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Friday, November 28, 2014

Milwaukee Alderman Joe Davis Joins Streetcar Referendum Battle

Milwaukee Alderman Joe Davis has joined in the fight to bring the Streetcar to a referendum of the voters.  He has joined Bob Donovan in asking that this go to the voters to decide.

Right Wisconsin:

Clearly, the bulk of the ridership data for the current transit system is from the north and near south side of the City of Milwaukee where there is a heavy population of Latinos and African Americans. Data also shows that the majority of transit ridership uses public transportation for employment purposes, not for tourism or luxury. As a former Milwaukee County Supervisor, I had the pleasure of being mentored on this issue by former County Supervisor James White, and advised by County Supervisor Michael Mayo, the past and present chairs of Milwaukee County’s Transportation, Public Works, and Transit Committee. To continue on this path of hypothetical transit ridership is dangerous and emulates a failed past.

The seasonal trolleys that were supposed to increase transit ridership downtown have not met their much ballyhooed projections, and are always nearly empty when I see them go by. Now we are pursuing an even more expensive system with the intent of tearing up our public infrastructure without a long term maintenance plan (oh I forgot, put it on the taxpayer!). In addition to the long term cost of maintenance, we have no operator selected, there will be vertical easements required, and the taxpayers are asked to foot the bill by creating a TIF district to cover the cost of relocating utilities that the State has required the City to pay. Coupled with unreasonable revenue projections, this can become dangerously expensive, all while other parts of the city continue to deteriorate.

So because the public will potentially have to foot the bill on this risky endeavor, I say let our citizens decide whether to pay the cost of this "Streetcar Named Ego."

Now We Find Out Obama's Action Puts Hiring Illegals Ahead of Americans

News came out this week that one of the quirks in the action that Obama took would make it more beneficial to employers to hire people who fall under the new immigration order than to hire citizens.

Washington Times:

Under the president’s new amnesty, businesses will have a $3,000-per-employee incentive to hire illegal immigrants over native-born workers because of a quirk of Obamacare.
President Obama’s temporary amnesty, which lasts three years, declares up to 5 million illegal immigrants to be lawfully in the country and eligible for work permits, but it still deems them ineligible for public benefits such as buying insurance on Obamacare’s health exchanges.

Under the Affordable Care Act, that means businesses who hire them won’t have to pay a penalty for not providing them health coverage — making them $3,000 more attractive than a similar native-born worker, whom the business by law would have to cover.
 I am sure that this will most definitely help the economy and the unemployment situation in the United States.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Milwaukee's Own Ferguson Moment

Milwaukee has a case pending that has strong similarities to the Ferguson Case.  This happened in April and the case is still pending.

JS Online:

The Milwaukee County district attorney's office this week is reviewing the final report compiled by state investigators about the fatal shooting of Dontre Hamilton, who was killed by a Milwaukee police officer at Red Arrow Park.

The district attorney's office received the report from the Wisconsin Department of Justice Division of Criminal Investigation on Friday, Chief Deputy District Attorney Kent Lovern said Wednesday.
"We are reviewing that report this week, but I cannot project at this point when a decision will be made," Lovern said in an email.

Hamilton, 31, was shot and killed by a Milwaukee police officer April 30 near the Starbucks at Red Arrow Park during a confrontation in which the officer said Hamilton became combative.

The case has yet to be decided by the Milwaukee DA.

This case could set off another round of Race issues across the Country.  Supporters of Dontre Hamilton have used the Ferguson Case to push their case.  The last couple of nights they have gathered to protest.  Last night the Protests turned more aggressive and  resulted in injury to Police Personnel. 

Protesters of Ferguson Decision Pick Wrong Case

The Grand Jury decision not to indict the Police Officer in Ferguson, Missouri has set off a round of riots not only in Ferguson, but across the nation.

The problem is, the people behind the rioting have picked the wrong case to make their stand.  They have picked a case that for anyone that takes 10 minutes to read the evidence and interviews can see was built around false statements to the media and Black Leaders.  The reports that we all heard in the immediate aftermath have been proven to be false and proven false without a shred of doubt.

There have also been additional reports and photos of the Victim that have come out that have changed the narrative to the normal everyday onlooker.  The two men that the Officer stopped were in fact just involved in an altercation at a store for stealing and assault.

This case doesn't support the narrative that so many in the Black Community wish for us to follow.

They have picked the wrong case and are losing support and setting back the cause.

The Below Video gives us all something to think about with the Ferguson Case.

The Truth About Michael Brown and the Ferguson Riots by Stefan Molyneux

Milwaukee Police Chief Tells it Like it Is

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

It Takes Time but Obama Gets There

It took almost 24 hours for Obama to show leadership on Ferguson.

Speaking in Chicago where he is to push his Immigration Agenda, Obama finally came out with strong words for the people creating issues in Ferguson.

I guess the Missouri Governor takes time also, as today we finally got a glimpse of the National Guard Troops that were deployed a while back.

Should Milwaukee Have a Street Car?

I had to work really hard to control my laughter when I noticed that the Journal Sentinel ran a poll to see what percentage would ride a street car in Milwaukee if it got built. 

I had to see the results.

64% said no and 33% said yes. 

Yep, that sounds about right.  However that same 64% will most likely be relied upon to pay for it for the other 33%.

Failed Leadership and Media Make Matters Worse in Ferguson

Shortly after the Verdict was released in Ferguson, Missouri there was no shortage of opinions coming in from so called Leaders and the Media. The problem is that they did little to nothing to help stem the violence that followed.  They did little to nothing to provide direction. 

The Democratic Prosecutor in St Louis County has held his position since 1991.  He did an outstanding job of laying out the decision of the Grand Jury.  He not only relayed the decision, but he explained how they came to that decision. 

For a list of the Documents and Testimony (Click Here)

The problem that we have is the severe lack of Leadership on behalf of the Local, State and Federal Leaders.  The President decided to go on TV and make an announcement, but did nothing to stem the following violence.  He took less than a minute to call for calm, then spent the rest of the time calling on the Police to change how they do things and to preach to all of us about Race.  This was not leadership.  It was painfully obvious he disagreed with the verdict.  He should have condemned the violence and rioting.  He should have called on leadership in the Black Community to condemn the violence.  Nothing. 

As the events unfolded I watched most of the Cable News Channels and found it appalling that some of these channels were literally justifying the violent actions.  Blaming the Grand Jury and the Police.

I just sat there stunned at all of this.  I just kept thinking that it shouldn't matter what the verdict was, what these people are doing is not OK.  It shouldn't be tolerated.  How can anyone sit there and justify this?

The President and some of the Media spent the better part of the night preaching about racism.  Preaching to us that this was all about Race.  I am 100% sure that the Grand Jury knew that this was going to spark criticism and that there verdict was going to lead to violence.  Yet they still did their job and came to the conclusion they did in the face of that threat.

True Leadership doesn't matter about Race.  The reaction of some of these people is not OK.  Violence and Chaos is not OK.  It should be condemned and should never be justified.  That is not a Race issue.

Media Not Helping in Ferguson Missouri

Watching the events unfolding in Ferguson, Missouri on the news and I am just simply amazed at the media coverage.

These so called News Outlets justifying the actions of the protesters.

Are you out of your mind?

What justification can you have for people destroying buildings and propert?  Starting fires and trying to hurt people?

This is property of people who had nothing to do with any of it, and MSNBC is trying to justify it.

What has happen to real news and what has happened to common sense?  It just isn't common anymore!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Ferguson Grand Jury - No Indictment

The Grand Jury had a tough decision to make. With the whole Country watching and waiting on a decision to come down. 

I am sure that the weight of all of this really weighed on them. 

They rendered their decision of no indictment and you can be sure that they didn't take that decision lightly. 

Now we will all watch to see how the decision is taken by not only the people in and around Ferguson, but the whole Country. 

Democrats Should Watch for this Name - Jim Webb

Every one on the Democratic side have been pointing towards Hillary Clinton as the Heir Apparent to Obama, but not so fast.

Democrats and Republicans alike should be watching for Democrat Jim Webb.  This guy has formed an exploratory team to challenge for the Democratic Nomination in 2016 and he may just have what is needed to not only take down the Hillary Lovers, but may be the Democrats best shot at saving the White House.

At first look, he will draw a lot of the Moderate Democrats and maybe some Independents. 

His first announcements were not necessarily in line with the Democratic establishment.  He blasted the failure of Transparency and Leadership in Washington.  He has moderate maybe even somewhat conservative stances on Gun Rights, Immigration and the Military.

FOX News:

A Marine Corps veteran, Webb, 68, earned two Purple Hearts, the Navy Cross, a Silver Star and two Bronze Stars in Vietnam. He is considered a blunt, independent-minded Democrat who is conservative on issues like gun rights, immigration and the military. But he is cautious on the use of military force overseas and he wields more of a progressive — if not populist — message on prison reform, income equality and reducing poverty.

He received a law degree at Georgetown University after Vietnam and authored several critically acclaimed war novels before serving as secretary of the Navy under President Ronald Reagan in 1987-88, a position he resigned from in protest of budget cuts.
This is someone to watch as things start heating up for the 2016 Presidential run.

Milwaukee StreetCar Should Go to a Referendum

Milwaukee Ald. Bob Donovan believes the citizens of Milwaukee should have a chance to have their voices heard.  He is planning a petition drive that would create a binding referendum to be sent to the citizens so they can have the final say in the StreetCar Debate.

The Mayor has been pushing for the Street Car, even harder now as the cost has skyrocketed to over $110 Million. 

Donovan is absolutely right when he asked the Mayor and the Supporters of the project when he said “I ask my colleagues and I ask the mayor, ‘What is wrong with giving the people the chance to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the streetcar project?”'

Why not?

SNL Skit on Obama Executive Order