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Friday, November 21, 2014

Obama Makes His Own Laws

Obama has decided that the Constitution is irrelevant and that the President doesn't need to follow the laws and can change them however they want.

The problem is that this is not how our Democracy is meant to work. 

Whether you agree with the changes or not, the bigger question has to be how it is being done.  If you allow the President to circumvent Congress and ignore laws and change laws at their discretion, then you are changing the constitution.

Just because you don't agree with one side or the other you can't allow things like this to happen.  If you do, then you face the shoe being on the other foot and you can just throw out the laws and constitution of the Unite States.

If we allow each President to change and enact laws via Executive Order, then our laws can change on an ongoing basis every time we change Presidents or even worse every time the President decides to change their mind.

What happens when the next President decides that the Affordable Care Act needs changed and just with the stroke of a pen gets rid of parts of it and changes it?  Even worse is when the next President tells all those people that Obama just gave a pass too, that the pass is being taken away and they get deported? 

We are a nation of laws and a proper way to do things for a reason.

We have already trampled on the constitution so many times and changed the way our Government works that we are on the verge of complete chaos and we need to put a stop to that immediately.  This is something that both sides should be able to agree on. 

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