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Monday, October 23, 2017

Division in America, Politicians and Media Push to Divide the People

What in the hell has happened over a few short years? 

America has become so divisive that it is actually dangerous to admit which side of the political spectrum you are on.  The Politicians and Media are completely to blame for this.

Remember when the Politician yelled "you lie" during Obama's State of the Union?  That guy was chastised and apologized and both sides of the aisle were in unison against that type of behavior.  You may not like the President, but you respect the office and the job.

Boy how within 10 years things have changed.  Now we have politicians and members of the media not yelling you lie, but coming right out and calling for assassination and death.  We have lost our way as a society and are on a dangerous path.  The media isn't held accountable to reporting the news anymore, they just report on what they want you to believe whether there is any truth to it or not.  Politicians have no respect for anything.  We are rewriting our history so that it fits a narrative that one political party wants.  We have lost our damn minds.

All of this happened in less than 10 years?!  We are heading to a very dark time in American History and it is fast approaching.  If the Politicians and Media don't get a hold of themselves or the American People don't start holding them accountable, There will be a new, dark chapter in American History.  The winners won't be here in America, but our enemies abroad that will see a severely weakened America.

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