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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Journal Sentinel Preaches Civility after Being Anything But Civil

After being gone from the Wisconsin Landscape for a week, I am back and doing a little catch up. It looks like the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is following the lead of the Democrats in asking for Civility and working together to get things done.

I guess that is what happens when you spend the better part of the last several years attacking the GOP and Scott Walker at every turn.  Being the very opposite of Civil and using every tactic that you can dream up to beat Walker and the GOP.  Only to find out that the Wisconsin Voters have seen right through your BS and gave your side a good old fashion butt whipping at the polls.

Now since you couldn't beat them you want them to forget all the nasty attacks, lies, half truths and all around made up stuff that you have thrown at them.  They need to forgive you and be civil.  They need to work with you, because that is what the voters want.

I think what the voters want is for you to go back to reporting the news.  Not reporting what you want us to believe and try and sway our opinion.  They have made it abundantly clear that they believe that Gov. Walker is doing a good job and have again elected him to run the state.  Despite everything that the GAB, Milwaukee John Chisholm, Mayor Tom Barrett, County Exec Chris Abele and the Democratic Party could make up and drum up, the voters elected Walker again.

Now they want Civility? 

Where was the civility the last 4 years?  All across the state, the John Doe Investigations, the Hatchet Job by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the Democratic Party, Debra Wassermann Schulz?  Didn't hear any of them preaching civility.

Only now, that they have lost even more power in the state and national politics, they want civility.

For it's part, I believe the GOP can be civil.  They can offer to work with the other side.  However the other side now has to show that they mean it.  The GOP doesn't have to have the help of the Left to get things done, but they can allow them to be part of the process.  See if they have really listened to the voters or if this is yet again more lip service.

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