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Friday, November 21, 2014

Technology Could Save us Billions and Make for a Better Government

There has been a lot of news lately about Illinois Democratic Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth.  She is a triple-amputee Iraq War veteran and also 8 months pregnant.  Her Doctor has restricted her travels and she has requested to be able to vote via proxy.  Nancy Pelosi has denied that request. 

We can get in the whole Nancy Pelosi is an idiot fight some other time.  This made me stop and think about technology and Government.

With all the Technology that we have today, why do our Senators and Representatives need to be in Washington much at all?  This could be a win win for the Voters.

Just think, if our elected leaders could stay in their districts and states and handle a majority of their business from there we could save a lot of money.  We could save money on all the housing and other costs it takes to have them in both Washington and their home states. 

They could cast their votes electronically and hold their meetings and other events via teleconferencing.  Businesses do it every day.

It would also keep these leaders here, answering to us and not getting stuck in the Washington World. 

It would also make it much more difficult on the lobbyist who have flooded Washington DC.

This could be a win win for the American People and I think we need to look into this more.

However we really don't need to hire the people who set up the Obamacare exchanges to help with this.  

Obama Makes His Own Laws

Obama has decided that the Constitution is irrelevant and that the President doesn't need to follow the laws and can change them however they want.

The problem is that this is not how our Democracy is meant to work. 

Whether you agree with the changes or not, the bigger question has to be how it is being done.  If you allow the President to circumvent Congress and ignore laws and change laws at their discretion, then you are changing the constitution.

Just because you don't agree with one side or the other you can't allow things like this to happen.  If you do, then you face the shoe being on the other foot and you can just throw out the laws and constitution of the Unite States.

If we allow each President to change and enact laws via Executive Order, then our laws can change on an ongoing basis every time we change Presidents or even worse every time the President decides to change their mind.

What happens when the next President decides that the Affordable Care Act needs changed and just with the stroke of a pen gets rid of parts of it and changes it?  Even worse is when the next President tells all those people that Obama just gave a pass too, that the pass is being taken away and they get deported? 

We are a nation of laws and a proper way to do things for a reason.

We have already trampled on the constitution so many times and changed the way our Government works that we are on the verge of complete chaos and we need to put a stop to that immediately.  This is something that both sides should be able to agree on. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Milwaukee Bucks Making Noise in Milwaukee

The Milwaukee Bucks have been so bad for so long that when they were sold and the new owners wanted to talk about a new arena it didn't go over so well.

Most people in Milwaukee have been very wary of discussing spending on a new arena for a team that hasn't been able to fill the current arena.  They have been so bad for so long that most people only checked the sports page to see how bad they lost by.

The new owners made waves with the public by bringing in Jason Kidd to be the Head Coach.  They did it in a very nontraditional way that made headlines and not in a good way.

Lets face it, Milwaukee has not been a Basketball town in quite a long time.  Milwaukee revolves around the Packers and the Brewers and on rare occasion when Marquette or UWM have a good year on the hardwood.  But not a NBA Town.

Hell I used to be a season ticket holder for the Bucks many years back when they went to the playoffs and had a decent team.  However when the Bucks started charging me $100 a seat per game and they were consistently putting worse teams on the floor, I bowed out.  The kept raising the price, yet the product got cheaper.

This year started like most years of late, very low expectations.  However there was quite a bit of hype about some of the players.  They also wanted to get a new arena at a very hefty price tag.  Yeah, well good luck with that.

But wait, these guys have been pretty damn exciting to watch.  They are actually out there competing pretty much every night and they are playing hard.  This might be a team I can get behind.  Is NBA Basketball finally coming back to Milwaukee?  Could these new owners be turning it around?  It happened with the Milwaukee Brewers, new owner and new attitude.

Now the season is pretty young, but if what we are seeing from this team is any indication, they may be on to something here.  Did you see that Memphis game?  How about the big win in Triple OT against the Nets?  WOW!!!!

Mayor Tom Barrett Killing New Bucks Arena

Mayor Tom Barrett is so hell bent on getting his Street Car that he is willing to flush the Milwaukee Bucks right out of Milwaukee.

The Mayor has went against a vast majority in Milwaukee and pushed for a 4.6 Mile Street Car.  The expected Street Car was suppose to cost us $64 Million to build.  We have no plan for how we are going to pay for the Maintenance of the system other than rider fees.  Not one person believes that will work.  However now we find out that the cost is more like $113 Million to build.  Almost Double. 

The Mayor has decided to move this to the top of his priority list and wants it rammed through and get going ASAP.

At the same time as he is pushing to raise taxes and get the money to build this unwanted Street Car, he is trying to talk out of the other side of his mouth and ask for support to build the Milwaukee Bucks a new arena. 

Sorry Mister Mayor, but I don't foresee the citizens supporting $200 Million in taxes going to a Street Car and a new Arena.  I also don't see the State Legislature forking over Millions to the city for the Arena when they have the money to blow on an unwanted Street Car. 

So I guess it could very well come down to either the Street Car or a New Arena.  I think the Arena would make more economical sense than a Street Car!

Obama Overstepping His Authority and He Knows It

I have been listening to both sides try and spin what Obama is doing with Immigration Reform. Obama is overstepping on his authority as the President and he knows it.

I hear the spin coming from the Democrats and the media, but the truth is that this is now how our Democracy is suppose to work.

You can bet your last dollar that if this was a Republican President (which might be the case in two years) using executive action to suspend the Affordable Care Act through Executive Order then you would have the Democrats in a full tizzy.

This is just not how it works.

I hope that the GOP acts swiftly and decisively by going straight to the Supreme Court and putting this President in Check.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Mayor Barrett Ready to Force StreetCar Down our Throats

It appears that the Mayor of Milwaukee is ready and willing to throw as much money as it takes to get his beloved streetcar and he doesn't care what happens to the rest of Milwaukee as long as he gets his streetcar. After the Public Service Commission said that it was the City's responsibility to pay for moving utilities for the streetcar, the cost skyrocketed. So Mayor Barrett is now suing the Public Service Commission and has decided that going from $65 Million now to a whopping $114 Million is fine as long as he gets his streetcar. How are we going to pay for it? Raising property taxes he proposes. So here we are in a city that has major issues facing it. Milwaukee Public Schools are in trouble, Crime is out of control, the infrastructure is falling apart, unemployment is super high and the Mayor wants to raise taxes for a streetcar? He has asked for help to pay to fix the streets, he hasn't come up with a plan for the crime, unemployment and school problems. Yet he wants to spend $114 Million on a Streetcar. Forget that nobody even wants the thing except the Mayor, how far would all that money go in helping solving many of the other problems? Lets not forget that the city is also trying to figure out how to build the Bucks a new arena. Who is going to be willing to give the city money if it is blowing all of this on a streetcar? A STREETCAR THAT GOES ALL OF 4.5 MILES!!!!

ObamaCare - They Passed the Bill, Now We See What's In It

Nancy Pelosi famously coined these words "We have to Pass the Bill so you can find out whats in it"

Well Nancy, you guys passed the bill and we sure are finding out what's in it.

This bill has been a debacle from the very beginning and after years it is amazing at how we are still finding out more and more about what was in it.

First of all the Bill passed on a complete party line vote by the Democrats.  They rammed it right through not allowing for any discussion or debate.  Even after the President himself said that we will have time to review the bill before it is passed.  Three days later it was passed.  All of Congress admitted that they didn't have time to read the bill before they voted on it.

We have seen so many problems with the bill as they tried to initially roll it out.  President Obama has had to make unilateral changes to the bill just to get it rolled out.

The President in all the turmoil tried to fight off the Criticism saying:

We all found out that wasn't in the plan.  To the contrary most people lost their current plan and Doctors.

Then we had the colossal failure of the system during the roll out.  After having years to plan for the roll out the system was a complete and utter failure.  We paid millions of dollars and got a system that didn't work.

Obama again had to go to work and make changes to the bill.  More Illegal Changes without going to Congress.

The hits just keep coming.  As now we find out:

Now things are spinning out of Control for the Democrats and the Administration on the Health Care Bill.  As Democrats try to distance themselves and the Bill from Gruber.


Graeme Zielinski Fails Yet Again

The Democrats in Illinois must have been very desperate when they hired Graeme Zielinski to assist with the Governors Race there.

Graeme Zielinski once again proved his losing ways.  A big shocker on Election day was when the Governorship in Illinois switched to Republican hands.  Then came the irony.  Graeme Zielinski helped in that election.  He lost yet again.

This guy has made a living being over the top and on the losing side of elections.  He was a liability for the Wisconsin Democrats for years as his former Boss, Mike Tate,  protected him at every turn.  Now as it turns out, the Illinois Democrats took a shot on him and found out what we all knew, he is a guaranteed loser.

Journal Sentinel Preaches Civility after Being Anything But Civil

After being gone from the Wisconsin Landscape for a week, I am back and doing a little catch up. It looks like the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is following the lead of the Democrats in asking for Civility and working together to get things done.

I guess that is what happens when you spend the better part of the last several years attacking the GOP and Scott Walker at every turn.  Being the very opposite of Civil and using every tactic that you can dream up to beat Walker and the GOP.  Only to find out that the Wisconsin Voters have seen right through your BS and gave your side a good old fashion butt whipping at the polls.

Now since you couldn't beat them you want them to forget all the nasty attacks, lies, half truths and all around made up stuff that you have thrown at them.  They need to forgive you and be civil.  They need to work with you, because that is what the voters want.

I think what the voters want is for you to go back to reporting the news.  Not reporting what you want us to believe and try and sway our opinion.  They have made it abundantly clear that they believe that Gov. Walker is doing a good job and have again elected him to run the state.  Despite everything that the GAB, Milwaukee John Chisholm, Mayor Tom Barrett, County Exec Chris Abele and the Democratic Party could make up and drum up, the voters elected Walker again.

Now they want Civility? 

Where was the civility the last 4 years?  All across the state, the John Doe Investigations, the Hatchet Job by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the Democratic Party, Debra Wassermann Schulz?  Didn't hear any of them preaching civility.

Only now, that they have lost even more power in the state and national politics, they want civility.

For it's part, I believe the GOP can be civil.  They can offer to work with the other side.  However the other side now has to show that they mean it.  The GOP doesn't have to have the help of the Left to get things done, but they can allow them to be part of the process.  See if they have really listened to the voters or if this is yet again more lip service.