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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Failed Leadership and Media Make Matters Worse in Ferguson

Shortly after the Verdict was released in Ferguson, Missouri there was no shortage of opinions coming in from so called Leaders and the Media. The problem is that they did little to nothing to help stem the violence that followed.  They did little to nothing to provide direction. 

The Democratic Prosecutor in St Louis County has held his position since 1991.  He did an outstanding job of laying out the decision of the Grand Jury.  He not only relayed the decision, but he explained how they came to that decision. 

For a list of the Documents and Testimony (Click Here)

The problem that we have is the severe lack of Leadership on behalf of the Local, State and Federal Leaders.  The President decided to go on TV and make an announcement, but did nothing to stem the following violence.  He took less than a minute to call for calm, then spent the rest of the time calling on the Police to change how they do things and to preach to all of us about Race.  This was not leadership.  It was painfully obvious he disagreed with the verdict.  He should have condemned the violence and rioting.  He should have called on leadership in the Black Community to condemn the violence.  Nothing. 

As the events unfolded I watched most of the Cable News Channels and found it appalling that some of these channels were literally justifying the violent actions.  Blaming the Grand Jury and the Police.

I just sat there stunned at all of this.  I just kept thinking that it shouldn't matter what the verdict was, what these people are doing is not OK.  It shouldn't be tolerated.  How can anyone sit there and justify this?

The President and some of the Media spent the better part of the night preaching about racism.  Preaching to us that this was all about Race.  I am 100% sure that the Grand Jury knew that this was going to spark criticism and that there verdict was going to lead to violence.  Yet they still did their job and came to the conclusion they did in the face of that threat.

True Leadership doesn't matter about Race.  The reaction of some of these people is not OK.  Violence and Chaos is not OK.  It should be condemned and should never be justified.  That is not a Race issue.

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