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Thursday, July 27, 2017

Hillary Clinton Still Doesn't Get it

Hillary Clinton has a lot of people to blame and a vast majority of that should be right at herself.

Even the Democrats have pointed out that she had no message and didn't do the hard work of going to every state and working for the Presidency.

I think Hillary Clinton believed all the polls, she thought she had nothing to worry about, she had this thing in the bag.  She was the one hand picked by the Democrat Establishment.  The DNC had beaten down her Challenger in Bernie Sanders and now all the polls showed her easily winning.  I remember watching this election and just had a feeling that the polls were missing something.  If the polls were to be believed I was trying to understand why Trump and his team were working so hard in the final hours in states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania.  Then I got a glimpse in what might have been what they were seeing.  I was watching the Wisconsin polls, obviously.  I noticed something very interesting in those polls.  The polls show Clinton with an 8-10 pt. lead in the Presidential race, but the Senate race pitting former Senator Russ Feingold and Senator Ron Johnson in a dead heat with Feingold ahead by 1-2 within the margin.

Something wasn't making any sense.  People who vote for Hillary Clinton are not going to vote for Ron Johnson and vice versa.  Something is not adding up in the polling.  It was similar in other states.  Trumps Team and the RNC must be onto something.  They were working hard in these states.

I remember talking to someone who was in total disbelief that Hillary Clinton was going to get elected.  They saw the polls and felt like it was over.  I told them this is going to be an interesting night.  Something isn't right in the polls.

Then we all watched in unfold. State after Blue state fell in the Trump column.  Everyone was in disbelief except for the Trump Team.  They saw it coming.  The did the hard work.  The put in the effort and earned the Presidency.

Did the questions about Hillary's emails hurt her?  Sure they did.

Did the emails about her collusion with the DNC to take out Bernie Sanders hurt her?  Sure they did.

Did James Comey's comments about the email case hurt her?  Absolutely.

All of those things piled up and made the people question her.  But is that James Comey's fault?  The Russians Fault?  or Hillary Clinton's Fault?  If you get caught doing shady stuff, do you blame the people who catch you or yourself for dong them.

For Hillary Clinton, you blame everyone but yourself.  You aren't responsible for creating your own server and putting it in your house and using it for Government business.  You aren't responsible for the Classified Content that was passed through that server.  You aren't responsible for having it all destroyed and hidden.  You aren't responsible for working with Debbie Wasserman-Schulz to push out Bernie Sanders.  You aren't responsible for any of it.

 I honestly feel like if Bernie Sanders would have gotten the nomination, you very well could have seen him as the current President.

Hillary Clinton needs to look no further than in the Mirror to figure out why she lost.  Instead she is writing a book to explain how it was the Russians and James Comey who are to blame.

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