Over the past several days we have all heard about the dire straights that we are in here in America with our economy. We have heard who is to blame. The Republicans, the Democrats, the President, Wall Street, Corporate America, Mickey Mouse.....
Who really is to blame? I personally think that there is plenty of blame to go around. I think that you can fairly say that both parties had a hand in this mess. The Democrats can't blame the Republicans as they have controlled both houses and did nothing to stop it. Republicans can't really blame the Democrats as they controlled both houses prior to the last big election and did nothing to stop it. You can't really blame the President, as Congress can override him at will.
The blame needs to fall on all of our sorry little asses!!!! We elect these do nothing people into very powerful positions and then don't hold them accountable. We don't do our homework before the elections to really find out what they are all about. We go by the catchy little ads that are put out there because we are too lazy to do some research. Spend some time to find out about your local, state, and federal reps before election time. Is the person you put into office last time doing their job as you wish? Are they voted like you want them to? If not kick their ass to the curb. You couldn't get away with that at work could you?
Do your job!!! Remember these people work for us, and should reflect your decisions!!!