another move by the unhinged Left Wing idiots who instead of taking a stand against violence and criminal activity they side with them. Setting it up to continue. But mark my words if you or anyone you know were to deface a star belonging to anyone on the left and they will throw the book at you.
They also apparently have no problem with:
Kevin spacey who had repeated allegations of sexually predatory action towards other men including underage men.
Bill Cosby who was found guilty on three charges of aggravated indecent assault for drugging and sexually assaulting women.
Arnold Schwarenegger who had six women cine forward alleging he groped them.
Brett Ratner who was accused of rape and had six other women come forward accusing him of sexual harrasment and misconduct.
Michael Jackson who was charged with being a pedophile although acquitted, many still believe he was.
Charlie Sheen who was charged with beating his wife amongst other bizarre actions.
Don Cornelius who was charged for beating his estranged wife.
All of those people are ok to have Stars according to the West Hollywood city council.
Says a ton about their Character.
In what shows just how far the left continues to go with their politics they vote to remove a politician from the Walk of Fame and appear to have really no issue with pedophiles and rapists continuing to have their stars on the walk.
Could you Imagine if a Republican City Council voted to have Obama's name removed from the Barack Obama School of Career and Technical Education? The uproar would be deafening.
Just another move by the unhinged Left Wing idiots who instead of taking a stand against violence and criminal activity they side with them. Setting it up to continue. But mark my words if you or anyone you know were to deface a star belonging to anyone on the left and they will throw the book at you.
They also apparently have no problem with:
Kevin spacey who had repeated allegations of sexually predatory action towards other men including underage men.
Bill Cosby who was found guilty on three charges of aggravated indecent assault for drugging and sexually assaulting women.
Arnold Schwarenegger who had six women cine forward alleging he groped them.
Brett Ratner who was accused of rape and had six other women come forward accusing him of sexual harrasment and misconduct.
Michael Jackson who was charged with being a pedophile although acquitted, many still believe he was.
Charlie Sheen who was charged with beating his wife amongst other bizarre actions.
Don Cornelius who was charged for beating his estranged wife.
All of those people are ok to have Stars according to the West Hollywood city council.
Says a ton about their Character.
Friday, August 3, 2018
CNN's Jim Acosta Can't take the Heat
CNN's Jim Acosta and CNN have no problem bashing President Trump, his Team and Supporters.
They do it at length around the clock on the network. CNN has gone after these people or encouraged people to go after them.
I haven't heard CNN call out the harassment of the White House Press Secretary. I didn't hear them condemn the treatment she received at the Correspondents dinner. I didn't hear them condemn the treatment she got at the restaurant. I haven't heard them condemn any of these attacks of the Presidents staff.
However now that Acosta has been given the same treatment by supporters of the President, he is unhappy and wants something done.
CNN has been an attack dog against the President from the very beginning. If CNN had any ounce of bipartisanship and the same standard for everyone they wouldn't be in the position they are in.
I don't agree with what happened to Acosta, but I also don't agree with the actions of the left against members of the Trump White House or Trump Supporters. So in this case I do not feel sorry for Acosta or CNN. This is the environment that you helped create.
They do it at length around the clock on the network. CNN has gone after these people or encouraged people to go after them.
I haven't heard CNN call out the harassment of the White House Press Secretary. I didn't hear them condemn the treatment she received at the Correspondents dinner. I didn't hear them condemn the treatment she got at the restaurant. I haven't heard them condemn any of these attacks of the Presidents staff.
However now that Acosta has been given the same treatment by supporters of the President, he is unhappy and wants something done.
CNN has been an attack dog against the President from the very beginning. If CNN had any ounce of bipartisanship and the same standard for everyone they wouldn't be in the position they are in.
I don't agree with what happened to Acosta, but I also don't agree with the actions of the left against members of the Trump White House or Trump Supporters. So in this case I do not feel sorry for Acosta or CNN. This is the environment that you helped create.
Thursday, August 2, 2018
Democrat Sen. Mazie Hirono - This is whats wrong with Washington
The Democrats are struggling to provide a message that resonates with the American Voters. They have changed that message quite often since Trump took office and haven't landed on a solid one yet.
They haven't figured out that the American People are on to Politicians. Especially the Democrats who continue to pander to their extreme left base and not the mainstream America. They don't even know what is going on just the party story of what is going on.
They haven't figured out that the American People are on to Politicians. Especially the Democrats who continue to pander to their extreme left base and not the mainstream America. They don't even know what is going on just the party story of what is going on.
FOX News:
Hawaii Sen. Mazie Hirono was questioning ICE Executive Associate Director for Enforcement and Removal Operations Matthew Albence about the immigration laws being prosecuted by the agency.
"These individuals are [in holding centers] because they have broken a law," Albence said in response to Hirono asking whether he would want his child put in an ICE facility.
Hirono countered that the illegal immigrants "have broken a law only as deemed so by [President Donald Trump]."
Albence corrected Hirono, saying that Trump did not create the law that criminalizes unauthorized border crossings.
"I'm confused," Hirono said.
Albence cited the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, codified under Title 8 of the U.S. Code.
He said that illegal entry can be prosecuted as a civil and/or criminal infraction.
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
This is America Today....Death Threats for Nothing
A 15 year old girl crossed the border illegally and was being held in a detention facility while being processed.
She escaped and hid in an auto shop. The police found her and arrested her.
Now the pro illegal crowd is threatening the shop owner and his family. What did he do wrong?
This is the reaction of people while at the same time blaming Trump for the divisiveness.
She escaped and hid in an auto shop. The police found her and arrested her.
Now the pro illegal crowd is threatening the shop owner and his family. What did he do wrong?
"Everybody thinks I called the police to come take the girl away," Gonzalez, the shop's owner, said Monday. "That's not true. The shelter people called 911. Police were already searching the area and came right into the shop. Now my elderly mom had to evacuate her home, and I have to walk in public with sunglasses and carry a firearm."
According to Homestead police, Gonzalez's story checks out.
This is the reaction of people while at the same time blaming Trump for the divisiveness.
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Top 5 Cities Most infested with Rats...
Nice list. Now if we could figure out what all of these cities have in common, hmmmm.
No one is going to be bragging about taking the number one spot for the most rat-infested city. The yucky rodents can squeeze or chew their way through just about anything. We know what you’re thinking—you want to stay far, far away from these nasty creatures. The city you’ll want to be farthest from? Chicago.
For the third year in a row, Chicago has topped the list of the most rat-infested cities. According to Orkin
Rodents invade 21 million homes every winter so even if you live on the West Coast (far away from Chicago), your city probably isn’t completely rat-free. The other rattiest cities that made the top five are New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco-Oakland, and Washington, D.C.
Nice list. Now if we could figure out what all of these cities have in common, hmmmm.
Monday, July 23, 2018
Twitter Reacts to Josh Hader Standing Ovation
Much has been said about Tweets that surfaced during the All Star Game about Josh Hader.
Hader said many things that most people can agree were derogatory and wrong. They are not acceptable at all.
But just like everything else in America today, people are using them to push agendas.
I give it to Josh, he owned up to them right away. He apologized and explained that he was a teenager and did and said some stupid things. Those tweets do not represent the person he is now.
I don't know what these people want or expect.
We have seen it time after time, Professional athletes with things in their backgrounds that are not the best of the best.
The fans in Milwaukee stood up and applauded Josh Hader. Yes they did. They did it to show him they support the man that he is now. The person that he has become. Not for the person he was back then and not to support what he said then.
The people unhappy with that are just trying to push an agenda.
I support Josh Hader. He hasn't given me any reason not too. Has he made bad choices in his life as a youngster? Absolutely. Do I support those things he said? Absolutely Not. But that doesn't represent the man that I have seen in his time here in Milwaukee. I will judge him on the person he is now. He has my full support.
To all of those that want to continue to live on the words of a 17 year old from 7 years back, go ahead and live in the past. That says a lot about the people you are.
Hader said many things that most people can agree were derogatory and wrong. They are not acceptable at all.
But just like everything else in America today, people are using them to push agendas.
I give it to Josh, he owned up to them right away. He apologized and explained that he was a teenager and did and said some stupid things. Those tweets do not represent the person he is now.
I don't know what these people want or expect.
We have seen it time after time, Professional athletes with things in their backgrounds that are not the best of the best.
The fans in Milwaukee stood up and applauded Josh Hader. Yes they did. They did it to show him they support the man that he is now. The person that he has become. Not for the person he was back then and not to support what he said then.
The people unhappy with that are just trying to push an agenda.
I support Josh Hader. He hasn't given me any reason not too. Has he made bad choices in his life as a youngster? Absolutely. Do I support those things he said? Absolutely Not. But that doesn't represent the man that I have seen in his time here in Milwaukee. I will judge him on the person he is now. He has my full support.
To all of those that want to continue to live on the words of a 17 year old from 7 years back, go ahead and live in the past. That says a lot about the people you are.
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Foxconn Putting the Smackdown on the Democrats in Wisconsin
The Governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, touted the Foxconn deal as a landmark deal for Wisconsin.
Democrats have been against it from day one. Talking about how it was much to do about nothing and that Wisconsin is going to lose.
People across the State complained. Democrats were united against it except for the ones in the Racine and Kenosha area.
Democratic Candidates have targeted Foxconn in their run against Walker for re-election.
The Democrats with all of their talk of doing what they can against Foxconn if they win are now facing killing job making opportunities not just in South East Wisconsin, but now across the state. Taking away opportunities from Students and the very people we are trying to keep and draw to the state.
Foxconn is painting the Democrats into a corner and the Democrats are talking themselves right out of the election to become Governor.
Democrats have been against it from day one. Talking about how it was much to do about nothing and that Wisconsin is going to lose.
Journal Sentinel:
“It’s clear,” said Senate Minority Leader Jennifer Shilling of LaCrosse, that the “Foxconn gamble has become an albatross instead of the golden goose Gov. Walker thought it would be.”Assembly Minority Leader Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) complained that the Foxconn deal was the “result of a rushed process borne out of political expediency rather than sound economic development policy.”“It appears Foxconn may break promises to Wisconsin before they even break ground in our state,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokeswoman Melanie Conklin.
People across the State complained. Democrats were united against it except for the ones in the Racine and Kenosha area.
Democratic Candidates have targeted Foxconn in their run against Walker for re-election.
Journal Sentinel:Yet in the face of all this nonsense from the Democrats Foxconn has went on to not only live up to what they have promised so far. They have expanded on it to include most of the entire state of Wisconsin. Putting additional facilities in Milwaukee, Green Bay and now newly announced Eau Claire.
“The governor does not know what he’s doing,” said Madison Mayor Paul Soglin. “I’d like to know what he was smoking when he negotiated this deal. In China they’re laughing at us.”
"Obviously, Scott Walker sold the farm on that issue," said state Schools Superintendent Tony Evers.
Cap Times:
Rep. Dana Wachs, D-Eau Claire, in an interview earlier this month. "When they break this contract, we will find a way to end it."
In an interview late last year, Milwaukee attorney Matt Flynn said he will end the deal "no matter what," adding that he would enter litigation to break the contract if necessary.
The Democrats with all of their talk of doing what they can against Foxconn if they win are now facing killing job making opportunities not just in South East Wisconsin, but now across the state. Taking away opportunities from Students and the very people we are trying to keep and draw to the state.
Foxconn is painting the Democrats into a corner and the Democrats are talking themselves right out of the election to become Governor.
John Brennan and McCain are the ones Treasonous and Disgraceful
President Trump once again drew the ire of critics when he wouldn't come out and call Putin a liar on a national stage and to his face. Even though Trump telegraphed that earlier in the week saying he didn't expect the leader to admit to it.
Trump is trying to thaw the relationship between the two nations and get to a working relationship that will help with multiple world issues. How these idiot talking heads think confronting the leader on a national stage and face to face will help accomplish that is beyond me.
Their statements and reactions came out more as disgraceful and treasonous did the Presidents. They have no idea what the conversation was behind closed doors. They have no idea how that conversation went. It is obvious that it was discussed. Both leaders acknowledged that it was a part of the conversation.
These talking head idiots would rather maintain a combative arrangement between the two nations over the meddling of our election. This somehow has become such a big thing since Trump was elected. It has been going on for years by many countries and right here at home. We have candidates that we support in elections around the world and push for them. We have done that for years and years. Thanks to the Russians or whomever, we also know the Democratic National Committee rigged our elections in favor of Hillary Clinton. Obama knew of the meddling for quite some time before this election and didn't do much to stop it until Trump had won.
The outrage is manufactured. It is manufactured because the Political establishment lost. That is what the outrage is really about.
I don't remember talking head John Brennan calling Obama Treasonous when he was caught on a hot mic telling the Russians after his last election he would have more room to make concessions with them.
Trump may not be the speaker that Obama was, but his actions speak loudly to the American People and the leaders around the world. Trump has taken a much harder line with friend and foe alike. Obama and many leaders talked a good game, but put politics ahead of action.
Trump has called out our allies for their lack of commitment to their very own security. It has been a sticking point for many administrations. The lack of funding some of these nations put into defense and NATO is appalling. Yet they know we will be there if they need us. Trump has pushed for them to pay their bill. Trump understands that a strong Defense will deter such actions as North Korea, Iran and yes Russia.
Trump called out Germany, rightfully so on their deal with Russia. NATO was put in place to be the defense against Russian aggression. Yet Germany, the very same country we are vowed to protect against Russia, has been working with Russia in a multi billion dollar deal to provide 70% of its energy needs. Russia will have control over 70% of Germany's energy? Doesn't sound like Germany is much concerned about big bad Russia.
Trump may not have been so eloquent with the words he used after the meeting, but make no mistake about it. Trump is in the middle of negotiations with many countries on many fronts and the actions of the talking heads make it much more difficult to get results abroad.
These people are the ones that are treasonous and disgraceful. These people are the ones who don't have America's best interest at heart.
Trump is trying to thaw the relationship between the two nations and get to a working relationship that will help with multiple world issues. How these idiot talking heads think confronting the leader on a national stage and face to face will help accomplish that is beyond me.
Their statements and reactions came out more as disgraceful and treasonous did the Presidents. They have no idea what the conversation was behind closed doors. They have no idea how that conversation went. It is obvious that it was discussed. Both leaders acknowledged that it was a part of the conversation.
These talking head idiots would rather maintain a combative arrangement between the two nations over the meddling of our election. This somehow has become such a big thing since Trump was elected. It has been going on for years by many countries and right here at home. We have candidates that we support in elections around the world and push for them. We have done that for years and years. Thanks to the Russians or whomever, we also know the Democratic National Committee rigged our elections in favor of Hillary Clinton. Obama knew of the meddling for quite some time before this election and didn't do much to stop it until Trump had won.
The outrage is manufactured. It is manufactured because the Political establishment lost. That is what the outrage is really about.
I don't remember talking head John Brennan calling Obama Treasonous when he was caught on a hot mic telling the Russians after his last election he would have more room to make concessions with them.
Trump may not be the speaker that Obama was, but his actions speak loudly to the American People and the leaders around the world. Trump has taken a much harder line with friend and foe alike. Obama and many leaders talked a good game, but put politics ahead of action.
Trump has called out our allies for their lack of commitment to their very own security. It has been a sticking point for many administrations. The lack of funding some of these nations put into defense and NATO is appalling. Yet they know we will be there if they need us. Trump has pushed for them to pay their bill. Trump understands that a strong Defense will deter such actions as North Korea, Iran and yes Russia.
Trump called out Germany, rightfully so on their deal with Russia. NATO was put in place to be the defense against Russian aggression. Yet Germany, the very same country we are vowed to protect against Russia, has been working with Russia in a multi billion dollar deal to provide 70% of its energy needs. Russia will have control over 70% of Germany's energy? Doesn't sound like Germany is much concerned about big bad Russia.
FOX News:
But, we do know that since taking office, President Trump has taken a much harder line on Russia than did his predecessor. President Obama visited Moscow in 2009 and soon thereafter abandoned a missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic that infuriated Russia. Trump has since reinstated the program. Obama refused to send military-grade weapons to the Ukraine; Trump is doing so. Obama was reluctant to ramp up liquified natural gas exports that would compete with Russian gas, but Trump is prioritizing such shipments and calling out Germany for its reliance on Russian energy.
Trump has surrounded himself with Russia hawks like National Security Advisor John Bolton and Defense Secretary James Mattis. If he were in cahoots with the Kremlin, he has a funny way of showing it.
The reaction to the Helsinki conference was over the top, given how little we know about what went on behind the scenes. It was also sad. It’s almost as though Trump’s critics wanted him to fail. But wouldn't hoping for increased confrontations with Russia be…treasonous?
Trump may not have been so eloquent with the words he used after the meeting, but make no mistake about it. Trump is in the middle of negotiations with many countries on many fronts and the actions of the talking heads make it much more difficult to get results abroad.
These people are the ones that are treasonous and disgraceful. These people are the ones who don't have America's best interest at heart.
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Is Trump Wrong on these Policies? Immigration, Tariffs and The Swamp.
It seems like everyday I have to listen to people like Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders and the Media tell me how wrong Donald Trump is. How America is up in arms and protests are breaking out about these policies. How he is Racist and the Devil and destroying America.
However I feel like I must be the smartest person alive. Because I can do some research and my memory must be better than most because I can also remember. I can remember when almost every President since I have been alive has felt the same way as President Trump.
I can remember Bill Clinton and Obama pushing for tighter borders and Immigration. I can remember them complaining about trade and the unfair practices.
It seems I am the only one who remembers those comments. I am the only one who can do research and find out that:
How about this picture from 2014 (Obama was President).
How about the tariffs and trade war going on? What did former adminstrations think about all of that?
As far as draining the swamp, well I don't think that is much of a question. After all of the information coming out about the FBI and DOJ. This story I believe will be going on for quite some time and you could see some former high level people be put in play before this is over.
What most Americans have believed for some time has been proven to be true. There is a level of corruption in the Federal Government at the highest levels protecting the select few.
Read more here:
However I feel like I must be the smartest person alive. Because I can do some research and my memory must be better than most because I can also remember. I can remember when almost every President since I have been alive has felt the same way as President Trump.
I can remember Bill Clinton and Obama pushing for tighter borders and Immigration. I can remember them complaining about trade and the unfair practices.
It seems I am the only one who remembers those comments. I am the only one who can do research and find out that:
In his 1995 State of the Union speech, then-President Bill Clinton repeatedly dared to repeatedly use the term “illegal aliens” while calling for tighter border security and doubling deportations.
In his speech, Clinton recognized that people “are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country.” He called for the border to be secured, hiring a record number of border guards, and “deporting twice as many illegal aliens as before.”
Clinton even expressed umbrage that illegal aliens were stealing jobs from actual U.S. citizens.
“The jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or legal immigrants. The public services they use impose burdens on our taxpayers,” Clinton told the audience. “We are a nation of immigrants, but we are also a nation of laws.”
Clinton received a large standing ovation for his remarks.
There is more:Former U.S. senator (D-NY) and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as recently as 2006, was also in support of securing the border. As a senator, Clinton voted in support of building a wall on the southern border.
Ticotimes January 2014:
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Obama administration toughened its border policies Friday, hoping to stem a surge of women and children into the United States by sending a stronger message that unauthorized migrants will be turned away.
The steps, aimed at those entering from Mexico, include adding more immigration judges to process a backlog of asylum claims and to more quickly deport adults whose cases are rejected. New detention facilities are also being opened for families awaiting hearings and ankle monitoring bracelets will be used to keep tabs on them, officials said.
The moves mark a recognition by the administration that the unexpected influx of tens of thousands of immigrant children has become a serious humanitarian and political crisis. So far this year, 52,000 unaccompanied minors and 39,000 adults with children have been apprehended along the Mexican border — a much higher proportion than normal.
How about this picture from 2014 (Obama was President).
Two children detained by the Border Patrol in a holding cell in Nogales, Ariz. This image has been widely shared on social media in recent days, offered as an example of the Trump administration's cruel policies toward immigrants, but in fact the picture was taken in 2014.
This one too.
President Barack Obama separated parents from their children at the border.Obama prosecuted mothers for coming to the United States illegally. He fast tracked deportations. And yes, he housed unaccompanied children in tent cities.
How about the tariffs and trade war going on? What did former adminstrations think about all of that?
President Obama slapped a stiff 35% tariff on Chinese tires in 2009 after American companies complained about unfair competition. They said China was flooding America with tires at low prices making it tough for U.S. companies to compete. The tire tariff gradually waned, and finally ended in 2012.
The tariff saved 1,200 U.S. tire jobs, which had been in sharp decline. And U.S. tire production rose after a major decline.
"Over a thousand Americans are working today because we stopped a surge in Chinese tires," Obama said in his 2012 State of the Union address.
“I will go anywhere in the world to open new markets for American products. And I will not stand by when our competitors don’t play by the rules. We’ve brought trade cases against China at nearly twice the rate as the last administration – and it’s made a difference. Over a thousand Americans are working today because we stopped a surge in Chinese tires. But we need to do more. It’s not right when another country lets our movies, music, and software be pirated. It’s not fair when foreign manufacturers have a leg up on ours only because they’re heavily subsidized.”
-President Barack Obama, 1/24/2012
As far as draining the swamp, well I don't think that is much of a question. After all of the information coming out about the FBI and DOJ. This story I believe will be going on for quite some time and you could see some former high level people be put in play before this is over.
What most Americans have believed for some time has been proven to be true. There is a level of corruption in the Federal Government at the highest levels protecting the select few.
Read more here:
All my Democrat Friends have gone Insane
I have noticed since Trump got elected that almost every one of my Democrat friends have totally fallen off the deep end.
I try to remind them of the time that Obama was President and we would have discussions on how I didn't like the way that Health Care was pushed through and his apologizing all over the world for how bad us Americans were. They reminded me that he won the election and this is what the voters wanted.
I would agree that he did indeed win and it is what it is.
We could have conversations and debate the ideas and politics coming from the Federal Level. That was the good old days.
Now they seem to have forgotten all of that.
Trump won. The American people spoke and he won the election. This is how it is.
OH HELL NO!!!! Not to the same Democrat friends.
Trump is the devil. Trump supporters are the Devil. America didn't want this. We should impeach him. He is corrupt. Blah Blah Blah.
Civility no longer exists with these friends. They are right and if you disagree then you are a racist and part of the devil also.
I watch them lash out at other friends who disagree with them. Watch them call life long friends racist. Watch them demean longstanding friends.
You can't even engage them in conversation about it. They are right and everyone else is racist and the devil.
I try to remind them of the time that Obama was President and we would have discussions on how I didn't like the way that Health Care was pushed through and his apologizing all over the world for how bad us Americans were. They reminded me that he won the election and this is what the voters wanted.
I would agree that he did indeed win and it is what it is.
We could have conversations and debate the ideas and politics coming from the Federal Level. That was the good old days.
Now they seem to have forgotten all of that.
Trump won. The American people spoke and he won the election. This is how it is.
OH HELL NO!!!! Not to the same Democrat friends.
Trump is the devil. Trump supporters are the Devil. America didn't want this. We should impeach him. He is corrupt. Blah Blah Blah.
Civility no longer exists with these friends. They are right and if you disagree then you are a racist and part of the devil also.
I watch them lash out at other friends who disagree with them. Watch them call life long friends racist. Watch them demean longstanding friends.
You can't even engage them in conversation about it. They are right and everyone else is racist and the devil.
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Rep. Gwen Moore has no clue
Rep. Gwen Moore again showed how she doesn't have a clue what is going on. She just speaks the party line and really has no idea what she is talking about. She is uninformed and doesn't seem to care about actually getting informed on the issues.
Following President Trump's pick for Supreme Court she had this to say -
She then says Radical. What does Radical even mean? He doesn't change the laws, he decides cases based on the laws as they are written. Not sure what she is trying to say here.
Next is inexperienced. Well here is where she goes completely off the tracks. Inexperience? Really?
Just another Representative who has no clue and thinks that being an obstructionist and bogging down our system is good for the American People.
Following President Trump's pick for Supreme Court she had this to say -
JSOnline:First of all, she shouldn't be surprised. President Trump has had a list of people that he said he would pick from if a vacancy came open. Kavanaugh was on that list, so no surprise there.
Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Milwaukee): "Unsurprised @realDonaldTrump picks radical inexperienced SCOTUS nominee that believes Trump’s above the law. Kavanaugh should not be confirmed under any circumstances."
She then says Radical. What does Radical even mean? He doesn't change the laws, he decides cases based on the laws as they are written. Not sure what she is trying to say here.
Next is inexperienced. Well here is where she goes completely off the tracks. Inexperience? Really?
USA Today:Guess Gwen Moore missed all those qualifications along the way.
WASHINGTON — On paper, Brett Michael Kavanaugh may be the most qualified Supreme Court nominee in generations.Like Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Clarence Thomas, he has served on the second-most powerful court in the nation. Like Justices Anthony Kennedy, Stephen Breyer, Samuel Alito, Sonia Sotomayor and Neil Gorsuch, he brings more than a decade's experience as a federal appeals court judge. And like Justice Elena Kagan, he has worked at the side of a two-term president.But Kavanaugh's 12 years on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, combined with his Yale pedigree, Supreme Court clerkship under retiring Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy and top posts under President George W. Bush, give him a résumé the court's current justices can't match.
Just another Representative who has no clue and thinks that being an obstructionist and bogging down our system is good for the American People.
Friday, July 6, 2018
Connecticut Man gets 18 Months for Self Defense
Yeah. This makes total sense. WTF?
FOX News:
FOX News:
A Connecticut man who was assaulted by three juveniles while at work has been sentenced to prison for stabbing one of the attackers.The Connecticut Post reports 21-year-old Jeffrey Sumpter of Bridgeport received 18 months in jail Monday at a Stamford courthouse.The paper reported that Sumpter — who was convicted of felony first-degree assault — also will have to spend three years following his release on probation. If he breaks the law during that time, Sumpter could be made to serve all or part of a 42-month prison sentence.
Sumpter was working at a Dunkin’ Donuts in Norwalk last October when he was jumped by three males. During the assault, Sumpter stabbed one of them in the leg.
“I was defending myself,” Sumpter said during the hearing.
Judge John Blawie told Sumpter that he believed his version of events, but had to follow the letter of the law.
Under Connecticut law, assault victims cannot use deadly force if they are able to retreat from their attackers. By contrast, 27 states — most notably Florida — have passed so-called “stand-your-ground” laws, which entitle citizens to use force in self-defense if there is a reasonable belief of a threat.
Friday, June 29, 2018
Maxine Waters getting the treatment she Pushed for Trump
Maxine Waters is upset that she is being harassed and threatened.
Just less than a week ago Maxine Waters used her platform to encourage people to harass Trump Cabinet personnel.
The problem is that when you call for this type of treatment and push people you sure as hell can't complain when it comes back at you.
The Democrats and their Hollywood crowd are trying to fire up their people with outrageous speeches and crazy vulgar things. Then they get upset when supporters of the other side react.
Of course then they complain about how wrong they are and over the line and racist. No! Your over the top and over the line actions have elicited a similar reaction as yours. If you want to push the narrative then be prepared when it is pushed back. Both sides are wrong, but you can't complain when you yourself are part of the problem.
Both sides need to condemn this type of rhetoric and actions. There is no room for the treatment of people like this. The vile language of the Comedians calling Sarah Sanders names and the treatment she received at the Red Hen should have been condemned by both sides. The attacks on the DHS Secretary should have been condemned. Kathy Griffin should be chastised by both sides for her actions. Media outlets like MSN, MSNBC and CNN with their people calling names and attacking people should be called out and punished for their actions. April Ryan just a day or two ago chastised a Trump Supporter for claiming she got death threats. Calling her a liar. Robert DiNero saying Fuck You to President Trump. All of this is ok in the eyes of the left. They like to push this narrative and then cry when they get backlash. The backlash isn't good and it isn't acceptable. Neither is your actions and it only makes it much worse.
Just less than a week ago Maxine Waters used her platform to encourage people to harass Trump Cabinet personnel.
“If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”I thought her calls for harassing people were out of line and still do. I also think the treatment she is getting is completely uncalled for and over the line.
The problem is that when you call for this type of treatment and push people you sure as hell can't complain when it comes back at you.
The Democrats and their Hollywood crowd are trying to fire up their people with outrageous speeches and crazy vulgar things. Then they get upset when supporters of the other side react.
Of course then they complain about how wrong they are and over the line and racist. No! Your over the top and over the line actions have elicited a similar reaction as yours. If you want to push the narrative then be prepared when it is pushed back. Both sides are wrong, but you can't complain when you yourself are part of the problem.
Both sides need to condemn this type of rhetoric and actions. There is no room for the treatment of people like this. The vile language of the Comedians calling Sarah Sanders names and the treatment she received at the Red Hen should have been condemned by both sides. The attacks on the DHS Secretary should have been condemned. Kathy Griffin should be chastised by both sides for her actions. Media outlets like MSN, MSNBC and CNN with their people calling names and attacking people should be called out and punished for their actions. April Ryan just a day or two ago chastised a Trump Supporter for claiming she got death threats. Calling her a liar. Robert DiNero saying Fuck You to President Trump. All of this is ok in the eyes of the left. They like to push this narrative and then cry when they get backlash. The backlash isn't good and it isn't acceptable. Neither is your actions and it only makes it much worse.
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Democrats Daily Narrative Change not Working
The Democrats have no message for the American People. They have no plan yet for the midterm elections. They have no idea what to do to win.
The only plan they have had is to oppose Trump at every turn and hopefully the American People will side with them in the midterms. Hopefully. It isn't working yet.
Every day the narrative changes and they can't settle on a plan. They keep grasping at straws.
First the tax plan would be their rallying cry. It is a payout for the rich on the backs of the middle class and the poor. It will kill the economy and drive us into debt. That was their rallying cry. Vote Democrats and we will raise taxes and fix this. However the economy is stronger than it has been in many years, unemployment at historic lows and the median income for all groups is on the rise. This will not work well for the Democrats.
Time for something new.
Lets fight Trump on DACA. Lets rally behind the DACA Kids and that is what you will get if you elect Democrats. Trump called them out. Offered a plan to protect the DACA Kids and reform overall immigration. The Democrats turned their backs on the very people they were supposedly rallying around.
Time for something new.
North Korea. Trump and his rhetoric is leading us right into a nuclear war. They filled the TV Screens with how dangerous this is and how we are going to be at war soon. However Trump was able to turn it into a sit down with the North Korean Leader and has opened communication to try and stabilize that part of the world. Trump was praised around the world, but not by Democrats.
Time for something new.
Trade war with the world. We will stand with our Allies against our very own President. We will push to allow them to continue to unfairly treat our own American Workers and Companies. We will stand with them to punish us own people. We will see how this plays out, but it isn't looking good for the Democrats so far.
Time for something new.
Immigration. Oh my Lord Trump is separating families at the border. People who try to illegally enter the Country are being separated and held. This is inhumane and not what America is about. Trump is evil. Look at all these pictures. Oops. Many of the posted pictures were from the Obama Presidency and Obama did the same thing. Then it slowly filtered out that Obama did the exact same thing. It is how the law is written. Presidents are following the laws passed by Congress. Then Obama feeling the heat just opened the border to people coming in with kids. Which has now created the crisis we have now on the border. Trump responded with a push to reform the law and then holding the illegals but also wanted to keep the families together.
Time for something new.
The Supreme Court. Justice Kennedy is retiring. Oh no! There goes Roe v Wade. Trump is going to take away abortion rights for all women. Vote Democrat and lets stop this from happening. Never mind that a big part of the Republican base is in fully support of Abortion rights and the LGBT rights as well. We can scare everyone and convince them that Roe v Wade is over.
Time for Something new.
The Democrats have a few very big problems they have to overcome to create the big blue wave. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and California. Nancy and Chuck are what most Americans hate about Politicians. They may be able to win their elections at home, but the rest of America don't want them in power. This will hurt the chance for a blue wave. This will cost them votes.
Secondly, the issues in California will be of a huge detriment to the Democrats. The rhetoric that comes from the Hollywood elites, the Maxine Waters and the mess that the state of California has become is a perfect picture of Democrat values. This doesn't play well for the majority of America.
The only plan they have had is to oppose Trump at every turn and hopefully the American People will side with them in the midterms. Hopefully. It isn't working yet.
Every day the narrative changes and they can't settle on a plan. They keep grasping at straws.
First the tax plan would be their rallying cry. It is a payout for the rich on the backs of the middle class and the poor. It will kill the economy and drive us into debt. That was their rallying cry. Vote Democrats and we will raise taxes and fix this. However the economy is stronger than it has been in many years, unemployment at historic lows and the median income for all groups is on the rise. This will not work well for the Democrats.
Time for something new.
Lets fight Trump on DACA. Lets rally behind the DACA Kids and that is what you will get if you elect Democrats. Trump called them out. Offered a plan to protect the DACA Kids and reform overall immigration. The Democrats turned their backs on the very people they were supposedly rallying around.
Time for something new.
North Korea. Trump and his rhetoric is leading us right into a nuclear war. They filled the TV Screens with how dangerous this is and how we are going to be at war soon. However Trump was able to turn it into a sit down with the North Korean Leader and has opened communication to try and stabilize that part of the world. Trump was praised around the world, but not by Democrats.
Time for something new.
Trade war with the world. We will stand with our Allies against our very own President. We will push to allow them to continue to unfairly treat our own American Workers and Companies. We will stand with them to punish us own people. We will see how this plays out, but it isn't looking good for the Democrats so far.
Time for something new.
Immigration. Oh my Lord Trump is separating families at the border. People who try to illegally enter the Country are being separated and held. This is inhumane and not what America is about. Trump is evil. Look at all these pictures. Oops. Many of the posted pictures were from the Obama Presidency and Obama did the same thing. Then it slowly filtered out that Obama did the exact same thing. It is how the law is written. Presidents are following the laws passed by Congress. Then Obama feeling the heat just opened the border to people coming in with kids. Which has now created the crisis we have now on the border. Trump responded with a push to reform the law and then holding the illegals but also wanted to keep the families together.
Time for something new.
The Supreme Court. Justice Kennedy is retiring. Oh no! There goes Roe v Wade. Trump is going to take away abortion rights for all women. Vote Democrat and lets stop this from happening. Never mind that a big part of the Republican base is in fully support of Abortion rights and the LGBT rights as well. We can scare everyone and convince them that Roe v Wade is over.
Time for Something new.
The Democrats have a few very big problems they have to overcome to create the big blue wave. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and California. Nancy and Chuck are what most Americans hate about Politicians. They may be able to win their elections at home, but the rest of America don't want them in power. This will hurt the chance for a blue wave. This will cost them votes.
Secondly, the issues in California will be of a huge detriment to the Democrats. The rhetoric that comes from the Hollywood elites, the Maxine Waters and the mess that the state of California has become is a perfect picture of Democrat values. This doesn't play well for the majority of America.
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
The Truth about Trump and his Presidency
Trump is making all kinds of waves in Washington and around the world. Some Allies aren't happy, some Americans aren't happy, the left is in a complete meltdown and some Republicans aren't happy.
Trump is being Trump and people with Agenda's don't like it.
Trump is a businessman. He is all about getting things done. He doesn't care about people getting mad and he doesn't care about the politics. Something is wrong and it needs to be fixed.
Trump was attacked for his stance on North Korea. Warning the NK Leader that if he didn't stop his path of Nuclear weapons and threats to the United States and his neighbors he would face "Fire and Fury". It didn't take long for the NK Leader to realize the 8 years of Obama was over and he was dealing with someone who doesn't just talk a good game. Trump offered North Korea a chance at prosperity and growth in exchange for killing its Nuclear Weapons. Time will tell, but in less than 2 years Trump has put a decades long menace on a path away from trouble.
Trump has been working diligently and pushing congress to drain the swamp in the FBI and DOJ. It has become crystal clear that after 8 years that both organizations had been corrupted at the top by bias and politicized.
Trade and Allies. For years and years we have been paying tariffs to other countries. Even though they do not pay tariffs to us. Trump as a businessman was fully aware of this and recognized it as unfair and not in the best interest of America. Our so called Allies were unwilling to drop the tariffs and Trump responded by adding tariffs. They got a taste of their own medicine and are not happy about it. Trump is absolutely right, this is an easy fix and can be done in a day. Remove all tariffs and have open trade across the board.
Trump is taking on the immigration problem and again not looking at it through political eyes. The fix is easy and can be done rather quickly. Close off the border and force people to come in through our ports of entry. If we did that then most all the other problems can go away. A vast majority of the American Citizens are all for immigration just do it the right way. If we close the border and force people to use the ports, then that stops the human trafficking and allows immigration in a way that we can control it. Not really that difficult and makes absolutely no sense why people are against it. Trump also wants Congress to act to clean up the immigration system. Everyone in the country will tell you it is broke. President after President has illegally decided to not enforce the laws on the books and given Congress a pass on fixing it. Trump says no, his job is to enforce the laws and Congress must act to fix it. If you don't like the law then fix it.
Foreign policy is a whole new and welcome change for America. Trump realized as did most Americans that it was crazy ridiculous that we were the world peace keeper and paying the bill for it all. We drove up our debt to keep the peace around the world while everyone else benefits. The United Nations is funded mostly by the United States. Yet the United Nations rarely operated in the best interest of the United States. Trump, like most Americans, wasn't going to tolerate that and put the United Nations on notice. He also called out other Countries around the world to pay their fair share of the United Nations and NATO. We haven't refused to protect or help anyone. We just aren't going to be taken advantage of any longer. Trump is right and he isn't a politician.
The economy in the United States is on a roll like no one has seen in years. Trump has worked diligently to remove regulations and open the economic engine of America up. Obama has tried to take credit for it, but reality is, if Obama was still in charge we would still be slowly chugging along and not anywhere near where we are today. Big Government kills the economy. Getting the Government out of the way and you see what is happening.
Trump is a businessman and he solves problems. He doesn't kick them down the road and he doesn't tolerate inaction. That has rubbed a majority of the politicians the wrong way. They are not used to actually having to do their jobs. They are used to letting things just continue along as they are and never addressing the real issues in America. Trump wants action and pushes for action. That is what a majority of Americans want. Trump doesn't have all the answers, but he freely admits it. He wants Congress to solve the problems. He wants to help them.
Trump may not be someone that you agree with, but he is a President that has taken action like we haven't seen in years. Instead of standing in the way people should help solve the problems.
Oh wait. Can't do that because that will make him look good. Can't solve problems on his watch.
Trump is being Trump and people with Agenda's don't like it.
Trump is a businessman. He is all about getting things done. He doesn't care about people getting mad and he doesn't care about the politics. Something is wrong and it needs to be fixed.
Trump was attacked for his stance on North Korea. Warning the NK Leader that if he didn't stop his path of Nuclear weapons and threats to the United States and his neighbors he would face "Fire and Fury". It didn't take long for the NK Leader to realize the 8 years of Obama was over and he was dealing with someone who doesn't just talk a good game. Trump offered North Korea a chance at prosperity and growth in exchange for killing its Nuclear Weapons. Time will tell, but in less than 2 years Trump has put a decades long menace on a path away from trouble.
Trump has been working diligently and pushing congress to drain the swamp in the FBI and DOJ. It has become crystal clear that after 8 years that both organizations had been corrupted at the top by bias and politicized.
Trade and Allies. For years and years we have been paying tariffs to other countries. Even though they do not pay tariffs to us. Trump as a businessman was fully aware of this and recognized it as unfair and not in the best interest of America. Our so called Allies were unwilling to drop the tariffs and Trump responded by adding tariffs. They got a taste of their own medicine and are not happy about it. Trump is absolutely right, this is an easy fix and can be done in a day. Remove all tariffs and have open trade across the board.
Trump is taking on the immigration problem and again not looking at it through political eyes. The fix is easy and can be done rather quickly. Close off the border and force people to come in through our ports of entry. If we did that then most all the other problems can go away. A vast majority of the American Citizens are all for immigration just do it the right way. If we close the border and force people to use the ports, then that stops the human trafficking and allows immigration in a way that we can control it. Not really that difficult and makes absolutely no sense why people are against it. Trump also wants Congress to act to clean up the immigration system. Everyone in the country will tell you it is broke. President after President has illegally decided to not enforce the laws on the books and given Congress a pass on fixing it. Trump says no, his job is to enforce the laws and Congress must act to fix it. If you don't like the law then fix it.
Foreign policy is a whole new and welcome change for America. Trump realized as did most Americans that it was crazy ridiculous that we were the world peace keeper and paying the bill for it all. We drove up our debt to keep the peace around the world while everyone else benefits. The United Nations is funded mostly by the United States. Yet the United Nations rarely operated in the best interest of the United States. Trump, like most Americans, wasn't going to tolerate that and put the United Nations on notice. He also called out other Countries around the world to pay their fair share of the United Nations and NATO. We haven't refused to protect or help anyone. We just aren't going to be taken advantage of any longer. Trump is right and he isn't a politician.
The economy in the United States is on a roll like no one has seen in years. Trump has worked diligently to remove regulations and open the economic engine of America up. Obama has tried to take credit for it, but reality is, if Obama was still in charge we would still be slowly chugging along and not anywhere near where we are today. Big Government kills the economy. Getting the Government out of the way and you see what is happening.
Trump is a businessman and he solves problems. He doesn't kick them down the road and he doesn't tolerate inaction. That has rubbed a majority of the politicians the wrong way. They are not used to actually having to do their jobs. They are used to letting things just continue along as they are and never addressing the real issues in America. Trump wants action and pushes for action. That is what a majority of Americans want. Trump doesn't have all the answers, but he freely admits it. He wants Congress to solve the problems. He wants to help them.
Trump may not be someone that you agree with, but he is a President that has taken action like we haven't seen in years. Instead of standing in the way people should help solve the problems.
Oh wait. Can't do that because that will make him look good. Can't solve problems on his watch.
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
The Extreme Left is Leading us to a Civil War they can't win
People are fed up with Politicians and the Hollywood crowd. If you think I'm just biased then go look at the facts.
People like Maxine Waters and her calls for attacking Trump Cabinet members are leading to head to head confrontation. Supporters aren't going to sit idly by and watch the extreme left bully people for their beliefs and doing their jobs. It's absolutely ok to disagree with them, its ok to debate it, but when you resort to calling for them to followed and harassed, then you have crossed a line.
The comments you hear coming from Comedians, Actors, Actresses and Athletes is beyond appalling. Even a Democratic staffer yelling obscenities at the President in the Capitol.
This is beyond appalling and this is exactly why the Democrats and their supporters will fail to see the so called blue wave. People are fed up with this type of behavior. Yes it plays well with the extreme left, but not most of America.
Remember when one (1) Republican Representative yelled "you lie" at President Obama during the State of the Union Address? Both sides condemned him and he was forced to apologize. Well those days appear to be long gone and the rhetoric is just getting worse and worse.
The double standard is worse and worse. They complain about comments that Trump makes during his tweets (which I don't agree with either) yet they go to the extreme on the other side and justify it.
Most common sense people agreed that it wasn't right to not serve the couple in Colorado because of their beliefs. Some thought that the owner had the right to not make the cake, others thought you just make the cake and move on. The left was all up in arms and even the ACLU came to their defense to sue the bakery. The left boycotted the place. But then you turn to the double standard when a restaurant in Virginia refuses to serve a member of the Trump White House. The applaud them and throw their support behind them. No ACLU, No outrage. It's a double standard and the American People are tired of it.
You lose all credibility when you have double standards.
I don't think people necessarily are migrating to the Republicans because they have their own problems. I just think that common sense people are migrating away from the Democrats because of their distorted views, double standards and extreme discourse.
Eventually this will all come to a head. With the ramped up rhetoric coming from the left and the push for discourse will eventually explode. When one person goes beyond the bullying and harassment and injures or kills someone the Democrats will have a day of reckoning. They didn't learn when a gunman opened fire at the Capitol Hill Baseball practice. This is going to be bad and the backlash is going to be worse.
People like Maxine Waters and her calls for attacking Trump Cabinet members are leading to head to head confrontation. Supporters aren't going to sit idly by and watch the extreme left bully people for their beliefs and doing their jobs. It's absolutely ok to disagree with them, its ok to debate it, but when you resort to calling for them to followed and harassed, then you have crossed a line.
The comments you hear coming from Comedians, Actors, Actresses and Athletes is beyond appalling. Even a Democratic staffer yelling obscenities at the President in the Capitol.
This is beyond appalling and this is exactly why the Democrats and their supporters will fail to see the so called blue wave. People are fed up with this type of behavior. Yes it plays well with the extreme left, but not most of America.
Remember when one (1) Republican Representative yelled "you lie" at President Obama during the State of the Union Address? Both sides condemned him and he was forced to apologize. Well those days appear to be long gone and the rhetoric is just getting worse and worse.
The double standard is worse and worse. They complain about comments that Trump makes during his tweets (which I don't agree with either) yet they go to the extreme on the other side and justify it.
Most common sense people agreed that it wasn't right to not serve the couple in Colorado because of their beliefs. Some thought that the owner had the right to not make the cake, others thought you just make the cake and move on. The left was all up in arms and even the ACLU came to their defense to sue the bakery. The left boycotted the place. But then you turn to the double standard when a restaurant in Virginia refuses to serve a member of the Trump White House. The applaud them and throw their support behind them. No ACLU, No outrage. It's a double standard and the American People are tired of it.
You lose all credibility when you have double standards.
I don't think people necessarily are migrating to the Republicans because they have their own problems. I just think that common sense people are migrating away from the Democrats because of their distorted views, double standards and extreme discourse.
Eventually this will all come to a head. With the ramped up rhetoric coming from the left and the push for discourse will eventually explode. When one person goes beyond the bullying and harassment and injures or kills someone the Democrats will have a day of reckoning. They didn't learn when a gunman opened fire at the Capitol Hill Baseball practice. This is going to be bad and the backlash is going to be worse.
Friday, June 22, 2018
The Border and Kids - The Pictures don't always tell the Story
This picture became the face of the Zero Tolerance policy of the Trump Administration. The picture that showed kids being taken from the parents and separated at the border.
The only problem is that this picture and this story is completely false. The Photographer, Border Patrol Agent and the Child's Father all have chimed in.
CBS News:
The picture of a Honduran girl crying as she and her mother are detained in Texas has grabbed worldwide attention and come to symbolize the intense debate about separating children from their parents.
Time magazine put the young girl on this week's cover, but the Border Patrol agent involved in the dramatic scene says the photo might be a little misleading. That agent said the mother and daughter were never separated and are still together.
CBS News: (Photographer Statement)
"They're using it to symbolize a policy and that was not the case in this picture," Ruiz said. "It took less than two minutes. As soon as the search was finished, she immediately picked the girl up, and the girl immediately stopped crying."
Daily Mail: (Statement from Father)
In an exclusive interview with, Hernandez, who lives in Puerto Cortes, Honduras, says that he was told yesterday that his wife and child are being detained at a family residential center in Texas but are together and are doing 'fine.'
Typical for the Media and the Left in the United States, it is propaganda. You have to really dig to find the true story. Don't always just believe what they show you or tell you.
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Thank you Hollywood and Professional Athletes
I used to spend so much time watching TV and Sports. I used to look forward to movie night.
Those were the good days of just vegging out on the couch and enjoying some mindless entertainment.
Now my days and evenings are filled with getting out and spending time with friends, taking in the youth and HS sports around the area and I hardly ever turn on the TV for some cant miss sporting event unless its Hockey. The one sport that really still gets it.
Listening to all of these Hollywood Movie Stars and Athletes talk to me like I am some kind of idiot because I believe differently than them. To listen to them all get on their soap box and preach to me about how America should be. All the while they are living in their million dollar homes, driving their fancy cars and eating at the best restaurants and hotels money can buy.
Yep when you have all that money and influence you can pretty much do what you want and America must be the way you think it should be.
But what you forget is that it is us, the ones who don't have all that stuff that you got. By the way your welcome. It is us the American People that you call stupid, that gave that to you.
So for me, thank you. You saved me a lifetime of wasted time in front of the TV and watching you do that thing you do. Youth Sports is so much more fun to watch. No over priced whiners getting away with illegal plays because they are the Star. Just people playing the game because they love it. The way it should be. No more watching a Star make a career off of movies killing people with guns and then complaining about the gun violence. No more spending my money on a Star who thinks I am an idiot because I don't believe in the same things as they do.
Thank you for helping me see clearer.
These are the same people that had no problem with sexually harassing people until they did. The same people who allowed sexual predators to work along side them.
One last thing, you have the money and the means to live anywhere in the world, why if you are so unhappy here don't you exercise your right to move?
Those were the good days of just vegging out on the couch and enjoying some mindless entertainment.
Now my days and evenings are filled with getting out and spending time with friends, taking in the youth and HS sports around the area and I hardly ever turn on the TV for some cant miss sporting event unless its Hockey. The one sport that really still gets it.
Listening to all of these Hollywood Movie Stars and Athletes talk to me like I am some kind of idiot because I believe differently than them. To listen to them all get on their soap box and preach to me about how America should be. All the while they are living in their million dollar homes, driving their fancy cars and eating at the best restaurants and hotels money can buy.
Yep when you have all that money and influence you can pretty much do what you want and America must be the way you think it should be.
But what you forget is that it is us, the ones who don't have all that stuff that you got. By the way your welcome. It is us the American People that you call stupid, that gave that to you.
So for me, thank you. You saved me a lifetime of wasted time in front of the TV and watching you do that thing you do. Youth Sports is so much more fun to watch. No over priced whiners getting away with illegal plays because they are the Star. Just people playing the game because they love it. The way it should be. No more watching a Star make a career off of movies killing people with guns and then complaining about the gun violence. No more spending my money on a Star who thinks I am an idiot because I don't believe in the same things as they do.
Thank you for helping me see clearer.
These are the same people that had no problem with sexually harassing people until they did. The same people who allowed sexual predators to work along side them.
One last thing, you have the money and the means to live anywhere in the world, why if you are so unhappy here don't you exercise your right to move?
Tariffs on Allies?
Much has been made over President Trumps move to place tariffs on some of our allies.
Democrats and some Republicans like John McCain (I think he is a Democrat now) have come out strongly against the move by the President.
They all have one thing in common. They say that you don't charge tariffs on your friends.
I guess in Washington we just love to waste money and bend over for our friends. Maybe they really aren't our friends. These allies that the Dems and John McCain love so much. By their own rule of not charging tariffs on your friends. Because every single one of them charges us tariffs!
Yes it sure looks like President Trump struck a cord with many of these so called friends by charging them a tariff. However he also told them that he is only charging them what they charge us. If they want to get rid of all tariffs he is 100% behind that. But nope, they want to charge us the tariff they just are against being charged themselves. Nice friends we got.
Listen, I agree that it is bad politics to upset your friends. However Trump isn't a politician. He knows a bad deal when he sees it and this is most definitely a bad deal for America. He is only seeking to level the playing field and he also knows that in the end we are the ones that holds all the cards. Will these tariffs hurt the economy? To a small degree yes they will. It will create some problems in the short term. But in the long run, he will cripple the other Countries much much more and they will have to react. This will benefit us tremendously for generations to come. Trump knows that you have to call out even your friends when they are taking advantage of you.
Democrats and John McCain just don't get it. The American People understand people like Trump way more than they understand the Politicians. They think more like Trump than they think like a Politician.
Trump is getting a lot of things accomplished in Washington and the Politicians quite frankly are terrified. Things they told the American People couldn't be done, Trump is doing. Trump is using the American Dream playbook and getting it done. Not the Politician playbook of promise promise promise and do nothing.
Democrats and some Republicans like John McCain (I think he is a Democrat now) have come out strongly against the move by the President.
They all have one thing in common. They say that you don't charge tariffs on your friends.
I guess in Washington we just love to waste money and bend over for our friends. Maybe they really aren't our friends. These allies that the Dems and John McCain love so much. By their own rule of not charging tariffs on your friends. Because every single one of them charges us tariffs!
Yes it sure looks like President Trump struck a cord with many of these so called friends by charging them a tariff. However he also told them that he is only charging them what they charge us. If they want to get rid of all tariffs he is 100% behind that. But nope, they want to charge us the tariff they just are against being charged themselves. Nice friends we got.
Listen, I agree that it is bad politics to upset your friends. However Trump isn't a politician. He knows a bad deal when he sees it and this is most definitely a bad deal for America. He is only seeking to level the playing field and he also knows that in the end we are the ones that holds all the cards. Will these tariffs hurt the economy? To a small degree yes they will. It will create some problems in the short term. But in the long run, he will cripple the other Countries much much more and they will have to react. This will benefit us tremendously for generations to come. Trump knows that you have to call out even your friends when they are taking advantage of you.
Democrats and John McCain just don't get it. The American People understand people like Trump way more than they understand the Politicians. They think more like Trump than they think like a Politician.
Trump is getting a lot of things accomplished in Washington and the Politicians quite frankly are terrified. Things they told the American People couldn't be done, Trump is doing. Trump is using the American Dream playbook and getting it done. Not the Politician playbook of promise promise promise and do nothing.
Friday, June 1, 2018
MSN Grasping at Straws: Trump Violates Federal Rule
Trump tweeted at 7:21am "Looking forward to seeing the employment numbers at 8:30 this morning"
OMG!!!!! He Violated the Federal rule commenting on something before its release!!!!!
Are you being serious MSN? That is a statement about looking forward to seeing them released. Didn't comment on any content or give any data. No Federal Rule broken here. As a matter of fact, he stated the obvious that everyone already knew, the numbers were going to be released at 8:30am.
It never stops amazing me at the lengths that the left wing media will go to try and drum up some sort of controversy.
OMG!!!!! He Violated the Federal rule commenting on something before its release!!!!!
Are you being serious MSN? That is a statement about looking forward to seeing them released. Didn't comment on any content or give any data. No Federal Rule broken here. As a matter of fact, he stated the obvious that everyone already knew, the numbers were going to be released at 8:30am.
It never stops amazing me at the lengths that the left wing media will go to try and drum up some sort of controversy.
Monday, May 21, 2018
Russia Won the Presidential Election and Keeps Winning
With all of the talk about the Russians and the American Presidential elections, lets take a closer look at it.
Did the Russians really want Donald Trump to win the election? There is evidence that yes they did, there is also evidence that they wanted Clinton to win.
I personally don't think the Russians cared who won the election. They just wanted to undermine the election and whomever the next President was. Mission Accomplished.
If in fact the Russians were working with Donald Trump to get him elected, they sure didn't get a very good bang for their buck. Trump hasn't done anything to help the Russians or further their world agenda. That says a lot about this whole Russian Collusion story. In order for the narrative to work, Russia and Trump would be working together and that doesn't appear to be anywhere close to what is happening. Trump attacked Russian backed Syria, Trump backed out of the Russian backed Iranian deal and Trump has sanctioned Russia. If they were working together, the Russians have to be pretty angry that it didn't buy them anything.
However, if the goal of the Russians was to undermine the election and whomever the President was, they got more than their money's worth. Thanks to the Democrats and the Mainstream Media, Russia is enjoying it's hard work. They have created a narrative that even with no evidence the left and it's media allies keep pushing. Accomplishing the mission the Russians set out to accomplish.
Trump is being undermined by these people because of the Russians at every turn. They are doing the job for the Russians. The FBI and DOJ have fed right into it. The Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee funded the research to help the Russians. The FBI and DOJ is still to this day living off the data that Russia has supplied them to undermine the President and our Democracy.
The Russians have made a wise investment and the returns are never ending for them. They are winning and we are letting it happen.
Did the Russians really want Donald Trump to win the election? There is evidence that yes they did, there is also evidence that they wanted Clinton to win.
I personally don't think the Russians cared who won the election. They just wanted to undermine the election and whomever the next President was. Mission Accomplished.
If in fact the Russians were working with Donald Trump to get him elected, they sure didn't get a very good bang for their buck. Trump hasn't done anything to help the Russians or further their world agenda. That says a lot about this whole Russian Collusion story. In order for the narrative to work, Russia and Trump would be working together and that doesn't appear to be anywhere close to what is happening. Trump attacked Russian backed Syria, Trump backed out of the Russian backed Iranian deal and Trump has sanctioned Russia. If they were working together, the Russians have to be pretty angry that it didn't buy them anything.
However, if the goal of the Russians was to undermine the election and whomever the President was, they got more than their money's worth. Thanks to the Democrats and the Mainstream Media, Russia is enjoying it's hard work. They have created a narrative that even with no evidence the left and it's media allies keep pushing. Accomplishing the mission the Russians set out to accomplish.
Trump is being undermined by these people because of the Russians at every turn. They are doing the job for the Russians. The FBI and DOJ have fed right into it. The Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee funded the research to help the Russians. The FBI and DOJ is still to this day living off the data that Russia has supplied them to undermine the President and our Democracy.
The Russians have made a wise investment and the returns are never ending for them. They are winning and we are letting it happen.
Friday, May 11, 2018
Let's Fix the Electoral College
The Electoral College is an important part of picking our President and needs to stay in place. However it needs to be fixed in order to work the way that it was intended to work.
The Electoral College is suppose to give everyone a voice instead of just the big populated cities. Without the Electoral College places like Los Angeles would be more important than Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri and Wisconsin all combined. If a candidate could win the Los Angeles area he or she could get more votes than all those states combined. One city makes 5 states irrelevant. That is why the Electoral College exists and is important. So each state has a voice in the Presidency.
Look at what is happening in California right now to understand how the popular vote would destroy us. A vast part of California is fed up with how the state is governed and want to make their own state. They don't feel represented by the state government.
So now we know why the electoral college exists and why it is important. However it needs some fixing.
How are electoral votes disbursed to each state? You get one vote for each Congressman/woman for each state and 1 for each Senator. So for Wisconsin we have 8 Congressional Representatives and 2 Senators. (Each state gets 2 Senators) Wisconsin then is worth 10 electoral votes.
Right now many states have decided that the winner of the votes in the state get all the electoral votes for that state. So if you win Wisconsin by even 1 vote you get all 10 electoral votes for Wisconsin. Same for California and many other states. Actually only 2 states, Maine and Nebraska, divide the votes.
I propose that all states should divide their electoral votes. The states are broken up by Congressional districts already. During the election, for each Congressional District a Candidate wins they get that electoral vote. That would force Candidates to work the whole country to win the votes. Instead of just the big cities. Right now you only have to win the big cities to get the state and all the electoral votes for that state.
Lets look at California. California has 55 electoral votes. Hillary Clinton won the state with 62% of the votes. Donald Trump only got 32% of the votes. So it is reasonable to assume that 1/3 of the voters in California did not vote for Hillary Clinton. Yet every Electoral vote went for her in the Presidential election. Without spending hours breaking it down by Congressional District lets just assume and say Clinton gets 62% of the Electoral Votes and Trump gets 32%. Clinton would have only gotten 34 of the electoral votes and Trump would have gotten 17. Rough Math but you get the idea.
This would make every vote count much more so than how it is done now and also make every state count.
Lets look at the 2012 election. Obama beat Romney 332 votes to 206. A landslide victory that sounds like a mandate for Obama by the American People. But lets look closer. Here is the Electoral Votes map for 2012.
Now lets take a look at the same map factoring in Congressional districts.
Take a close look at Ohio and Pennsylvania. Obama won both of those states and took home a combined 38 electoral votes. But if you look at the state by Congressional District he didn't represent even close to the majority of the state. Only the bigger Metropolitan areas. The same can be said for Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, West Virginia, Florida, Colorado and New Mexico. The person getting the electoral votes did not represent a majority of the state, only the big cities.
If you look at the second map it sure doesn't show a mandate. It realistically doesn't even show how Obama won, except for knowing how the electoral votes are disbursed.
The big cities are deciding our President and the rest of America is forgotten.
The above map shows the last Presidential election. In the wake of the stunning loss by Hillary Clinton they call for the popular vote to be the only vote that matters. Trump lost that vote, but I don't think that you would fairly represent the majority of the United States if you said Clinton won.
The Electoral College is suppose to give everyone a voice instead of just the big populated cities. Without the Electoral College places like Los Angeles would be more important than Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri and Wisconsin all combined. If a candidate could win the Los Angeles area he or she could get more votes than all those states combined. One city makes 5 states irrelevant. That is why the Electoral College exists and is important. So each state has a voice in the Presidency.
Look at what is happening in California right now to understand how the popular vote would destroy us. A vast part of California is fed up with how the state is governed and want to make their own state. They don't feel represented by the state government.
So now we know why the electoral college exists and why it is important. However it needs some fixing.
How are electoral votes disbursed to each state? You get one vote for each Congressman/woman for each state and 1 for each Senator. So for Wisconsin we have 8 Congressional Representatives and 2 Senators. (Each state gets 2 Senators) Wisconsin then is worth 10 electoral votes.
Right now many states have decided that the winner of the votes in the state get all the electoral votes for that state. So if you win Wisconsin by even 1 vote you get all 10 electoral votes for Wisconsin. Same for California and many other states. Actually only 2 states, Maine and Nebraska, divide the votes.
I propose that all states should divide their electoral votes. The states are broken up by Congressional districts already. During the election, for each Congressional District a Candidate wins they get that electoral vote. That would force Candidates to work the whole country to win the votes. Instead of just the big cities. Right now you only have to win the big cities to get the state and all the electoral votes for that state.
Lets look at California. California has 55 electoral votes. Hillary Clinton won the state with 62% of the votes. Donald Trump only got 32% of the votes. So it is reasonable to assume that 1/3 of the voters in California did not vote for Hillary Clinton. Yet every Electoral vote went for her in the Presidential election. Without spending hours breaking it down by Congressional District lets just assume and say Clinton gets 62% of the Electoral Votes and Trump gets 32%. Clinton would have only gotten 34 of the electoral votes and Trump would have gotten 17. Rough Math but you get the idea.
This would make every vote count much more so than how it is done now and also make every state count.
Lets look at the 2012 election. Obama beat Romney 332 votes to 206. A landslide victory that sounds like a mandate for Obama by the American People. But lets look closer. Here is the Electoral Votes map for 2012.
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2012 Presidential Election |
Now lets take a look at the same map factoring in Congressional districts.
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2012 Presidential Election by Congressional Districts |
If you look at the second map it sure doesn't show a mandate. It realistically doesn't even show how Obama won, except for knowing how the electoral votes are disbursed.
The big cities are deciding our President and the rest of America is forgotten.
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2016 Presidential Election by Congressional Districts |
The above map shows the last Presidential election. In the wake of the stunning loss by Hillary Clinton they call for the popular vote to be the only vote that matters. Trump lost that vote, but I don't think that you would fairly represent the majority of the United States if you said Clinton won.
Thursday, May 10, 2018
University Professor Files Complaint about "Ladies Lingerie Joke"
I don't have a PHD and I don't pretend to understand the kinds of politics that are played on College Campuses and by the people that work there.
But can someone please educate me on how this all works?
Just a few weeks ago we had an Educator at Fresno talk about hating the Bush Family and how she can't wait for them all to die. Called them names and then posted the phone number for a suicide hotline that got inundated with calls.
That was protected speech and ok. No discipline.
Now we have another who is on a crowded elevator and when asked what floor, jokingly answers with "ladies lingerie". An old joke and quite funny honestly.
A Professor from Merrimack College in Massachusetts complains and this person now faces disciplinary action.
Are you really being serious? Yes.
This world has gone plain crazy.
But can someone please educate me on how this all works?
Just a few weeks ago we had an Educator at Fresno talk about hating the Bush Family and how she can't wait for them all to die. Called them names and then posted the phone number for a suicide hotline that got inundated with calls.
That was protected speech and ok. No discipline.
Now we have another who is on a crowded elevator and when asked what floor, jokingly answers with "ladies lingerie". An old joke and quite funny honestly.
A Professor from Merrimack College in Massachusetts complains and this person now faces disciplinary action.
Are you really being serious? Yes.
This world has gone plain crazy.
The Fall of John McCain
I was always a supporter of Sen. John McCain. I liked how he stayed out of the mess that was Washington and just went at getting things done.
When he ran for President, I liked a lot of what he talked about and thought maybe he was going to make a change with the Republican Party for the better.
Over the past couple of years I can definitively say that I am so very happy that he never won the Presidency and have never been more disappointed in a politician.
McCain has turned out to be just another Politician to me. He turned into a bitter person holding grudges and against the very party that he was suppose to represent.
He no longer represents the class and statemanship that he once represented to me.
I remember a conversation I had with someone during the election where he ran for President. I was fully behind McCain. I was told that I would be getting someone who doesn't represent the things I believe in. He is selling me a bill of goods, is what I was told.
Guess what, they were absolutely right. This man that I supported and this man that I thought was one of the best was selling me a bill of goods. It is so sad to see this happen and I feel bad that a man I once revered, not be that man I always thought he was.
I find myself torn between the pain of watching him go through all of his medical issues and the fondness for his family and the anger of realizing that I must have never really new the man I thought I had.
When he ran for President, I liked a lot of what he talked about and thought maybe he was going to make a change with the Republican Party for the better.
Over the past couple of years I can definitively say that I am so very happy that he never won the Presidency and have never been more disappointed in a politician.
McCain has turned out to be just another Politician to me. He turned into a bitter person holding grudges and against the very party that he was suppose to represent.
He no longer represents the class and statemanship that he once represented to me.
I remember a conversation I had with someone during the election where he ran for President. I was fully behind McCain. I was told that I would be getting someone who doesn't represent the things I believe in. He is selling me a bill of goods, is what I was told.
Guess what, they were absolutely right. This man that I supported and this man that I thought was one of the best was selling me a bill of goods. It is so sad to see this happen and I feel bad that a man I once revered, not be that man I always thought he was.
I find myself torn between the pain of watching him go through all of his medical issues and the fondness for his family and the anger of realizing that I must have never really new the man I thought I had.
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
MSN Takes Good News and Makes it Negative
Leave it to MSN to take good news and make it a Negative.
The Headline on MSN reads: Pomeo uses wrong surname for Kim Jong Un
The story titled: Oops! Mike Pompeo refers to North Koren leader Kim as 'Chairman Un'
OMG stop the world. Secretary of State has made a mistake. This is horrific.
To underscore the negative press MSN wants to give instead of focusing on the positive and the big story, the entire article with the exception of the last paragraph is fixated on the mistake.
What the true story should be about and only gets one paragraph is: Pompeo went to North Korea and finalized the meeting with Trump and is bringing home three American Citizens that had been being held by the North Koreans.
That is big news, except where the biased and left leaning anti-Trump media is concerned.
The Headline on MSN reads: Pomeo uses wrong surname for Kim Jong Un
The story titled: Oops! Mike Pompeo refers to North Koren leader Kim as 'Chairman Un'
OMG stop the world. Secretary of State has made a mistake. This is horrific.
To underscore the negative press MSN wants to give instead of focusing on the positive and the big story, the entire article with the exception of the last paragraph is fixated on the mistake.
What the true story should be about and only gets one paragraph is: Pompeo went to North Korea and finalized the meeting with Trump and is bringing home three American Citizens that had been being held by the North Koreans.
That is big news, except where the biased and left leaning anti-Trump media is concerned.
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Poor Kathy Griffin
Kathy Griffin who always thought she was a comedian put herself in a bad situation when she infamously took a picture of a bloody head resembling President Trump and posted it.
Since she has faced intense blowback and scrutiny. She blames everyone but herself and continues to do so.
She is now making claims of being on a kill list and receiving death threats. Which all seems pretty ironic for her to be upset about this. You did hold up the head resembling the President all bloody in an apparent attempt to look like you decapitated him. Yet you are upset about death threats? I am sure they are all joking around like you did.
She also is complaining about how hard it is to find jobs. She said people have a bad taste about her and wont hire her. I wonder where they could have gotten that bad taste or the lack of desire to hire her? Wonder why they would be concerned to have her perform at their events or venues? Not like she would do anything stupid.
But wait, it is Trump and the Right Wing Media's fault. She didn't do anything wrong.
Kathy, sorry but it appears that your 15 minutes are up, you have nobody to blame but yourself.
Since she has faced intense blowback and scrutiny. She blames everyone but herself and continues to do so.
She is now making claims of being on a kill list and receiving death threats. Which all seems pretty ironic for her to be upset about this. You did hold up the head resembling the President all bloody in an apparent attempt to look like you decapitated him. Yet you are upset about death threats? I am sure they are all joking around like you did.
She also is complaining about how hard it is to find jobs. She said people have a bad taste about her and wont hire her. I wonder where they could have gotten that bad taste or the lack of desire to hire her? Wonder why they would be concerned to have her perform at their events or venues? Not like she would do anything stupid.
But wait, it is Trump and the Right Wing Media's fault. She didn't do anything wrong.
Kathy, sorry but it appears that your 15 minutes are up, you have nobody to blame but yourself.
State Senator Lena Taylor uses Racial Slur, Says its not Offensive
State Senator Lena Taylor believes that there should be a double standard on racial slurs and also takes aim at the Milwaukee Police Department for their handling of her attack on a bank teller.
Lena Taylor said in an interview that she told a bank teller "You did a really good job today of acting like a good house nigger".
Reported by the Journal Sentinel Taylor went on to say that she was bothered that some considered it a racial slur. Seriously? What would you call it? If someone stoop up in the Senate Chambers and said that to Sen. Taylor would she consider that a racial slur?
The Journal reported that she believed it was ok to talk that way because both her and the person she was saying to were African-American.
You just have to shake your head. Here is a person who is constantly bringing up the Race issues in Milwaukee and then she uses this kind of language to attack another person and believes it is ok.
Then as if she hadn't done enough damage, se went on to complain that all the Police Officers at the bank were white and they made the matter worse. The Bank asked the Police to intervene.
Is it any wonder we have issues with race in Milwaukee? This is the type of leadership that we have.
Lena Taylor said in an interview that she told a bank teller "You did a really good job today of acting like a good house nigger".
Reported by the Journal Sentinel Taylor went on to say that she was bothered that some considered it a racial slur. Seriously? What would you call it? If someone stoop up in the Senate Chambers and said that to Sen. Taylor would she consider that a racial slur?
The Journal reported that she believed it was ok to talk that way because both her and the person she was saying to were African-American.
You just have to shake your head. Here is a person who is constantly bringing up the Race issues in Milwaukee and then she uses this kind of language to attack another person and believes it is ok.
Then as if she hadn't done enough damage, se went on to complain that all the Police Officers at the bank were white and they made the matter worse. The Bank asked the Police to intervene.
Is it any wonder we have issues with race in Milwaukee? This is the type of leadership that we have.
Saturday, May 5, 2018
John Kerry Should be Prosecuted
former Secretary of State of John Kerry has reportedly been meeting with foreign leaders and negotiating to save the Iranian deal.
Reports say that he has met several times with Iranian leadership as well as Germany and France.
It is time for this type of behavior to be prosecuted. He forgets that his days as a representative for the United States is over. He also forgets how upset he was when others intervened on behalf of the United States when he was negotiating the Iran deal.
This is illegal.
Democrats and the left are all up in arms about supposed Trump working with the Russians to undermine the election, but seem to be ok with Kerry working with Iran to undermine the United States. Complete double standard.
Reports say that he has met several times with Iranian leadership as well as Germany and France.
It is time for this type of behavior to be prosecuted. He forgets that his days as a representative for the United States is over. He also forgets how upset he was when others intervened on behalf of the United States when he was negotiating the Iran deal.
This is illegal.
Democrats and the left are all up in arms about supposed Trump working with the Russians to undermine the election, but seem to be ok with Kerry working with Iran to undermine the United States. Complete double standard.
Friday, May 4, 2018
CNN Reporter Misquotes Trump Press Secretary Calling it Street and Gutter Talk
CNN Reporter April Ryan is the latest in a long of CNN reporters to try to make something out of nothing.
April Ryan claimed that Press Secretary Sanders said "You don't know me" after Ryan posed a question to her. Ryan then went on to declare those as fighting words.
FOX News:
However the CNN Reporter as usual got the facts wrong and was simply make stuff up to make it something it never was.
What actually happened was Ryan asked Sanders a question in the briefing accusing the Press Secretary of being blindside by the comments that Giuliani had made in the press. Sanders responded to Ryan
FOX News:
Nice try April Ryan and the No News Network.
For the Record, My Money would go on Sanders. :)
April Ryan claimed that Press Secretary Sanders said "You don't know me" after Ryan posed a question to her. Ryan then went on to declare those as fighting words.
FOX News:
“For Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the presidential spokesperson, the mouthpiece for the President of the United States, to say, ‘You don’t know me,’ in certain quarters in this nation, that starts a physical fight,” Ryan said. “I was very shocked. It was street. I will even go beyond that, it was gutter.”
However the CNN Reporter as usual got the facts wrong and was simply make stuff up to make it something it never was.
What actually happened was Ryan asked Sanders a question in the briefing accusing the Press Secretary of being blindside by the comments that Giuliani had made in the press. Sanders responded to Ryan
FOX News:
“Well, with all due respect, you actually don’t know much about me in terms of what I feel and what I don't.”
Nice try April Ryan and the No News Network.
For the Record, My Money would go on Sanders. :)
Lawsuit Nation - Jake Maser Sues in NJ over Coach Telling him to slide
This is just another instance of people out to sue for every and any reason out there.
Jake Maser filed a lawsuit against the Coach and the School Board over his injury because the coach told him to slide on a close play during a JV High School baseball game.
Maser who graduated in 2016 graduate, but was reportedly a freshman at the time, was playing in a game and hit a ball into the outfield. Maser was trying to leg out a triple. The outfield was throwing the ball to third as Maser was running and the coach told Maser to slide. Maser's cleat dug into the dirt and rolled his ankle requiring surgery.
Maser in his suit claims that the Coach and the School Board were Reckless.
No son, this is called life. Sometimes bad things just happen.
In my opinion the Coach should counter sue the player for the emotional stress that he has been put under because of the recklessness of the player and his actions. If the player would have hit a homerun then there would have been no need to slide. If the player would have struck out then he wouldn't have gotten hurt. If the player would have hit a pop fly then this wouldn't have happened. If the player wouldn't have gone out for baseball then the coach wouldn't have to go through this.
Sometimes things just happen with no fault to anyone and this young man needs to learn that.
The Judge dismissed this case once and an appellate court said he had to here the evidence first before dismissing. I hope the Judge dismisses again and this young man can get a lesson in how much it costs to bring frivolous lawsuits.
Jake Maser filed a lawsuit against the Coach and the School Board over his injury because the coach told him to slide on a close play during a JV High School baseball game.
Maser who graduated in 2016 graduate, but was reportedly a freshman at the time, was playing in a game and hit a ball into the outfield. Maser was trying to leg out a triple. The outfield was throwing the ball to third as Maser was running and the coach told Maser to slide. Maser's cleat dug into the dirt and rolled his ankle requiring surgery.
Maser in his suit claims that the Coach and the School Board were Reckless.
No son, this is called life. Sometimes bad things just happen.
In my opinion the Coach should counter sue the player for the emotional stress that he has been put under because of the recklessness of the player and his actions. If the player would have hit a homerun then there would have been no need to slide. If the player would have struck out then he wouldn't have gotten hurt. If the player would have hit a pop fly then this wouldn't have happened. If the player wouldn't have gone out for baseball then the coach wouldn't have to go through this.
Sometimes things just happen with no fault to anyone and this young man needs to learn that.
The Judge dismissed this case once and an appellate court said he had to here the evidence first before dismissing. I hope the Judge dismisses again and this young man can get a lesson in how much it costs to bring frivolous lawsuits.
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Who is Paul Begala?
Paul Begala is your typical Democrat. He is a strategist and of course a commentator for CNN. He worked with Bill Clinton and also on Pro-Hillary PAC.
What makes him so typical, just read or listen to his comments. He talks about President Trump with hate and calls out Trump for his name calling and actions, then turns around and does the same thing.
That is the Typical Democrat. They say things like "His penchant for third-grade nicknames undoubtedly demeans the discourse" but then they will turn around call him names in the next breath.
I read an opinion piece in CNN that Paul Begala wrote and it didn't take long to figure out that he fits right in with the I Hate Trump crowd and will bash him for everything he does while at the same time doing it.
Of course in Paul Begala's mind Clinton was the perfect President. Smart and brought out the best in everyone around him. He sure brought out the best in Monica Lewinski, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, Carolyn Moffet, Christy Zercher, Eileen Wellstone and Sandra Allen James. He made them better people.
The Democrats haven't figured out the Independent voters yet. Many of those voters don't like how Trump does some things as well. However they are sick of Democrats telling us how to vote and what we should think. Democrats also don't seem to think we notice that while they bash Trump for those actions, Democrats and their media are doing the exact same thing. You can't turn on the news without some talking head calling Trump names and going to the extreme. We are tired of it. So we are tuned out to the Democrats.
People like Paul Begala is just another in that list. He made some very good points at the end of the article, but I was pretty put off by his attitude in the rest of it to even care what he had to say when he actually made sense.
What makes him so typical, just read or listen to his comments. He talks about President Trump with hate and calls out Trump for his name calling and actions, then turns around and does the same thing.
That is the Typical Democrat. They say things like "His penchant for third-grade nicknames undoubtedly demeans the discourse" but then they will turn around call him names in the next breath.
I read an opinion piece in CNN that Paul Begala wrote and it didn't take long to figure out that he fits right in with the I Hate Trump crowd and will bash him for everything he does while at the same time doing it.
Of course in Paul Begala's mind Clinton was the perfect President. Smart and brought out the best in everyone around him. He sure brought out the best in Monica Lewinski, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, Carolyn Moffet, Christy Zercher, Eileen Wellstone and Sandra Allen James. He made them better people.
The Democrats haven't figured out the Independent voters yet. Many of those voters don't like how Trump does some things as well. However they are sick of Democrats telling us how to vote and what we should think. Democrats also don't seem to think we notice that while they bash Trump for those actions, Democrats and their media are doing the exact same thing. You can't turn on the news without some talking head calling Trump names and going to the extreme. We are tired of it. So we are tuned out to the Democrats.
People like Paul Begala is just another in that list. He made some very good points at the end of the article, but I was pretty put off by his attitude in the rest of it to even care what he had to say when he actually made sense.
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