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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

What the Hell is Hillary Clinton Really Thinking?

For the last several weeks I have heard over and over and over about her new book coming out about why she lost the election.  I have heard how she has blamed everyone and everything for it.

She blamed James Comey for the email scandal.  I might not be the sharpest tool in the drawer, but did James Comey, the FBI Director, create the email server for her?  Did he send classified emails to that server?  Did he order the destruction of phones used for emails on that server?  Did he have the server destroyed?

I also heard all about the Russians and their hacking of the emails of the DNC.  I suppose they are the ones who sent all those emails that were released.  They showed how her and her partners were tilting the primary in her favor.  The Russians manufactured that evidence.  Not that it was Clinton and her partners.  The Hackers only brought them to light.  Whether they were Russians or not. 

Then there was the Voter ID Laws.  Those dam laws that were put into place to make sure that only American Citizens Voted.  They kept people from voting more than once.  Those are to blame also.

I am not sure how you can say the email thing cost you and it was because of the Russians and their interest in helping Donald Trump win.  But, then forget about the tape that showed Donald Trump on the bus that was released by a major network that undoubtedly wanted Hillary Clinton to win. 

Hillary Clinton needs to take a long look at herself and the campaign she ran.  She and all the media had her winning the election big.  She didn't put on a full court press visiting every state that she needed.  Here in Wisconsin we never saw her.  Trump on the other hand was going non stop visiting every state and pushing and working for every vote.  She believed her and the media's own BS.  She took her eyes off the prize.  She quit playing in the 4th quarter. 

Hillary Clinton and the media cost her the Presidency.  I don't need to write a book to explain that.

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