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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Clinton's Broke?

Hillary Clinton seems to be positioning herself for the campaign by trying to convince the American People that she understands being broke and scraping to get by.

I am amazed that people actually believe this type of BS from politicians.  It must be nice to have income coming in well into the 6-7 figures and own multiple homes, have hired staff running around and still believe that you are like all of us in the Middle Class.

I wish that I had several hundred thousands coming in for a pension, could go make millions speaking and earning millions off of books.  Maybe then I could afford more homes and could be dead broke and in debt like the Clintons. 

Unfortunately I feel broke and am in debt.  I can't go make a speech that will pay off my house, collect an advance on a book to pay off multiple houses.

Oh and they had to work doubly hard because of the taxes.  Those unbelievable taxes.  Who raised those taxes? 

Yep.  I feel so sorry for everything they have gone through.  They sure are just like me. 

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