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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Investigations Into Washington Politics

The Democrats and Mainstream Media have been in a furor for months over Trump and his “collusion” with the Russians. Then they went after the President over firing James Comey.  Then they have went after him for his response to the Charlottesville demonstration. Then it was North Korea, then calling falling soldiers widows. They haven’t got anything to stick.

Now the tables have turned. Democrats are on the defensive. You can bet they and their media helpers will be going full tilt at the President to help their problems go away.

I don’t think their is any American who doesn’t think Washington is corrupt. The problem has always been that when the outsiders have come in, they protected each other. Now you have an outsider in the White House and he has surrounded himself with outsiders and the truth is coming out. This may be only the tip of the iceberg. You may see several high level Politicians fall. Both past and present. Hillary Clinton has seen her firewall from her crimes deteriorate and now even Obama is being put in the corrupt spotlight. Hopefully people on all sides of the aisle find themselves finally being called on the carpet for this. It’s about time.

As the days, weeks and months pass, the Democrats should have remembered the old saying, about rocks and glsss houses.

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