Today is election time again here in South Eastern Wisconsin. There are several seats up, County Executive, Supreme Court, Aldermen, Court of Appeals, and several school referendums.
Bombarded by TV Ads and getting those annoying phone calls will all be over for a while after today. Thank GOD!!! But who do I vote for?
I couldn't tell you who to vote for nor is it my place. I had a nice lengthy discussion about this with some family members the other day. When they say you don't talk religion and politics with
inlaws they weren't lying.
I believe everyone has their right to their own opinion, but if you are going to try to sell me on yours you have to endure mine.
I believe that the government takes way to much of our hard earned money. I work a modest job trying to pay for the things that I want in life. Yet the government believes that I should give them my money so they can give it to people who aren't so lucky. Lucky!!! I have to work my butt off so I can be LUCKY!!!
Who are these people who are not so lucky?
People who have lost their jobs? I've been there and done that. I don't think there is a real shortage of jobs out there. I see now hiring signs all over the place. I know that the job may be beneath you, but it is income. You earn it, it should not be just given to you. If we are going to give out unemployment why not make them work for it? There is trash clean up along the highways, graffiti clean up in the cities, fire hydrants that need dug out, etc. Earn it.
People who don't make enough to live on? I don't make enough to live on either. My wife and I both have to work. We have to adjust our life style to be able to pay for the things we want and need. I know that there are those that need assistance, but instead of raising taxes and paying out more and more, go after those who are taking advantage of the system. If we only support those who truly need it, there is plenty if not a surplus.
Housing? Public housing is a must for the people in low income. Now here is my problem with that. It seems that these areas are the more crime ridden areas. When local law enforcement are called there they meet resistance from the neighbors who don't want to help. If you and I pay for their housing, they dang sure need to be doing their part to keep it safe and clean. We need inspections of these areas, and those people who don't maintain it, and work to keep it safe need to be booted to the curb. I know!!! Then were are they going to go? Not really my problem anymore. We can't all be saviors of the world, we can only help those that truly want help.
I am all for paying our teachers more money and improving the schools. If and when the Union allows the people who run the schools and the parents to pay for performance I will vote to give them more money. Right now the union wants everyone paid the same. The good, the bad, all of them. Lets get back to teaching the kids, loving your job, and getting paid based on your performance, not because the union says so. Besides if the union was so concerned about giving the teachers more (which they do deserve) then how come the union dumps tons of money into elections instead of giving back to its own?
The police are overwhelmed and the leaders in City Hall aren't doing there job. We need more police officers and more people who support them. The Mayor has been pretty much absent. You only see him here and there, not out leading the fight to clean up the city. Don't blame me is his mentality. I wouldn't if you would just get out there and try. Sure you may fail, then you try something else. Hell we have an Alderman who has been sitting in jail for a variety of charges. He sponsored the Don't Snitch Campaign. And the people of Milwaukee have thus far kept him in office. HELLO is there anyone home.
To all the leaders of Local, State, and Federal Government.
Quit trying to keep your job, get out there and do your job!!!!
I could go on forever. Republican or Democrat, I don't really care JUST FIX IT!!!!!