Friday, December 12, 2008
Modern Parable
A Japanese company ( Toyota ) and an American company Ford Motors decided to have a canoe race on the Missouri River . Both teams practiced long and hard to reach their peak performance before the race.
On the big day, the Japanese won by a mile.
The Americans, very discouraged and depressed, decided to investigate the reason for the crushing defeat. A management team made up of senior management was formed to investigate and recommend appropriate action.
Their conclusion was the Japanese had 8 people rowing and 1 person steering, while the American team had 7 people steering and 2 people rowing.
Feeling a deeper study was in order, American management hired a consulting company and paid them a large amount of money for a second opinion.
They advised, of course, that too many people were steering the boat, while not enough people were rowing.
Not sure of how to utilize that information, but wanting to prevent another loss to the Japanese, the rowing team's management structure was totally reorganized to 4 steering supervisors, 2 area steering superintendents and 1 assistant superintendent steering manager.
They also implemented a new performance system that would give the 2 people rowing the boat greater incentive to work harder. It was called the 'Rowing Team Quality First Program,' with meetings, dinners and free pens for the rowers. There was discussion of getting new paddles, canoes and other equipment, extra vacation days for practices and bonuses. The pension program was trimmed to 'equal the competition' and some of the resultant savings were channeled into morale-boosting programs and teamwork posters.
The next year the Japanese won by two miles.
Humiliated, the American management laid off one rower, halted development of a new canoe, sold all the paddles, and canceled all capital investments for new equipment. The money saved was distributed to the Senior Executives as bonuses.
The next year, try as he might, the lone designated rower was unable to even finish the race (having no paddles,) so he was laid off for unacceptable performance, all canoe equipment was sold and the next year's racing team was out-sourced to India .
Sadly, the End.
Here's something else to think about: Ford has spent the last thirty years moving all its factories out of the US , claiming they can't make money paying American wages.
TOYOTA has spent the last thirty years building more than a dozen plants inside the US . The last quarter's results:
TOYOTA makes 4 billion in profits while Ford racked up 9 billion in losses.
Ford folks are still scratching their heads, and collecting bonuses...
Whitnall Middle School Helps Hunger Task Force

“Donations are down so this school drive is helpful, and it's very hopeful that it's coming from kids,” Sherrie Tussler, executive director of the Hunger Task Force said. - WISN Story
Lets hear for these kids. They made an impact in a tough economic climate to help those less fortunate. They didn't do it because they had to, they did cause they wanted to.
Good Job!!!
A Closer look at the US Auto Industry
Zakaria: Actually there are 12 international car companies that have manufacturing operations in the United States. Collectively, they employ 113,000 Americans directly -- even though that is less than the 239,000 at Ford, GM and Chrysler. However, those international car companies sell more cars than the Big Three and their customers love their products. They have millions of American shareholders. They do sophisticated work like research, design and marketing in the United States. All in all, they add jobs and high value to the United States.
CNN: So what are they doing better than the U.S. car companies?
Zakaria: It is simple -- better management. Yes, Detroit has problems because of its legacy costs, the cost of paying health care and pensions to its retirees. But many other Americans firms in other industries have had to change their benefit systems or die. Detroit always managed to avoid making the change in part because of government assistance.
But companies like Toyota, Honda, and BMW are not just skilled at cutting costs -- they make better cars. They have more flexible factories and production systems, and understand what American consumers want.
For example, Toyota and Honda are years ahead of American carmakers in designing and producing hybrid cars, and as consumer demand moves in that direction, they will reap the rewards." - CNN
This is what the American People are saying. Why bailout a portion of the Industry that has doomed itself? Anyone with an ounce of brains would realize, if GM and Chrysler go away, then companies like Ford, Toyota, Honda, and BMW will pick up the slack. It isn't like the whole Auto Industry will go away, people will still be buying cars. Production will pick up in the companies that are left and they will hire more people and the viable companies will thrive. Let those mismanaged companies die!!!
UAW Blames GOP

Mr. Gettelfinger, maybe you should take a nice long look in the mirror and you will see the reasons for the failure of the Auto Industry in the US.
The GOP was asking the UAW to make concessions that will assist the Auto makers to be viable. And the UAW said they wouldn't make concessions until 2011. Well, then I guess the Automakers are ok. In 2011 come back and we will see if you need help then.
The saddest part is that now the White House is looking at using the original money from the Financial bailout to bailout the Auto Industry. President Bush needs to listen to what the American People are saying. If the people involved in the industry are not willing to make concessions, then we are not willing to bail their sorry asses out!!!!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wonderful Winter Snow

Wait a minute! That's the statue of Andrew Jackson in Jackson Square in the French Quarter of New Orleans.
That's right, good ole New Orleans got an inch of snow today. Some parts got up to 8 inches. For all of us up here in Wisconsin, what's the big deal. The big deal is that they are not set up for that. They don't have plows and salt trucks.
Schools were closed and it has created quite a mess.
Senate Republicans stall Bailout

"Republicans, after reviewing the latest version of the proposal in a closed-door meeting, balked at giving automaker federal aid unless their powerful union agreed to slash wages next year to bring them into line with those of Japanese carmakers.
Republican Sen. George V. Voinovich of Ohio, a strong bailout supporter, said the United Auto Workers was willing to make the cuts, but not until 2011.
The collapse of the latest negotiations came as the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday evening that General Motors had hired lawyers and bankers to consider whether to file for bankruptcy, a prospect made more likely by the outcome of Thursday's talks." - FOX News
Although I am not sure watching these companies fail is a good thing for the economy, I do believe that it is the Unions and CEO's that have ruined them. I don't think that we should use our tax dollars to bail them out unless they are willing to go the extra mile to make sure they are viable in the long run.
For the Unions to not be willing to cut salaries right now shows their unwillingness to work to make sure the companies survive. I now care less whether they fail or not. For all the those smart Union People who won't take the pay cut, you can keep your salary at least until your company is gone and you are making nothing. Smart move!
Brewers Talking Trade with Yankees?
Lets see how this turns out. Melvin has been pretty good at putting together competitive teams.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Eighth Time Drunk Driver hits College Student
"The poor student was crossing the street at the intersection of College and Grand Avenue," said Waukesha Police Capt. Mark Stigler. "He went flying through the air and landed in a snowbank." - WTMJ
"Officers tracked the suspect down to his house a few blocks away and found the steaming vehicle with fresh damage on all sides and arrested the driver," "The suspect was operating on a valid Wisconsin driver's license," - WTMJ
Here you go again. Another story of multiple Drunk Driving offenses and still driving around here in good ole Wisconsin. My favorite quote was "The Suspect was operating on a valid Wisconsin driver's license." Are you kidding me? How do you get a valid license after that many Drunk Driving incidents.
Sabathia takes offer from Yankees

The Brewers had pretty much given their best offer at 5 years $100 Million. I still am very impressed that the Brewers went after Sabathia with such vigor. That was a great deal for the Market that the Brewers are in.
There is also reports that Pitcher Ben Sheets has offers from the Yankees and the Texas Rangers. I for one don't really mind if we lose him. He seems to be hurt more than he is healthery. I would rather the Brewers use that money to go after another pitcher.
There is reports that a trade may be in the works with the Seattle Mariners that would send Prince Fielder to the Mariners for some pitching.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Illinois Governor Taken into Custody

"Fitzgerald's office said the 76-page FBI affidavit alleges that Blagojevich was taped conspiring to sell or trade Obama's vacated U.S. Senate seat for financial and other personal benefits for himself and his wife.
According to the affidavit, Blagojevich floated the idea of "a substantial salary for himself at a either a nonprofit foundation or an organization affiliated with labor unions;" a corporate board seat for his wife worth as much as $150,000 a year; promises of campaign funds, including cash up front; and a Cabinet post or ambassadorship for himself." - FOX News
What a Shocker!!!! An Illinois Politician corrupt? No Way!!! I don't really think this a big surprise. What is going to be surprising will be any connection he has to President Elect Obama. It will also bear some watching to see how Obama handles this situation.
Let it Snow!!!!

Last year was a record year for snow fall with close to 100" of snow. They said then that it was an unusually snowy winter. I can live with that, an unusually snowy winter. Here we are in 2008, it seems to really be making a run at last years snow totals.
Oh well, I guess if it is going to snow then SNOW!!!! I hate those little 2-3 inch snows that require me to go out and shovel or snow blow, if it has to snow then really snow!!! It would be nice to get some days off here and there as well.
Snow totals range from 2" around the Milwaukee area to close to 8" up around Sheboygan. We still have several hours of snow to go so we will see what we total out at.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Merrill Lynch CEO Request $10 Million Bonus

Are you kidding me!!!! How in the world can a CEO expect to get any kind of bonus when you run the company so far into the ground that we have to bail you out?
"On Oct. 14, the faltering investment bank received $10 billion from the Troubled Asset Relief Program to save itself from falling into bankruptcy." - FOX News
I think that we should require them to fire this SOB or prosecute him for attempting to steal the taxpayers money that we gave him to bailout his pathetic company. This is what is wrong with bailing out this companies. They feel entitlement to the money.
Latest Winter Storm to Make mess of Travel
Dog Freezes to Sidewalk

First of all, this woman deserves to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. This is just a ridiculous act.
Second, What kind of a neighborhood is this? You only call the police after the dog was stuck to the pavement for more than 12 hours? What about the first 11 hours? Surely there is a swift kick in the ass for this neighbor as well.
Liberals & Democrats Critical of Obama

It seems the Savior of the World is drawing ire from many of the people who busted out the vote to get him elected. I think I heard all of this before the election, guess you only hear what you want to hear and believe what you want to believe.
"Obama has reversed pledges to immediately repeal tax cuts for the wealthy and take on Big Oil. He’s hedged his call for a quick drawdown in Iraq. And he’s stocking his White House with anything but stalwarts of the left." - CBS News
Really!!! He isn't doing what he said he would do? hmmmm
"Obama insists he hasn’t abandoned the goals that made him feel to some like a liberal savior. But the left’s bill of particulars against Obama is long, and growing. " - CBS News
"Obama drew rousing applause at campaign events when he vowed to tax the windfall profits of oil companies. As president-elect, Obama says he won’t enact the tax.
Obama’s pledge to repeal the Bush tax cuts and redistribute that money to the middle class made him a hero among Democrats who said the cuts favored the wealthy. But now he’s struck a more cautious stance on rolling back tax cuts for people making over $250,000 a year, signaling he’ll merely let them expire as scheduled at the end of 2010." - CBS News
Well, I think that you can go back and take a long long long look at all of the writings that were done outside of the Mainstream Media before the election even took place and you can see the writing that was on the wall. Candidate Obama was selling what he could sell to become President Obama. He said what he needed to say. The actions that he showed prior to becoming a Candidate showed he wouldn't uphold these promises.
Come on people. I often said that as his Presidency went many people would be saying "if I knew that, I wouldn't have voted for him." Well it seems it is already starting, and he hasn't even been sworn in as the President.
Deal close to offer $15 Billion Bailout

"Sen. Chris Dodd, chairman of the Banking Committee, said Sunday that General Motors Corp.'s chief executive, Rick Wagoner, "has to move on" as part of a government-run restructuring.
"I think you have got to consider new leadership," Dodd said on CBS' "Face the Nation."
Criticized for staying on the sidelines until now, President-elect Barack Obama voiced support Sunday for the bailout legislation being drafted in Congress. He accused car industry executives of a persistent "head-in-the sand approach" to long-festering problems." - Fox News
"GM spokesman Steve Harris said the company appreciates Dodd's support for the loans, but added, "GM employees, dealers, suppliers and the GM board of directors feel strongly that Rick is the right guy to lead GM through this incredibly difficult and challenging time."" - Fox News
So there you go, it doesn't appear that at least GM plans to make the necessary changes to make them more viable. It seems to me that if you run your company into the ground and need the someone to bail you out or you go under, then you didn't do your job and need to be fired. You can bet that in any other business, if you fail to do your job, you won't be there.
I will be really interested to see if they force Management changes.
Winter Storm to Hit Wiscosin

Snow Totals will range from 3-6 inches in SE Wisconsin to 8-12 inches further North with some areas getting as much as 15 inches.
The storm is expected to hit late this afternoon and Evening.