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Friday, July 28, 2017

Finally Someone in Washington is Interested in more than Trump

For people who have any common sense and have been bombarded with story after story of what the Trump Campaign may or may not have done, and have wondered how any of this was any different than that of the Clinton people or the Obama Administration, we may finally start to find out.

Finally there has been a call for a special prosecutor to start the investigation of digging into all of the ties with Clinton's emails, the Clinton foundation, Obama's AG Lynch and FBI Director James Comey. 

Lets find out what was really going on.  How did this all really happen and who was all involved.  Why were decisions made and by who? 

It seemed that all the focus was one sided against the President.  Finally lets get rid of the double standard and let Justice be equal.

Yes I hear people saying we have been through all of this.  I feel the same way about the Trump stuff.  We keep going through it. 

You can't just investigate Trump because he won and forget about all the Clinton stuff because she lost.  Clinton actually had just as many if not more ties to the Russians.

This should be interesting if the Justice Department acts on the request.

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