I think that both sides won on the issue, Brett got what he wanted. He gets to play football and as the starting Quarterback. No it is not with the Green Bay Packers, but it is the NFL. Everybody wants to blame the Packers, but it is ultimately Brett's decision. When it comes down to it, Brett held the cards. He didn't have to retire, even if the Packers were pushing him, Say NO!!! He didn't have to get in the war of words, come out in the media and say I have changed my mind, I want to play football, I have applied for reinstatement and will be in camp. Done. Now the Packers will have to figure it out. Who cares that Thompson didn't hire your coach, or sign your favorite players, you are a quarterback, show up and do what you are asked to do.
The Packers got what they wanted as well. A disgruntled employee that was causing a major distraction for your team out of the way, so you can move on.
Now it is up to Packer Nation. I have read all the stories, listen to the news reports, and watched as idiots that claim to be Packer Fans taking it all out on Aaron Rodgers. First of all, how is any of this his fault? You can blame the Packers, You can blame Favre, but there is absolutely no blame that can fall on Rodgers. Root for Favre from afar, but a true fan roots for their team no matter what.