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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What Now!!!!

The Brett Favre saga continues. Brett and the Green Bay Packers are pushing this right to the breaking point. Everyone has an opinion and the feelings run pretty deep on both sides. Brett Favre - The Icon of the Green Bay Packers, the man who stood up and told the other players that this is a team, the man who played in the most consecutive games, earned the respect of team mates, players, coaches, commentators, and fans. Now he has shown his true colors over the past few months. Team means nothing, THIS IS ABOUT BRETT FAVRE!!!!

Brett claims the Packers forced him into retirement. They kept asking me what my plan was. The Packers had to know, after the last few years of ego man holding the Packers hostage while he decided if he wanted to play anymore had to end at some point. Anyone who expected the Packer Organization to continue going through it indefinitely just isn't thinking rationally. The TEAM needs to be able to make plans, whether it is with Brett or without, so of course they wanted to know what his intentions where. Even if they did pressure him into retiring, on more than one occasion they were ready to bring him back when he got the itch, only for him to change his mind again. My question is, was it a ploy on Brett's part just to get some attention?

Brett went on Fox TV and said that he doesn't trust Ted Thompson. He states that his distrust comes from the GM saying he would sign this player or that player, or give an old friend an interview. Brett has been around long enough to know that he is a player, not the GM. Ted Thompson did not and should not have let Brett be involved in any of these conversations. It is not a players place to be. Not only did Brett talk about his distrust for Ted, but he has put his our trust in him to the test. Caught in multiple mis-truths. Claiming that he never thought about playing anywhere but the Packers in the Fox Interview, then telling the commissioner of the NFL he was interested in Minnesota and Chicago.

Through all of this Brett has shown his true colors. Portraying a man who believes he is bigger then the TEAM, quite possibly bigger than the League. Who is the real loser in all of this, the fans and the league. The fans who have stood behind the kid from Mississippi, only to find out he is not what he seemed. The league for backing a spoiled little brat who has tarnished the Packers and put the TEAM on the back burner.

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