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Saturday, April 5, 2008

Cruisers, Target of Police

For years now warm weather meant the beginning of cruising in and around Milwaukee. The police have not been able to stop it. Cars blocking up the roadways, driving through yards, the trash have been an ever visible problem. We have all seen the scenes play out on the news of the kids hanging out the windows, riding on the roof, and even the fights and gun fire.

What can be done?

The local officials have passed laws increasing the fines, the police have reported tried to stop it. Some local officials have complained that it is just another attempt to go after a certain race of people.

This year the police have said they will put a stop to it. You know what I believe them. Chief Flynn has something that the former police Chief did not, A PLAN!!!! He has already shown that he is here to get results.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Milwaukee Police/US Attorney Take out Gang

Milwaukee police arrested 24 members of the Vice lords, in what they call one of the most dangerous street gangs in Milwaukee. Federal Authorities indicted them on charges of trafficking and money laundering.

Milwaukee Police and Federal authorities have arrest 100 gang members this year, and 98 of them remain behind bars.

Is it just a coincidence that we get a new Police Chief, and all of sudden you see arrest after arrest of gang members? He does his job!!!!

It appears that things are on the right track in Milwaukee Law Enforcement. This is exactly what it is takes to get our streets back. Hats off to Police Chief Ed Flynn and to U.S. Attorney Steven Biskupic for taking on the problems head on.

Side note: It is amazing to see Mayor Tom Barrett. I wasn't really sure he was still around, he must feel safe enough to come out of his bunker.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Teachers Underpaid?

Every year the likes of WEAC, NEA, WFA, all Teachers and Educators Unions claim that our Teachers are underpaid. I agree 100%.

The question really should not be whether our Teachers are underpaid or not, but more of how to reward our Good Teachers.

According to a report from NEA in 2004-2005 the average salary for a Wisconsin Teacher was $43,466. Compared to the National Average of $47,750. Several things that we need to take into consideration, benefits packages, days worked.

When you take into account that the average school teacher works an estimated 21% fewer days than the average worker in the workforce. When you take into account that standard practice is the workforce is 2-3 weeks vacation a year for average non-teacher jobs the wage comparison would be much higher. If you consider that a the average work year for a non-teacher employee is 250 days (2 weeks vacation) and the average Teacher work year is 205 days, you have to adjust the wage accordingly. At $43,466, the average teacher makes $212.03 per day. If I made $43,466 a year, I would make $173.86 per a day. Now reverse the figure for Teachers and if they worked 250 days at the same rate of $212.03, the annual salary would then be $53,007.50. According to the Federal Government, the average wage in 2006 was $38,651.41. Teachers in comparison are paid 12% above the national average wage for all workers. Adjusted based on work days, Teachers are paid 28% above the national average.

A vast majority of Teachers do an outstanding job. Working day in and day out to help mold our children into great adults. It would be nice to allow the administrators of our schools to hold annual reviews and reward the good teachers, and terminate the bad teachers. Unfortunately that is not the way it works. The Union wants to make sure everyone is adjusted to what they feel is adequate, and get rid of anyone, NO WAY!!!

As for the Union, they spends millions of dollars in politics to assist their candidates. Spending almost $2,000,000 to help re-elect Governor Jim Doyle.

We haven't even taken into account the benefits that come with the job.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Voters Send Message

The Voters of Wisconsin sent a message to Politicians.

The Voters made their decision on April 1st and to some it was a huge eye opener. For the first time in 41 years a sitting judge on the Wisconsin Supreme Court lost reelection. Although the race was close, and didn't appear to be a vote for Gablemen, but more of a vote against the incumbent.

The Alderman who has been in jail and running to retain his seat was handily beaten out. Although he had beat out an attempt to recall him earlier in his legal troubles, it apparently finally caught up with him.

In a county and city that is hardcore Liberal Democrat, a Conservative Republican won in a landslide as the Milwaukee County Executive. On a platform of "hold the line" on taxes, Scott Walker won convincingly.

Is this a preview of what is to come? It is hard to tell, but you can bet there will be alot of lip service from all sides. The Democrats have to sit up and take notice. In an election year that was suppose to be all about the Liberal Democrats taking charge, the public has said in resounding voice NO!!!! It is about the issues. You have to have substance, a plan, and a platform. You can't just blame Bush and Republicans for everything.

Democrats took control of the Legislative branch in Washington on a platform of change. They were suppose to get in and stop the war, fix the economy, and get this country back on track. I am hard pressed to see anything that they have done. What? I know they have wasted tons of time voting on bills that everyone knew were not going to pass. They said they just want it on the record. They have spent an unbelievable amount of time and money going after Bush and the White house staff. What has gotten accomplished by all of this? We spent more money, wasted more time, and have not accomplished anything.

I think that this was a gut check for all politicians. Pay attention to what the voting public is saying.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Elections again?!?!?!

Today is election time again here in South Eastern Wisconsin. There are several seats up, County Executive, Supreme Court, Aldermen, Court of Appeals, and several school referendums.

Bombarded by TV Ads and getting those annoying phone calls will all be over for a while after today. Thank GOD!!! But who do I vote for?

I couldn't tell you who to vote for nor is it my place. I had a nice lengthy discussion about this with some family members the other day. When they say you don't talk religion and politics with inlaws they weren't lying.

I believe everyone has their right to their own opinion, but if you are going to try to sell me on yours you have to endure mine.

I believe that the government takes way to much of our hard earned money. I work a modest job trying to pay for the things that I want in life. Yet the government believes that I should give them my money so they can give it to people who aren't so lucky. Lucky!!! I have to work my butt off so I can be LUCKY!!!

Who are these people who are not so lucky?

People who have lost their jobs? I've been there and done that. I don't think there is a real shortage of jobs out there. I see now hiring signs all over the place. I know that the job may be beneath you, but it is income. You earn it, it should not be just given to you. If we are going to give out unemployment why not make them work for it? There is trash clean up along the highways, graffiti clean up in the cities, fire hydrants that need dug out, etc. Earn it.

People who don't make enough to live on? I don't make enough to live on either. My wife and I both have to work. We have to adjust our life style to be able to pay for the things we want and need. I know that there are those that need assistance, but instead of raising taxes and paying out more and more, go after those who are taking advantage of the system. If we only support those who truly need it, there is plenty if not a surplus.

Housing? Public housing is a must for the people in low income. Now here is my problem with that. It seems that these areas are the more crime ridden areas. When local law enforcement are called there they meet resistance from the neighbors who don't want to help. If you and I pay for their housing, they dang sure need to be doing their part to keep it safe and clean. We need inspections of these areas, and those people who don't maintain it, and work to keep it safe need to be booted to the curb. I know!!! Then were are they going to go? Not really my problem anymore. We can't all be saviors of the world, we can only help those that truly want help.

I am all for paying our teachers more money and improving the schools. If and when the Union allows the people who run the schools and the parents to pay for performance I will vote to give them more money. Right now the union wants everyone paid the same. The good, the bad, all of them. Lets get back to teaching the kids, loving your job, and getting paid based on your performance, not because the union says so. Besides if the union was so concerned about giving the teachers more (which they do deserve) then how come the union dumps tons of money into elections instead of giving back to its own?

The police are overwhelmed and the leaders in City Hall aren't doing there job. We need more police officers and more people who support them. The Mayor has been pretty much absent. You only see him here and there, not out leading the fight to clean up the city. Don't blame me is his mentality. I wouldn't if you would just get out there and try. Sure you may fail, then you try something else. Hell we have an Alderman who has been sitting in jail for a variety of charges. He sponsored the Don't Snitch Campaign. And the people of Milwaukee have thus far kept him in office. HELLO is there anyone home.

To all the leaders of Local, State, and Federal Government.
Quit trying to keep your job, get out there and do your job!!!!

I could go on forever. Republican or Democrat, I don't really care JUST FIX IT!!!!!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Former Chief Hegerty wants more Money

Former Milwaukee Police Chief Nan Hegerty has filed a suit against the city of Milwaukee for discrimination. Claiming she was paid less than her counterparts because she was a woman.

This is a touchy subject for most people, but for me it is rather easy.

First of all you agree to do the job at the price that is offered you. If you are not happy with what they offer you, then you counter offer and/or don't take the job. Then if you are not satisfied and you feel like you are being discriminated against, you take action. You don't agree to do the job at the agreed pay, then after you are gone, you decide, "I didn't like that pay, and I think they discriminated against me."

Second, I believe the City of Milwaukee should counter sue her for failure to perform. She may not have been the worst Police Chief, but she can very easily be grouped in with them. I can not for the life of me think of one good thing that she did. Her Officers didn't like her, the public didn't like her, about the only people that her where the Thugs and Criminals who got away with anything and everything because she didn't back up her officers.

I think that she should repay the city for her $132,000 a year salary and now her $6000+ a month pension. She sure didn't earn any of it.