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Friday, December 12, 2008

UAW Blames GOP

"This was just simply subterfuge on the part of the minority in the Republican Party who wanted to tear down any agreement that we came up with," UAW President Ron Gettelfinger - FOX News

Mr. Gettelfinger, maybe you should take a nice long look in the mirror and you will see the reasons for the failure of the Auto Industry in the US.

The GOP was asking the UAW to make concessions that will assist the Auto makers to be viable. And the UAW said they wouldn't make concessions until 2011. Well, then I guess the Automakers are ok. In 2011 come back and we will see if you need help then.

The saddest part is that now the White House is looking at using the original money from the Financial bailout to bailout the Auto Industry. President Bush needs to listen to what the American People are saying. If the people involved in the industry are not willing to make concessions, then we are not willing to bail their sorry asses out!!!!

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