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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Remember When ESPN was a Sports Network

ESPN has forgotten that it is a sports network apparently.  Continually wading into politics.

Several of their hosts and reporters just can't help themselves but to jump into the realm of politics and taking shots at the President.

You are a sports network and should stick to talking about sports.  The scores, highlights, injuries, trades and cuts.  Plenty of stuff to talk about without trying to get into the politics.

Right now most polls show the President with between a 44-46% approval rating.  So for a sports network to be alienating roughly 45% of their audience just isn't smart business.

The latest comes with ESPN's Max Kellerman apparently angry that Tiger Woods thinks that people need to respect the Office of the President.  It apparently made Max "Angry".

Well Max Tiger Woods is absolutely correct.  Up until the Democrats lost and you along with your twisted friends decided that civility was out the window, that is exactly what every American was taught and that was the standard.

It never has mattered who the person was occupying the office, the office itself demanded respect.

Boy oh boy remember when Obama got called a liar by a Congressman?  The Democrats along with Republicans came out in force against them.  The conversation of Respect for the Office was demanded.

Now Democrats and friends of the Democrats have forgotten that whole thing.  They have forgotten about civility.

ESPN apparently has decided that after years of success in reporting and covering sports, that they are now going to dive into politics.  They are going to alienate a large portion of their viewers.

Well good luck.  Yet another channel that I won't be watching.  I turn it on to get away from all the craziness in politics and you want to take that away from me.  Thank goodness that there are other sports channels to watch now.  Good bye, ESPN.