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Thursday, July 20, 2017

CNN Latest Poll Should Have Dems Worried

Even though CNN, in its report of the Poll tried to spin it as a Majority want the GOP and President Trump to drop the Repeal of ObamaCare, the truth in the Poll is a Majority of Americans want Obamacare repealed.

Here is the results:  In the CNN Poll 35% said that the GOP and President should abandon plans to repeal and leave it as is.  18% said that the GOP and President should Repeal parts of the law, regardless of whether a replacement is ready.  34% said Repeal only if Replacements can be enacted at the same time.

By my math that poll says that 52% of those polls want at least portions of the Obamacare law repealed.  52%!  only 34% want ObamaCare left alone.

The Democrats are banking their future on 34%.

I have stood on my soap box before and said that the Democrats, Republicans also for that matter, are missing a golden opportunity.  The poll shows that 52% what something done.  If the Democrats think they have a chance of winning back the House or Senate by leading only 34% of the people and going against 52% they need to look at their leadership. The poll also shows a glaring fact that many of us already knew.  A huge majority 77% want a bipartisan bill passed.  The Republicans need to work with the Democrats and the Democrats need to quit sitting on their hands and jump in. 

This is a poll coming from a media outlet that leans extremely to the Democrats side and it is showing them how off the mark they are.  This should be a wake up call for the Democrats and their leadership.

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