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Friday, May 2, 2014

Milwaukee Can't Fix the Streets but We need the Trolly Car

Mayor Barrett really doesn't think things through very well.  After a very harsh winter, the roadways around the Milwaukee area are a complete mess.  There are pot holes that can almost swallow a vehicle.  The great Mayor of Milwaukee claims that we just don't have the money to fix the roads.  He has asked the state for help.  (Insert Laughter Here)

The man who has consistently bashed the Walker Administration and pretty much everything they do and he is now asking them for money to help him fix his roads in his city?  Don't stop laughing yet!  This same Mayor then turns around and continues to push for $100 Million plus trolly car that nobody wants.

I know I am not a politician with all that wisdom that comes with the job, but if we can't afford to fix the roads, how in the hell do we have money for this trolly car? This just doesn't make any sense to me.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Is Jay Carney really that Stupid?

I have watched many of the Briefings by Jay Carney.  I can't decide if he is really that stupid or if he has just drank too much of the Obama Koolaid.

I think the part that has driven me more mad is that the press has for the most part let him get away with his half truths and outright BS that he has thrown out for the past several years.  Thankfully that is slowly falling apart and they are now starting to call him and the Administration out on it.

I watched yesterdays briefing and was just amazed at how hard he tried to circle around the truth and not answer the questions about Benghazi and the new email information that has come out.  He on more than one occasion got tripped up in the BS that he was trying to put out.  Thankfully the Press has decided more and more to press him on the issues and not just buy the stuff he tries to sell.

However, this still begs the question, is he really that stupid?