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Monday, December 4, 2017

Double Standards in Washington, the FBI and DOJ

The big news in the Independent Investigation of Trump Colluding with the Russians to win the election has for the most part been just drips of standard politics.  The only reason it is news at all is because it is Trump's team and not the Democrats or Hillary Clinton.

Michael Flynn who was quickly fired from the Trump Administration for lying to VP Pence was charged with lying to the FBI.  He lied about a conversation involving the Trump Transition team discussing a vote in the UN.  That was big news and he was actually charged?!  I guess all of the lies that were told to the FBI and the DOJ during the Email scandal with the Clinton Server and the DNC hack are ok?  Clinton has lied for years and years and not just Hillary, President Clinton lied as well during his infamous Lewinski scandal.  But those were ok.

The mainstream media, FBI, DOJ, and Democrats may think nothing of this double standard, but the American People sure do.  Witness the election of Trump.  The American People are fed up with the Washington way of doing things.  We want wholesale changes.  This is just feeding the fire and will help to continue the electorate cleaning house. 

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

New Information on Clinton Emails and The Cover Up

In an Interview with FOX News, former Inspector General Charles McCullough had a lot to say about the Clinton Email Investigation and the push from the Democrats to cover it up ahead of the election.  Below are exerts from the Interview.  The Full Interview can be found here: Click Here

McCullough was an Obama Appointee.

" his family and his staffers faced an intense backlash at the time from Clinton allies – and that the campaign even put out word that it planned to fire him if the Democratic presidential nominee won the 2016 election."

 “All of a sudden I became a shill of the right,” McCullough recalled. “And I was told by members of Congress, ‘Be careful. You're losing your credibility. You need to be careful. There are people out to get you.’”
“[Clapper] said, ‘This is extremely reckless.’ And he mentioned something about -- the campaign … will have heartburn about that,” McCullough said.

 As one of the few people who viewed the 22 top secret Clinton emails deemed too classified to release under any circumstances, the former IG said, “There was a very good reason to withhold those emails ... there would have been harm to national security.” McCullough went further, telling Fox News that “sources and methods, lives and operations” could be put at risk.

 n March 2016, seven senior Democrats sent a letter to McCullough and his State Department counterpart, saying they had serious questions about the impartiality of the Clinton email review. However, McCullough was not making the decisions on what material in Clinton’s emails was classified -- he was passing along the findings of the individual agencies who got the intelligence and have final say on classification.

 “It was told in no uncertain terms, by a source directly from the campaign, that we would be the first two to be fired -- with [Clinton’s] administration. That that was definitely going to happen,” he said.

 "State Department management didn't want us there,” McCullough said. “We knew we had had a security problem at this point. We had a possible compromise."

More than 2,100 classified emails passed through Clinton's personal server, which was used exclusively for government business. No one has been charged.
Asked what would have happened to him if he had done such a thing, McCullough said: “I'd be sitting in Leavenworth right now.”

Monday, November 20, 2017

The Swamp is Full of Sexual Harrasers, Like we didn't know?

It is just plain amazing at how hypocritical Politicians and people are.  When Bill Clinton was accused of Sexual Harassment and Rape it was a "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy".  Nobody on the left stood up for the accusers.  Even when it proven that Bill Clinton had sex with an Intern at the White House, it was crazy of the GOP to want to impeach him.

Now there are accusers of Roy Moore, a wanna be Senator, and he should step down from the race immediately.  He is accused by someone over 30 years ago and that disqualifies him immediately.  Not President Bill Clinton, but a Senator wanna be.  So as far as the Left is concerned you can be a Sexual Harraser and be the President, but not a Senator?  Interesting. 

Ok now we understand the double standard.

Ooops.  Maybe we don't understand it.  Senator Al Franken has been accused by now 2 women of Sexual Harassment.  So I am sure that he should step down immediately from his seat as a US Senator.  That is the Standard of the Left.  Nope, he is the left.  A leader of the left.  So he is not stepping down. 

What exactly is the standard?  It is not ok for you to do it, but I can?

It never ceases to amaze me at why Democrats and Republicans wonder how Donald Trump won the White House.  People are sick and tired of the BS in Washington.  This will not play well for the Democrats.  The Republicans have called for Moore to step aside, so even if he doesn't at least they did the right thing.  Too bad we can't say the same about Democrats.

I think if you are an outsider running on a platform of kicking out the bums and draining the swamp you will have a good chance of winning. 

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Trump Collusion and Clinton's Opposition Research

What an amazing turn of events over the last several days.  Now that it has been confirmed that the DNC and Clinton's Campaign helped finance the infamous Trump Dossier.

Before when it was Trump people talking to any Russian, it was proof that it was collusion between the Trump Campaign and the Russians.  The President's son Don Jr. said he met with a Russian Lawyer because they claimed to have information on Hillary Clinton.  He said they met to see if the information would be useful.  The Democrats and CNN, MSNBC and most of the Mainstream media came out full on about the legality and how bad that was.

Now it appears that Clinton and the DNC helped fund research that gathered information from Russian sources that had dirt on Trump.  Boy have the tables turned.  Now it is in fact only Opposition research and everyone does it.  If that is truly the case, then I am wondering why there was ever a push for a Special Counsel?  Why was Trump ever being investigated?

Oh yeah.  I forgot about the two worlds that we live in when it comes to Washington DC. 

I for one hope that they keep investigating and going into all the nooks and crannies.  Lay it all out for the American People.  How the Obama FBI and Justice Department were involved with all of this, the uranium deal, clinton emails, lynch tarmack meeting, all of it.  Washington has been corrupt for far too long on both sides.  It would be in the Country's best interest to clean this up.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Investigations Into Washington Politics

The Democrats and Mainstream Media have been in a furor for months over Trump and his “collusion” with the Russians. Then they went after the President over firing James Comey.  Then they have went after him for his response to the Charlottesville demonstration. Then it was North Korea, then calling falling soldiers widows. They haven’t got anything to stick.

Now the tables have turned. Democrats are on the defensive. You can bet they and their media helpers will be going full tilt at the President to help their problems go away.

I don’t think their is any American who doesn’t think Washington is corrupt. The problem has always been that when the outsiders have come in, they protected each other. Now you have an outsider in the White House and he has surrounded himself with outsiders and the truth is coming out. This may be only the tip of the iceberg. You may see several high level Politicians fall. Both past and present. Hillary Clinton has seen her firewall from her crimes deteriorate and now even Obama is being put in the corrupt spotlight. Hopefully people on all sides of the aisle find themselves finally being called on the carpet for this. It’s about time.

As the days, weeks and months pass, the Democrats should have remembered the old saying, about rocks and glsss houses.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Division in America, Politicians and Media Push to Divide the People

What in the hell has happened over a few short years? 

America has become so divisive that it is actually dangerous to admit which side of the political spectrum you are on.  The Politicians and Media are completely to blame for this.

Remember when the Politician yelled "you lie" during Obama's State of the Union?  That guy was chastised and apologized and both sides of the aisle were in unison against that type of behavior.  You may not like the President, but you respect the office and the job.

Boy how within 10 years things have changed.  Now we have politicians and members of the media not yelling you lie, but coming right out and calling for assassination and death.  We have lost our way as a society and are on a dangerous path.  The media isn't held accountable to reporting the news anymore, they just report on what they want you to believe whether there is any truth to it or not.  Politicians have no respect for anything.  We are rewriting our history so that it fits a narrative that one political party wants.  We have lost our damn minds.

All of this happened in less than 10 years?!  We are heading to a very dark time in American History and it is fast approaching.  If the Politicians and Media don't get a hold of themselves or the American People don't start holding them accountable, There will be a new, dark chapter in American History.  The winners won't be here in America, but our enemies abroad that will see a severely weakened America.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Trump Becoming one of The Best Presidents

Trump may have gotten off to a rocky start.  He was wrapped up in all kinds of allegations for the first 6 months of his Presidency.  From the Russian Collusion to the firing of the FBI Director it was obvious that the powers to be were out to sink this President in an unprecedented way.

However, the Russia Collusion stuff has died down and much of what was supposed evidence has either been proven false, turned up nothing or has been fake. 

Trump did what most incoming Presidents do, he went to work with his party to get big legislation done quickly.  The only problem was his party failed to get things done.  They lied to the American People and he called them out on it.

With his agenda at a stand still, President Trump has forged a path that very few Presidents ever do.  He has chosen to go the way of the great ones.  He has crossed the party line and sat down with Democrats to work out deals to get things moving.  He has put the American People above the party.  He has put his own party, the Republicans, on notice.  If you don't want to accomplish things for the American People, then he will go at it without them. 

He isn't using his pen to write up executive orders.  On the contrary, he is wiping out those and going the legal and proper route of pushing legislation to get things done.  If that means sitting down with the opposition and working out give and take to get the job done he is willing to do that.  Something that very few Presidents have done.

I think that people better start taking a long hard look at what is happening in Washington DC and take notice of how things are getting done.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Sanctuary Cities and States, What is the purpose?

First off lets just be very clear, I am not a lawyer, not a police office, not a politician, just an ordinary citizen.  Yes I am Republican but have also voted for Democrats.  I don't support Republicans just because they are Republican.  I actually despise quite a few of them.

I just don't understand this whole Sanctuary City and State thing.

America is a nation of laws.  Those laws are passed by the Government and we have to live by them.  We don't have to like them or agree with them.  We have the option of electing officials to change those laws if we want that.  We don't get to sit back and say and I don't like that law so we shouldn't enforce that one. 

When it comes to Immigration I completely agree that we have a major issue in this country.  There needs to be a major overhaul of it, however until that is done we can't just ignore the laws on the books. 

If you come into the country illegally then you have broken the law.  It needs to be addressed. 

What is even worse is when these Sanctuary cities allow people who have come into the Country illegally to commit a crime and still not face deportation.  Aren't we sending the wrong signal here?

I think that if these cities and states want to do this then they should also be held accountable to their actions.  They should not be allowed to ignore the Federal Laws and then still be entitled to Federal Support of any kind.  They also should be held liable for the actions of the people that they protect from the law.  If it can be shown that a person was protected by the city or state and then harms another person then the city and state should be held liable. 

Reform of the system needs to happen and you can blame both Democrats and Republicans.  Both sides are so hell bent on having it their way that they won't give and take to get things done.  We have to start electing people based on their personal feelings and beliefs and forget this whole Democrat and Republican thing.  The people we elect also need to remember that they work for us the people and not some stupid party.  Lastly we need to hold them accountable.

What the Hell is Hillary Clinton Really Thinking?

For the last several weeks I have heard over and over and over about her new book coming out about why she lost the election.  I have heard how she has blamed everyone and everything for it.

She blamed James Comey for the email scandal.  I might not be the sharpest tool in the drawer, but did James Comey, the FBI Director, create the email server for her?  Did he send classified emails to that server?  Did he order the destruction of phones used for emails on that server?  Did he have the server destroyed?

I also heard all about the Russians and their hacking of the emails of the DNC.  I suppose they are the ones who sent all those emails that were released.  They showed how her and her partners were tilting the primary in her favor.  The Russians manufactured that evidence.  Not that it was Clinton and her partners.  The Hackers only brought them to light.  Whether they were Russians or not. 

Then there was the Voter ID Laws.  Those dam laws that were put into place to make sure that only American Citizens Voted.  They kept people from voting more than once.  Those are to blame also.

I am not sure how you can say the email thing cost you and it was because of the Russians and their interest in helping Donald Trump win.  But, then forget about the tape that showed Donald Trump on the bus that was released by a major network that undoubtedly wanted Hillary Clinton to win. 

Hillary Clinton needs to take a long look at herself and the campaign she ran.  She and all the media had her winning the election big.  She didn't put on a full court press visiting every state that she needed.  Here in Wisconsin we never saw her.  Trump on the other hand was going non stop visiting every state and pushing and working for every vote.  She believed her and the media's own BS.  She took her eyes off the prize.  She quit playing in the 4th quarter. 

Hillary Clinton and the media cost her the Presidency.  I don't need to write a book to explain that.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Democrats are Upset about Trump and DACA - Hello, Constitution

So Trump makes a move and says that he is getting rid of an unconstitutional order that Obama gave.  He will give the Congress time to fix it before he ends it.

Now you have all these people upset.  Really?  Even Obama has said that it is illegal.  That he didn't have the Authority to do it.  There are many more that need undone.

Come on people quit being stupid.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

OMG Melania Trump Wore High Heels....

I have never laughed so hard and even watched my 16 year old mock the silliness of the Media with their Coverage over the First Ladies Footwear.

In the first place who really cares what shoes she was wearing?  Secondly they do know that she changed into sneakers on Air Force One before they toured the damage, right?

Just amazing.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Finally Someone in Washington is Interested in more than Trump

For people who have any common sense and have been bombarded with story after story of what the Trump Campaign may or may not have done, and have wondered how any of this was any different than that of the Clinton people or the Obama Administration, we may finally start to find out.

Finally there has been a call for a special prosecutor to start the investigation of digging into all of the ties with Clinton's emails, the Clinton foundation, Obama's AG Lynch and FBI Director James Comey. 

Lets find out what was really going on.  How did this all really happen and who was all involved.  Why were decisions made and by who? 

It seemed that all the focus was one sided against the President.  Finally lets get rid of the double standard and let Justice be equal.

Yes I hear people saying we have been through all of this.  I feel the same way about the Trump stuff.  We keep going through it. 

You can't just investigate Trump because he won and forget about all the Clinton stuff because she lost.  Clinton actually had just as many if not more ties to the Russians.

This should be interesting if the Justice Department acts on the request.

Chief Flynn Wants to Rule Milwuakee

The Chief of Police for Milwaukee must not believe that he answers to the Citizens of Milwaukee. 

On July 13th the Fire and Police Commission, in a rare directive, ordered the Chief to make changes to his "no pursuit policy" or face disciplinary action up to and including termination. 

This wasn't the first time the Police Chief was questioned about that policy.  The Council has asked for changes in recent months as well.  The issue has also been a hot topic for debate on Radio Talk shows and Newspaper Editorials.

The Chief at first said he had no intention to change the policy.  He then went out and hired a high powered Attorney to fight it.  Instead of doing what the Citizens he serves wants, the Chief wants to be the Ruler of Milwaukee.

The Council backed the Fire and Police Commission, even supporting the funding to hire an outside counsel to support them if that is what is needed to force the Police Chief to follow the Directive.

The Mayor at first appeared to be backing the Police Chief.  But he is now looking at the prospect of a recall and has been much more silent in the recent days.

The Police Chief now has asked for an extension.  He says that people need to examine what may be contributing to the increase in car accidents and stolen cars.  He also wants more time to find out if the directive is constitutional.  Seriously?  Who cares if it is Constitutional.  Throw out the Directive altogether.  You have been asked to change the policy by the people who represent the Citizens of your city.  Maybe you should climb down off your self proclaimed throne and do what is right for Milwaukee. 

If you don't want to change the Policy you don't have too.  Maybe you shouldn't be the Police Chief.  The Citizens do have a say in that.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Hillary Clinton Still Doesn't Get it

Hillary Clinton has a lot of people to blame and a vast majority of that should be right at herself.

Even the Democrats have pointed out that she had no message and didn't do the hard work of going to every state and working for the Presidency.

I think Hillary Clinton believed all the polls, she thought she had nothing to worry about, she had this thing in the bag.  She was the one hand picked by the Democrat Establishment.  The DNC had beaten down her Challenger in Bernie Sanders and now all the polls showed her easily winning.  I remember watching this election and just had a feeling that the polls were missing something.  If the polls were to be believed I was trying to understand why Trump and his team were working so hard in the final hours in states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania.  Then I got a glimpse in what might have been what they were seeing.  I was watching the Wisconsin polls, obviously.  I noticed something very interesting in those polls.  The polls show Clinton with an 8-10 pt. lead in the Presidential race, but the Senate race pitting former Senator Russ Feingold and Senator Ron Johnson in a dead heat with Feingold ahead by 1-2 within the margin.

Something wasn't making any sense.  People who vote for Hillary Clinton are not going to vote for Ron Johnson and vice versa.  Something is not adding up in the polling.  It was similar in other states.  Trumps Team and the RNC must be onto something.  They were working hard in these states.

I remember talking to someone who was in total disbelief that Hillary Clinton was going to get elected.  They saw the polls and felt like it was over.  I told them this is going to be an interesting night.  Something isn't right in the polls.

Then we all watched in unfold. State after Blue state fell in the Trump column.  Everyone was in disbelief except for the Trump Team.  They saw it coming.  The did the hard work.  The put in the effort and earned the Presidency.

Did the questions about Hillary's emails hurt her?  Sure they did.

Did the emails about her collusion with the DNC to take out Bernie Sanders hurt her?  Sure they did.

Did James Comey's comments about the email case hurt her?  Absolutely.

All of those things piled up and made the people question her.  But is that James Comey's fault?  The Russians Fault?  or Hillary Clinton's Fault?  If you get caught doing shady stuff, do you blame the people who catch you or yourself for dong them.

For Hillary Clinton, you blame everyone but yourself.  You aren't responsible for creating your own server and putting it in your house and using it for Government business.  You aren't responsible for the Classified Content that was passed through that server.  You aren't responsible for having it all destroyed and hidden.  You aren't responsible for working with Debbie Wasserman-Schulz to push out Bernie Sanders.  You aren't responsible for any of it.

 I honestly feel like if Bernie Sanders would have gotten the nomination, you very well could have seen him as the current President.

Hillary Clinton needs to look no further than in the Mirror to figure out why she lost.  Instead she is writing a book to explain how it was the Russians and James Comey who are to blame.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Why is Milwaukee County Exec at the Foxconn Announcement

Can anyone explain why the Milwaukee County Exec is in Washington DC for the Foxconn announcement?

The plant is going to be down in the Racine and Kenosha area and not in Milwaukee. I can't imagine with the massive issues in Milwaukee that he has anything to offer.

I am sure that he will work hard to try and take credit for this. I wonder if the Mayor of Milwaukee is around also. He is famous for trying to take credit for stuff.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Wisconsin Budget Still at a Standstill Due to DOT Funding

The Wisconsin Budget can't seem to get passed.  The hiccup seems to be the $1 Billion shortfall in DOT funding.  The DOT needs to fund their projects and the people of Wisconsin are tired of dealing with the bumpy roads and deteriorating bridges.

Lucky for us the MacIver Institute dug into the spending of the DOT and has some eye opening projects that the DOT is funding.  Maybe if we were to stop this ridiculous spending there wouldn't be a shortfall and we could actually address the real problems in the Wisconsin Transportation infrastructure.

The MacIver Institute found a list of projects that have done very little to fix the roads or bridges and help us out.  The following is a list from an article at  MacIver's website (Click Here)

$2 Million spent on Bublr Stations in West Allis?  Seems like a bike project would really benefit us dealing with the horrible roads.  Nice Spend.

$680 Thousand on Bike Racks for Milwaukee.  Nothing like giving the folks in good old Milwaukee some bike racks.

Another $1 Million for the Root River Parkway so Bicyclist could get out of the way of traffic.  Little sarcasm there, not a lot of traffic on Root River Parkway.  But hey Bicyclist must love the DOT.

Guess what?  Another $3 Million for the West Allis Cross-Town Connector.  That's right with Bike Roundabouts, bike bridges and bike paths.  DOT Loving their bikes.

Are the people of Wisconsin really dumb?  The DOT must think so.  They spent $30 Thousand on training videos so that we could learn how to use Roundabouts.  Wonder if we figured it out?

West Allis must love the DOT.  They got another $3.6 million to add a pedestrian bridge even though only a block and half away there already is a one. 

In the did you know category.  The DOT offered the Zoo $8 million because it had to take away 700 parking spaces with the new Zoo Interchange project.  Even though it would only cost $2 million to build a new parking lot, the Zoo sued the DOT and ended up getting $12.7 Million.  But hey, the Zoo got an Otter exhibit out of it.  WTF

I could keep going on and on and on.  Go to the article and just be amazed at how much money the Wisconsin DOT spends on Bike Paths and plain silly spending.  After you read it you may understand why some people are up in arms that the DOT has a shortfall at all.  Some serious overhaul of the leadership there would be in order.  This is what is wrong with Government.  If you ran your life or a business this way you would be bankrupt in no time.  The Government just asks us for higher taxes and fees so they can keep going.  Crazy.

Monday, July 24, 2017

MSNBC has no Credibility

I just sat and watched MSNBC Live with Ali Velshi. I am pretty sure that I am much dumber after watching that show that was full of so much partisan and misleading information. This guy appeared to be there strictly to push an agenda and not there to report facts or news.

He sat and argued with his guests calling them liars and he knew more than they did.

What a joke. They live off of creating controversy.  It's no wonder they still trail in ratings and are getting beat repeatedly. What has happened to real new?

This is What's Wrong with Politics

All a vast majority of Americans want, is for our lawmakers to work together on behalf of us to improve our Country.  That is it.  Is it really that difficult?

Well yes it is.  Especially if you are a Democrat or Republican.  You have to do what the party bosses tell you and you can't think for yourself or work with the other guys.

In Madison a Democratic Lawmaker was working with a Republican on a bill for free speech.  They were working together to make the bill a bipartisan bill.   Kewaskum Republican Jesse Kremer was asking for help with the bill from Milwaukee Democrat Evan Goyke.  The Milwaukee Democrat suggested they work with Democrat Rep Reimer.  They were working on a Bipartisan effort.  Below is the report from MaciverInstitute.


Rep. Jesse Kremer (R-Kewaskum) spoke with MacIver News to explain what happened. Kremer says he first asked Rep. Evan Goyke (D-Milwaukee) to work with him on the Campus Free Speech Act. Goyke suggested that free speech may be more up Riemer's alley since he graduated from the University of Chicago - the matriarch of free speech principles.
Some of Kremer's caucus members were hesitant at first, questioning Riemer's motives and wondering "what's he trying to pull?" Kremer insisted that his goal was to try to get the bill "to the point where both sides of the aisle could...agree on some things...and at the same time we're not compromising our bill, but that we think our entire caucus would vote for."
The morning of June 21st, the day of the bill's assembly vote, Riemer pulled Kremer out of caucus to bounce ideas around on how to improve the bill. Kremer commented that "some of his ideas weren't that bad, they actually made the bill better, stronger even." As they worked in the back of the parlor, Rep. Peter Barca (D-Kenosha) and Rep. Chris Taylor (D-Madison) were "hovering around, watching us, kind of like vultures...but [Riemer] kept working."
These Representatives were doing exactly what the Wisconsin and American Citizens want.  Working together.  However it didn't go over to well with the Demcorat Leaders.  When the amendment to the bill was presented Democratic Leader Peter Barca went ballistic.  The Democratic leader refused to hear the amendment and said it wouldn't be considered.

Quickly things escalated and the Democratic Leadership was going to make Rep. Evan Goyke pay for working with the Democrats.


When Barca called for informal session to review the new amendment, Kremer "heard Chris Taylor was just screaming at Rep. Riemer. [Democrats] were cursing him out on the floor when we had taken that break. They were all over hovering around his desk. After this all happened I looked over at him and he was sitting there with his head down for the next hour and I thought he had just given up and he was just beat back, but no. He came over to my side of the room...and he brings the amendment over to me, says I've been reviewing this...and it looks good to go."
Public humiliation on the floor wasn't the only retaliation from his fellow Democrats. The Assembly Chief Clerk's office confirmed that Riemer was removed from the Ways and Means committee on June 28th and replaced by Rep. Melissa Sargent (D-Madison). Legislators with sophomore standing or above, like Riemer, are allowed one and a half staffers, but after the free speech blowback Riemer lost his half staffer. His staff is now equivalent to that of a freshman legislator's. According to Kremer, Riemer expressed concerns earlier that day that this might be the end of his political career.
 Politicians often pay the price from their own Political Party if they try to work with the other side. 

Unfortunately for these life long Politicians, it is all about the next election and getting elected, re-elected and the power.  What is ultimately right for us really isn't important.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and His Budget Issues

The Mayor of Milwaukee has been on a wild and out of control spending spree.  He has borrowed and borrowed and borrowed to pay for all of his spending.  Now he has a budget shortfall.  He has 2 plans to pay for it, one that hasn't worked is begging and lashing out at the state for the funding, and the second has the city up in arms of cutting public safety.

Right Wisconsin:
When he took over in 2004, the city’s annual budget was $856 million. As of 2015, it was $1.5 billion. Annual borrowing went from $90 million to $285 million. Outstanding debt went from $583 to $720 million. The annual debt service payment went from $103 million to $450 million, a 275 percent increase.
To give that $450 million debt service payment some context, that’s more than Milwaukee’s total public safety budget – which includes the police and fire departments – by $32 thousand.
The Mayor built this city on borrowing and now has put the city in a budget crisis because the time to pay up has come.  According to the report 30% of Milwaukee's budget now goes to pay back the debt that the Mayor has borrowed.  Hey don't forget though, we have a street car being built.

 Right Wisconsin:
The tragic reality of Milwaukee’s debt problem is there’s no need for it. Between its tax levy, intergovernmental aid, user fees, and other financing options, Milwaukee has more than enough “revenue” to operate.
In 2015, the city brought in $1.26 billion not including revenue from new bonding. That year it spent $1.06 billion not including debt service.
So while Tom Barrett points at the state for his city’s financial wreck, his fingerprints all are over the steering wheel.
 The good news for Milwaukee is that there is an ongoing effort to recall the Mayor and finally people are starting to take notice of the failed leadership in this city.  These now dire budget issues compounded with the issues with the Milwaukee Police Department, Out of Control Crime and the Street Car, it looks like it might be time for a change.

CNN Latest Poll Should Have Dems Worried

Even though CNN, in its report of the Poll tried to spin it as a Majority want the GOP and President Trump to drop the Repeal of ObamaCare, the truth in the Poll is a Majority of Americans want Obamacare repealed.

Here is the results:  In the CNN Poll 35% said that the GOP and President should abandon plans to repeal and leave it as is.  18% said that the GOP and President should Repeal parts of the law, regardless of whether a replacement is ready.  34% said Repeal only if Replacements can be enacted at the same time.

By my math that poll says that 52% of those polls want at least portions of the Obamacare law repealed.  52%!  only 34% want ObamaCare left alone.

The Democrats are banking their future on 34%.

I have stood on my soap box before and said that the Democrats, Republicans also for that matter, are missing a golden opportunity.  The poll shows that 52% what something done.  If the Democrats think they have a chance of winning back the House or Senate by leading only 34% of the people and going against 52% they need to look at their leadership. The poll also shows a glaring fact that many of us already knew.  A huge majority 77% want a bipartisan bill passed.  The Republicans need to work with the Democrats and the Democrats need to quit sitting on their hands and jump in. 

This is a poll coming from a media outlet that leans extremely to the Democrats side and it is showing them how off the mark they are.  This should be a wake up call for the Democrats and their leadership.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

New Ad on ObamaCare

Should Trump let Obamacare Fail?

Trump stated the other day that they should just let Obamacare fail, then maybe Democrats will come to the table.

The question is, should they let Obamacare fail?

That is a question you really shouldn't ask of Trump, more so it should be the members of Congress.  Obamacare is failing and everyone already knows it.  Just look at the skyrocketing costs and the number of Insurance Companies dropping out of the whole thing.  It will only be a short time and it will either bankrupt the United States or will not be affordable to anyone.

The Democrats have thus far refused to get into the Health Care discussion.  They want to force the Republicans to pass something all on their own so they can go out and use it as a political tool for election season.  The same way it was used against them.  The Democrats know that they made a huge mistake by ramming the bill down the throats of the GOP and the American People without the help of the GOP.  It cost them the House and Senate in very short order.  Now they are looking and counting on the American People to be stupid.  They know that Obamacare is failing system that they own.  They are counting on the GOP to pass something without their support.  That way they can blame them and win back the House and Senate.  Thus far they have not been interested in actually helping.  They know that if they come to the table and sit down and work on a bipartisan bill that actually helps the American People they can't use it against the GOP. 

The problem for both sides is this, the GOP has evolved into multiple facets of the party.  So they are not going to pass a bill without help from the Democrats.  It is actually a wonderful thing for the American People.  The bill should be a piece of work that covers people from all over, and to do that the Democrats have to come to the table.  So the Democrats want to sit back and make the GOP go on their own, but the GOP is to diverse to pass without the help of the Dems.

In the face of this what should happen?  I believe that yes, Obamacare should fail.  The people who passed that bill should own it right to the final day.  They don't want to help fix it, they want to be political.  Own your mess and come to the table and do what you should do!  Work with the other side and put the American People ahead of your sorry butts.

Another Has Been Pushing Violence on Behalf of Democrats

Rosie O'Donnell got an earful from people on Twitter when she decided it was a good thing to encourage people to play a game online that gave players the chance to push President Trump off a cliff. 

I have found it simply amazing at how people on the Left push for violence and then cry when someone from the left is hurt.  Just amazes me at the lack of civility.

Postal Service Broke the Law

It appears that the United States Postal Service Broke the law in the last election.

FOX News:
The United States Postal Service violated federal law by letting employees do union-funded work for Hillary Clinton's campaign and other Democratic candidates while on leave from the agency, according to an Office of Special Counsel report obtained by Fox News.

Don't worry, I am sure that CNN and MSNBC will be covering this story.  Wont they?

Friday, July 7, 2017

Even the Polish President Calls out Fake News

In a viral post that supposedly showed the First Lady of Poland snubbing the President of the United States when he went to shake her hand had people buzzing.  Of course America's Fake News Channel CNN jumped into it.

The President of Poland took to Twitter:

"Contrary to some surprising reports my wife did shake hands with Mrs. and Mr. Trump @POTUS after a great visit.  Let's FIGHT FAKE NEWS."

The video was edited to only show a small portion of the exchange.


 However the Full video shows that there was no snub at all.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Democrats Having Issues Selling Trump/Russia Collusion

For Months now the Democrats have been pushing the Trump/Russia Collusion during the last election agenda.  They were pushing it to prove Trump didn't win the Election.  He and/or his team worked with the Russian's to steal the Election from Clinton.

For months that is all we have heard.  So far zero evidence has come forward.  Yet we are spending Millions of dollars on it.  When it is painfully obvious to anyone with a brain, that isn't clouded with bias from Politics, that it just didn't happen.

If the Russians were in any way working with the Trump team during the election to help him win the Presidency, don't you think that the Russian/American relationship would be much better?  Do you think that with all the issues between the two countries, either the Russians would sell out the President or be getting their way?

Now the same Democrats are touting how bad the relations are and that the President is bad at foreign policy.  First he colluded with the Russians, now he is bad at foreign policy because of the relations with Russia.  Which is it? 

Kind of the same way as they all complained that James Comey should be fired from the FBI for how he handled the Clinton Email Investigation.  Democrats hated him and wanted him removed.  Then when Trump does exactly that, the same Democrats came out that Trump is Obstructing Justice.  It is laughable to say the least, except it is our money they are wasting on their war on Trump.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Trumps Border Wall only a Bad Idea to the Democrats

The Border Wall on the South Border is a hot button topic for Democrats.  They talk about how this Country is open for everyone and no wall should be in place. 

I agree, we are open to everyone.  Everyone who is willing to enter the Country Legally.  If you don't have anything to hide, why not just walk right across the border at a legal border crossing?

Most people with an ounce of common sense understands exactly why it is important.  The border wall is not to stop people from coming into the country at all.  It is to force people to enter the country the proper way so that we have control of who is entering the country.  Again, if you have nothing to hide, what is the problem?

Just take a look overseas at Europe.  They have had open borders letting everyone come and go.  No with all the migrants and the rising crime and terrorism they are closing their borders.  Austria has even made a move sending the Military to the border to stop the crossings.  Other Countries are building their own walls to stop them.

Only in America does Politics override Safety and Common Sense.

Monday, July 3, 2017

CNN Just Can't Help Themselves, Misleading and False Stories

The CNN Headline reads "White House Pays Women 80 Cents for Every Dollar Paid to Men"

Nice headline.  That dang Trump and the pay disparity for women at the White House. 

Women working in the White House earn an average salary of 80 cents for every dollar paid to their male colleagues, a CNN analysis found.
That's a gender pay gap wider than the national average of 82 cents on the dollar, according to the Labor Department.
The average salary among men working in the White House was nearly $104,000, according to an analysis of the White House's annual report to Congress, which was released Friday. For women, it was about $83,000. That's $21,000 less on average.

Wait, lets dig in to the details.

Even in their own article they explain why this might be.

The disparity is primarily due to more women filling lower-ranking jobs. Half the men working at the White House make $95,000 or more annually, while half the women $70,100 or less.
The top salary for permanent employees at the White House is $179,700. Among the 22 employees making that, only six are women.

 CNN even knows that the split is not due to people working in the same jobs getting paid less, it is because more women work in lower level jobs.  They even go on to say that the mix of men and women working there is almost evenly split. 

So once again you can plainly see the bias in the reporting.  It isn't real news or even close to an accurate headline.  It is designed to give people a false sense of pay disparity by the Trump White House. 

Bernie Sanders Being a Bit Hypocritical?

Bernie Sanders appears to not really have a grip on reality in Washington DC.

As he has been hitting the talk shows and speaking out to anyone who will listen that he thinks the investigation into his wife by the FBI is unfair and politically motivated.

FOX News -

Asked on CNN’s “State of the Union” about the case, Sen. Sanders quickly pointed out how the allegations first surfaced.
“I know this will shock the viewers -- the vice-chairman of the Vermont Republican Party who happened to be Donald Trump's campaign manager raised this issue and initiated this investigation,” he said. “… I think what you're looking at is something that [the] Republican National Committee is very excited about.”

Of course it is Politics.  The same Politics the Democrats are using against Donald Trump.  In Washington DC it is all about creating chaos and problems for the other side.  It isn't about being honest and getting things done. 

Bernie Sanders himself is out there doing the exact same thing that he is now complaining about.  You can't throw stones inside a glass house Senator.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Milwaukee Mayor's Budget Cuts Police and Fire

The Mayor of Milwaukee says that his budget may force the cutting of up to 84 Police Officers and 75 firefighters.  He says that it is due to Pension Payments for retirees.  He also is blaming the State for not giving him more money to help cover these costs.

The city is in the middle of a major crime growth, and the Mayor is cutting Officers?

He said the budget request was $26.9 million dollars higher than the request for 2017.   The Police Department appears to be looking at a cut of $7.3 million. 

Wonder if the $128 million that the Mayor is spending on the 2.5 mile street car would have helped plug this shortfall?  Also, what about the $3.2 million being set aside annually to pay for upkeep and maintenance of the street car?  Those budgets don't seem to be taking a hit.  So the Mayor is cutting Public Safety to save his street car?

It is time for a leadership change in the City of Milwaukee.  Milwaukee has seen a growth in building, lots of High End Condos, however the population has declined.  Crime has to be a major contributor to that.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - 
The City of Milwaukee's population declined by 4,366 people from 2015 to 2016, erasing much of the slow but steady gains the city experienced since 2010, according to figures released Thursday by the U.S. Census Bureau.  
For the first part of the decade, the city saw slight annual population increases, growing from 595,188 in 2010 to 600,178 in 2014. Starting with the 2015 population estimates, Milwaukee's numbers started declining, falling by about 1% to 595,047 in 2016.
"I will review Milwaukee’s population estimates and those of other large cities, including Midwestern cities, keeping in mind these estimates are sometimes unreliable," Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett wrote in a statement, saying also that the 2016 estimate is still higher than the 2010 April census count of 594,833.

The Downfall of the HealthCare in America

Thanks to the Leaders of the two parties in Washington the Health Care System in America is failing and will continue to do so.

It all started when Obama Won the Presidency.  He went into the White House with a Majority in the Senate and House and decided that He and the Democrats didn't need the Republicans for anything and forced the Democratic Version of Health Care down the throats of the Republicans and the American People.  Everyone saw the flaws in it right out of the gate.  There were major issues in it and everyone knew it.  But by the time the issues bubbled to the top the Democrats had lost their majority.  Now they were in protect mode.  The legacy of the President and Health Care for all had to be protected at all costs.  Even though it is failing, costing people more money, costing the Government more money, and collapsing it still has to be protected at all cost.

Then the Republicans took control of not only the White House, but the Majority in Congress as well.  They now want to repeal it and replace it.  The legislation that is known as Obama Care needs a major overhaul.  Everyone knows it.  The Republicans feel that they must repeal the whole thing and start over.  Looking more like they are taking a shot at the Legacy Legislation of President Obama. 

The people paying the price for the stupidity is the American People.  I honestly feel like there are a block of Republicans in the Congress that want to improve the Health Care system.  They want to improve on what we have now.  They want to make changes that drive down the costs and maintain the good aspects of the current system.  The problem is that they lack the support from Republicans and Democrats alike.  You have the far left wing of the Democratic party keeping the Democrats sidelined during the process in hopes that it costs the Republicans votes during the election.  They don't care about solving the issue only winning votes.  Thankfully the block of the Republicans is forcing on their own, the Republican party to slow down and do it right.  Solve the issues with the Health Care Bill and not just be in a hurry to pass something.  It would be nice if the Democrats would break from their leadership and be involved in the process so that the American People can reap the benefits of a truly well rounded bill that people want.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Is the Milwaukee Police Chief Really that Lost?

Milwaukee has a major problem with crime.  It is out of control and only getting worse.  Just watch the news every night and you will see, the first 5-10 minutes is all about the shootings, car thefts, robberies and more.  It is completely ridiculous.

Anyone will tell you that criminals are thriving in Milwaukee.  The Milwaukee Police Department won't chase you.  Just drive away fast and they let you go.  It is the Policy the Milwaukee Police Chief has.  I have heard from people on both sides of the law how this has increased crime.  I know people in the city tell me, "Cops don't care they have more important things to do.  Just drive away they won't chase you".  I also have heard from other Police Officers outside of Milwaukee talk about how criminals flee their jurisdiction to get into Milwaukee where they know they are safe.

I even witnessed kids who vandalized a car by throwing a large rock at it.  It damaged the car and the driver pulled over.  The kids sat there and laughed.  The driver called the police and told the kids that.  They laughed again and said go ahead and call them, they won't come here they have more important things to do.  The Police never did show up, instead the driver had to drive to the Police Station to file a report. 

The Milwaukee Police Chief and the Milwaukee County DA have the crime problem figured out.  They know how to stop it.  The problem is that it is out of their hands.  The crime problem in Milwaukee lies some 75 miles to the West in Madison.  It is the Conceal Carry Law.  That is what is causing the problems in Milwaukee.  Just ask the Milwaukee Police Chief.

I have searched and searched and out of all the many many many shootings and killings in Milwaukee have only been able to find a few where the shooter was a Conceal Carry Permit holder.  So please explain to me how the law plays into the rise in crime in Milwaukee? 

Friday, June 23, 2017

Why We hate Politicians

Look at Washington DC right now.  Actually look at it over the last several years.  Nothing gets done.

We can't change the past so lets focus on the here and now.

Both parties are too busy fighting each other to look at the opportunity right in front of them.  Democrats are too busy trying to discredit Trump instead of sitting down with him and pushing their agenda.  They could actually get some of their agenda in the bills.  Trump isn't a politician, he is a business man and knows the benefits of give and take.  They could really be involved in the changes to Health Care.  Everyone knows that Obama Care is in the midst of full failure without massive change.  Instead they want to sit it out and use it for Political purposes.  The American People just want things done.  The Republicans are the same way.  They would rather do things without the Democrats. 

Democrats and Republicans need to pull their collective heads out of their asses and work together.

The Democrats need to get over the fact that they are the minority party and lost the Presidency.  They need to tell the President and the Republicans, "Lets sit down and talk".  Negotiate and give their ideas and reasons.  Then if you get none of your ideas in or considered, then complain.  But you can't complain if you don't try. 

Health Care is collapsing.  Anyone can tell you that.  It has to be changed.  How it is changed is up to the politicians in  Washington.  The Republicans can't even agree on how to do it.  The Democrats are just sitting back and saying your killing people.  If they would put away their party and just sit down they will get something done.  Will it satisfy everyone, NO.  Never will.  This is the perfect opportunity for both sides to get some of what they want. 

The Republicans need to invite the Democrats in.  Ask them to come to the table.  If they don't show up or refuse then you can show the American People they don't want to be a part of it.  Look at the President.  He has invited the Democrats to the White House for sit downs to discuss things and they have refused.  If you don't think the American People have noticed, then you would be wrong. 

It is time for Politicians to forget about the D or R attached to their name and think about the American People.  Nancy Pelosi doesn't represent America no more that Paul Ryan does.  Every state has their elected officials and they need to work for us and not their political leaders.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

When Will the Media and Democrats Move On?

How long will it take for the Democrats and the Media to Move On?  Trump is the President and will be for at least 4 years.

They have tried everything.  The Collusion with Russia tactic, that so far has shown no evidence and a vast majority of people know it for what it is, a witch hunt to stall the agenda.  Obstruction of Justice?  The top two people at the DOJ recommended the termination of James Comey.  A majority of Democrats had called for his Termination.  Again, another attempt to stall the agenda.

The Democrats and Media have been in an all out blitz to discredit that the Trump Presidency is legitimate.  However there has been 5 special house races since Trump won the Presidency and the Republicans have won all 5. 

The Democrats Strategy of being obstructionists and just bashing and being negative appears to not be a winning strategy.  They have tried that from the day that Trump became the Nominee and have failed to realize that strategy is costing them.  They are falling into the trap of believing their own BS.  When you hear the News and the Democrats saying the same thing every day, every broadcast and you still are not winning, at some point you better wake up.

What they have failed to realize is, Trump doesn't care if he works with Republicans or Democrats.  The Democrats have a golden opportunity to be influential in the lawmaking process and the policy process if they will take a seat at the table.  Trump isn't your typical Politician.  He isn't locked in with any one political party.  He leans to the Right, but it appears that he can be swayed by the Left if they take the opportunity.  They have chosen to not be involved.  They are hurting themselves in the process.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

What is the Independent Counsel Investigating?

We have heard that there is an Independent Counsel set up to investigate President Trump.  But what we don't know is what is it that he is investigating.

The Russian Collusion?  We have already heard from everyone including Republicans, Democrats, The Attorney General at the Time, Intelligence officials and anyone else who would know, that there is no evidence that Trump or his Team colluded with the Russians.  So why would be investigating this? 

Trumps firing of James Comey?  The President has the right and ability to fire the Dir. of the FBI at any time.  It was expected.  Democrats along with Republicans had called for his firing for months.  After Trump fires him they say it was because of the Russia Investigation.  But read above, there was no evidence that Trump did anything wrong.  Comey even said that directly.

So again, what is the Special Counsel Investigating?

Friday, June 9, 2017

Did Comey Lie in Hearing to Congress? It would Appear So.

The former FBI Director who claimed that Trump "Flat out Lied", appears to have himself lied.  Only he appears to have lied to Congress under Oath. 

FOX News:

“I woke up in the middle of the night ... because it didn’t dawn on me originally that there might be corroboration for our conversation,” Comey told senators. “And my judgment was, I needed to get that out into the public square. And so I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter … because I thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel.” 
The admission itself was dramatic, and drew the scorn of Trump allies. Trump’s personal lawyer, Marc Kasowitz, read a statement blasting Comey for admitting “he unilaterally and surreptitiously made unauthorized disclosures to the press of privileged communications.” 
Kasowitz, however, also said Comey’s testimony was incorrect.
“The public record reveals that the New York Times was quoting from these memos the day before the referenced tweet, which belies Mr. Comey’s excuse,” the statement from Kasowitz said. 
Though Comey claimed he didn't orchestrate the leak until May 16, four days after Trump's May 12 tweet, a New York Times article from May 11 appears to track closely with the memo's contents.
There are in fact striking similarities between that pre-tweet article and Comey's written testimony, suggesting the memo's contents may have been leaked -- by somebody -- before Trump vented on Twitter.
It should be pretty easy to match up whether this is true or not and by looking into the NY Times story from May 11th, the story already seems to follow the memo pretty closely if not exactly.  So it would appear that Comey is not being honest.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Special Investigator Needed for Clinton/Obama

Big news coming out of the Comey hearing on Capitol Hill and it has nothing to do with President Trump.

FOX News -

Former FBI Director James Comey revealed in Senate testimony Thursday that then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch directed him to describe the Hillary Clinton email probe as a "matter" and not an "investigation." 
He also said that the directive, combined with Lynch's unusual Arizona tarmac meeting with former President Bill Clinton, led him to make his independent announcement regarding the Clinton email probe last July. 
In his closely watched Senate Intelligence Committee testimony otherwise devoted to discussing the circumstances of his firing, Comey said that tarmac meeting was a "deciding factor" in his decision to act alone to update the public on the Clinton probe -- and protect the bureau's reputation. 
"There were other things, significant items," he added, citing how "the Attorney General directed me not to call it an investigation and call it a matter—which confused me."
“That was one of the bricks in the load that I needed to step away from the department,” Comey said, later adding he was concerned Lynch was trying to align the DOJ’s comments with the way the campaign was talking about the probe. “That gave me a queasy feeling,” he said.
Lynch and former President Bill Clinton met on a tarmac in Phoenix, Ariz. on June 27, 2016, which immediately raised questions about whether she—or the Justice Department—could be impartial in the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Days later, Comey called Hillary Clinton’s actions “extremely careless” but declined to recommend charges.
 So it would appear that the former AG was trying to stop the investigation and obstruct Justice.  There is more evidence against the former AG and the Obama Administration than there is of Trump and the Russians.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Russia and the American Election

It seems that the entire Government is up in arms that the Russians might have interfered in the U.S. Elections.  Never mind the still unsubstantiated collusion part.  We will discuss that if there is every any evidence that it actually might have possibly could have happened.

Obama and the Left was outraged that a Foreign Government like the Russians may have been involved in trying to interfere.  WOW! What a bunch of Meanies.  How dare they!

Wait?  Hasn't the United States been involved in many elections of Foreign Governments?  Haven't we tried to tilt elections in favor of the Candidate that we wanted elected?

LA Times 12/13/2016-

The U.S. has a long history of attempting to influence presidential elections in other countries – it’s done so as many as 81 times between 1946 and 2000, according to a database amassed by political scientist Dov Levin of Carnegie Mellon University.

That number doesn’t include military coups and regime change efforts following the election of candidates the U.S. didn’t like, notably those in Iran, Guatemala and Chile. Nor does it include general assistance with the electoral process, such as election monitoring.


For decades, American intelligence agencies have historically used clandestine tactics to put leaders into office who are favorable to U.S. national interests. This practice of meddling dates back to the early days of the CIA and was seen as a necessary strategy to contain the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

It’s something Tim Weiner has explored in great detail. He’s won the Pulitzer Prize for his work on clandestine national security programs, and his books include "Enemies: A History of the FBI" and "Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA.” He says election meddling is not a grey area for the CIA.

“Several months after the CIA was created in 1947, it set out to steal the Italian election in 1948 to support the Christian Democrats who were pro-American, against the socialist Democrats, who were pro-Moscow, and they won,” says Weiner. “It’s just the beginning of a long, long story.”

NPR.org - 12/22/206

This is hardly the first time a country has tried to influence the outcome of another country's election. The U.S. has done it, too, by one expert's count, more than 80 times worldwide between 1946 and 2000. That expert is Dov Levin of Carnegie Mellon University. I asked him to tell me about one election where U.S. intervention likely made a difference in the outcome.
So as you can see this isn't all that uncommon and not this earth shattering event as the Media and Washington would have you believe.  So why all the uproar?

Been a While, Time to Catch Up

A lot of things have happened since I last posted.

The world has really changed and it has gotten completely out of control.  Time to catch up.