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Friday, November 21, 2014

Technology Could Save us Billions and Make for a Better Government

There has been a lot of news lately about Illinois Democratic Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth.  She is a triple-amputee Iraq War veteran and also 8 months pregnant.  Her Doctor has restricted her travels and she has requested to be able to vote via proxy.  Nancy Pelosi has denied that request. 

We can get in the whole Nancy Pelosi is an idiot fight some other time.  This made me stop and think about technology and Government.

With all the Technology that we have today, why do our Senators and Representatives need to be in Washington much at all?  This could be a win win for the Voters.

Just think, if our elected leaders could stay in their districts and states and handle a majority of their business from there we could save a lot of money.  We could save money on all the housing and other costs it takes to have them in both Washington and their home states. 

They could cast their votes electronically and hold their meetings and other events via teleconferencing.  Businesses do it every day.

It would also keep these leaders here, answering to us and not getting stuck in the Washington World. 

It would also make it much more difficult on the lobbyist who have flooded Washington DC.

This could be a win win for the American People and I think we need to look into this more.

However we really don't need to hire the people who set up the Obamacare exchanges to help with this.  

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