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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Sanctuary Cities and States, What is the purpose?

First off lets just be very clear, I am not a lawyer, not a police office, not a politician, just an ordinary citizen.  Yes I am Republican but have also voted for Democrats.  I don't support Republicans just because they are Republican.  I actually despise quite a few of them.

I just don't understand this whole Sanctuary City and State thing.

America is a nation of laws.  Those laws are passed by the Government and we have to live by them.  We don't have to like them or agree with them.  We have the option of electing officials to change those laws if we want that.  We don't get to sit back and say and I don't like that law so we shouldn't enforce that one. 

When it comes to Immigration I completely agree that we have a major issue in this country.  There needs to be a major overhaul of it, however until that is done we can't just ignore the laws on the books. 

If you come into the country illegally then you have broken the law.  It needs to be addressed. 

What is even worse is when these Sanctuary cities allow people who have come into the Country illegally to commit a crime and still not face deportation.  Aren't we sending the wrong signal here?

I think that if these cities and states want to do this then they should also be held accountable to their actions.  They should not be allowed to ignore the Federal Laws and then still be entitled to Federal Support of any kind.  They also should be held liable for the actions of the people that they protect from the law.  If it can be shown that a person was protected by the city or state and then harms another person then the city and state should be held liable. 

Reform of the system needs to happen and you can blame both Democrats and Republicans.  Both sides are so hell bent on having it their way that they won't give and take to get things done.  We have to start electing people based on their personal feelings and beliefs and forget this whole Democrat and Republican thing.  The people we elect also need to remember that they work for us the people and not some stupid party.  Lastly we need to hold them accountable.

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