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Friday, June 13, 2014

Forget Chicago's Crime Problem, Trump Sign is Too Big

Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel must have forgotten that Chicago has a major crime problem, street problem and financial problem.  He is really up in arms upset at the size of the sign that Trump has put up on his building.

Really?  This is something that the Mayor of Chicago is upset about enough to be utilizing city resources to see if he can get it taken down?  They aren't busy enough in Chicago trying to solve the crime problem?  Trying to fix the streets?  Trying to solve the finances?  They need to worry about a sign?  A sign that was approved by all the proper authorities.  This is what the Mayor is worried about?

I guess I now understand the article that I read the other day claiming that Emanuel is in an uphill battle to keep his job in the next election.

You Gotta Give it to Don Sterling, Not going Quietly

L.A. Clipper owner Don Sterling has decided to fight fire with fire.  Not willing to go quietly he is preparing to take down as many owners and league officials as possible with him.

After the NBA Commissioner decided to fine Sterling $2.5 million, ban him for life and has been leading a charge to force him to sell his team because of comments that he made to his girlfriend in private and illegally recorded became public.

I think most people would agree that the comments didn't show Sterling in the best light.  But does this give the NBA the right to punish him in the way that it has tried to do so?

Sterling is going to fight back.  Fighting back he is.  He has hired an army of investigators and their sole job is to go out and dig up as much dirt as they can on NBA Commissioners both current and former and team owners.  He is going to air out everyone's dirty laundry in this process.  He is going to take the pedestal out from under as many as he can.

If he can find even one other instance of similar circumstances this will throw the whole league into mayhem.  Let alone if he finds multiple instances.  The league has tried to set a president of how it will handle situations of this magnitude and will have to follow suit on additional situations.  This could cost the league dearly.

That is what Sterling is betting on.

Clinton Claims they were Broke while making $12 Million a year

Hillary Clinton must have a totally different definition of broke than the rest of us. 

She has claimed that when Bill left the White House they were broke and in debt.  To be fair they were in debt with a series of legal bills.  But broke?

I guess being broke means that they could only afford to buy a 5 bedroom house in New York and bringing in $12 Million a year doesn't count.  If that is considered Broke, Count me in.  I want to be broke.  I want to be broke and out of the middle class.  I want to be broke and making more in a month than I make in 10 years.  I want to be broke. 

Thank you Mrs. Clinton for showing me that the new broke is way better than being in the middle class.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Paul Ryan rips into Obama in Speech

Paul Ryan has never shied away from speaking his mind.  On Wednesday he didn't either.  Calling out the President for being weak on the world stage.  "Our friends think we're adrift, our rivals think we're sinking, our credibility is at risk, and so with it, our security," Paul Ryan said.

He isn't wrong.  We are adrift.  We are sinking.  We have little credibility left.  We are so much less safe now than when Obama took office.  All of those things are very much correct.

If you doubt them just take a quick look around the world.  Russia had no fear of the United States.  We threatened them and did very little when they ignored our threats.  Syria.  Obama drew a line and when they crossed it, we simply drew another one.  Obama picked now to decide to negotiate with a terrorist organization and return terrorist back to the battlefield in an ever increasing dangerous time. 

Are we sinking?  I don't know, but it sure seems that way.  We have more people living below the poverty line than ever.  Our Economy if recovering is doing so at a snails pace.  We are in debt up to our eyeballs and we are spending more than ever before.  Does anyone really think the outlook for America is full of Rainbows and a pot of gold?

Under the Obama Administration we have cut our Military severely all the while increasing our spending on entitlements.  In a world where things are only getting more and more dangerous we are cutting our security blanket. 

Al Qaeda Militants Seize another City in Iraq

Al Qaeda militants continued their march to control Iraq taking control of the city of Tikrit.

Iraq is quickly becoming very unstable and Al Qaeda backed militants are taking more and more control over the country.

Botched ATF Operation in Milwaukee has no Resolution

Over a year after the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ran an investigative report on the ATF's operation in Milwaukee called Operation Fearless, Congressional leaders are asking who was punished?

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

The Journal Sentinel investigation found that during the Milwaukee sting an agent's guns were stolen, including a machine gun, which has not been found. Agents used a mentally disabled man to promote the operation and then arrested him.

Four of the wrong people were arrested, felons were allowed to leave the store armed, and the operation was burglarized — among other problems.

 Now a year later and there is no indication that anyone was held accountable.  Congressional members have sent a letter asking for answers.  Below is a list of members who have signed the letter.

U.S. Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa)
U.S. Rep. Darrell E. Issa (R-Calif.)
U.S. Rep. Robert Goodlatte (R-Va.)
U.S. Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.)

For more information on this story see the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (Click Here)

Al Qaeda Uprising in Iraq a precursor for Afghanistan

Al Qaeda backed forces in Iraq are making big gains and have taken over the second largest city in the country. 

Just over two years ago Obama hailed the withdraw of all Military forces from Iraq just as we are planning to do in Afghanistan.  Now we are seeing a resurgence of Al Qaeda backed forces.

Is this a precursor of what is going to happen in Afghanistan?  We just released 5 of the top Taliban terrorist and are planning on withdrawing our forces.  Are we going to see the same resurgence?

This makes everything that we gained in the wars null and void.  It also makes the sacrifices made on the battlefield and at home for nothing.  Is this making us safer today than we were?

Tea Party Win in VA Shocks Capitol Hill

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor had little reason to doubt that he was going to cruise through the primary yesterday.  His internal polling had him ahead by some 30+ points and no one, and I mean no one even thought the race would be close.  Cantor had outspent his opponent $5 Million to $200 thousand.  He had out raised him 25-1.

However the voters had different thoughts.  Dave Brat not only beat Cantor, but he beat him by almost 10 points.  That is a butt whipping. 

Dave Brat is a Tea Party backed candidate.  Many in the political landscape didn't give the Tea Party much of a chance this election cycle.  This morning I think they are rethinking that.

Many people believe that this beat down hinged on immigration.  The news has been full of the huge wave of kids coming across the border of late.  It is believed that they are coming across in such huge numbers because of the idea that Obama and others have been floating about giving amnesty to kids.  Cantor was involved in this discussion and it may have cost him his job.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Wisconsin GAB Has Allowed Gary George to Challenge Gwen Moore

Former State Senator Gary George who was recalled from his State Senate seat in 2003 and later convicted on a Felony count of defrauding the government.  He had been indicted on counts two counts of defrauding the government and accepting kickbacks. 

Now he will challenge Gwen Moore for the U.S. Representative Seat. 

This should be an interesting primary.

Clinton's Broke?

Hillary Clinton seems to be positioning herself for the campaign by trying to convince the American People that she understands being broke and scraping to get by.

I am amazed that people actually believe this type of BS from politicians.  It must be nice to have income coming in well into the 6-7 figures and own multiple homes, have hired staff running around and still believe that you are like all of us in the Middle Class.

I wish that I had several hundred thousands coming in for a pension, could go make millions speaking and earning millions off of books.  Maybe then I could afford more homes and could be dead broke and in debt like the Clintons. 

Unfortunately I feel broke and am in debt.  I can't go make a speech that will pay off my house, collect an advance on a book to pay off multiple houses.

Oh and they had to work doubly hard because of the taxes.  Those unbelievable taxes.  Who raised those taxes? 

Yep.  I feel so sorry for everything they have gone through.  They sure are just like me. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Mary Burke Disputes Uihlein Account

Candidate for Governor of Wisconsin Mary Burke has decided to fire a shot at Uihlein after he disputed her account of being a key player in bringing Uihlein's company to Wisconsin.

Of course it took her 8 months to dig up two emails she says proves she was a key player in getting the company to move to Wisconsin.  Really? 8 Months and all you got is two emails?

Uihlein still says that he had no idea who she was and she had no bearing in the decision to move. 

It is not unusual for politicians to take credit for things that they have nothing to do with or play a minor role in.  Ala Al Gore and the Internet?

Mary Burke is grasping for straws to make her look good.  I guess when the people who made the decision to move disagree with your account and dispute that you were the key player then you have another problem. 

Obama Downgrading America World Wide

The Obama White House has downgraded America around the World.  He has made the rounds apologizing for everything that we have accomplished in the last 200+ years.

Many of our allies are not near as close as they once were and many of them have really put some distance between themselves and us. 

He has made blunder after blunder in foreign policy making the US less safe and the World less safe.  He has under estimated countries like North Korea, Iran and Russia.  Many of our allies simply don't trust the U.S. and don't feel confident that we have their back.  That is a problem.

His latest blunders have done nothing to help.  First he decided to negotiate with terrorist which was a mistake in itself, but during those negotiations he agreed to let 5 of the most dangerous terrorist in world loose.  To return to the war on western interests.  Not only making us less safe, but many of our allies.  What have we been fighting for all these years?

Then at the D-Day event he showed a total lack of respect.  Chomping his gum and looking all happy.  It is a somber event.  Many foreigners were not at all happy with the display of disrespect that the President of the United States displayed.

Along with the Domestic failures of this Administration and the cover ups and severe lack of transparency we have a major problem around the world.  The next President will have to follow in Obama's footsteps and go on a World Apology Tour.  This time apologizing for what the current President did and start rebuilding our reputation around the globe.