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Monday, November 24, 2014

Democrats Should Watch for this Name - Jim Webb

Every one on the Democratic side have been pointing towards Hillary Clinton as the Heir Apparent to Obama, but not so fast.

Democrats and Republicans alike should be watching for Democrat Jim Webb.  This guy has formed an exploratory team to challenge for the Democratic Nomination in 2016 and he may just have what is needed to not only take down the Hillary Lovers, but may be the Democrats best shot at saving the White House.

At first look, he will draw a lot of the Moderate Democrats and maybe some Independents. 

His first announcements were not necessarily in line with the Democratic establishment.  He blasted the failure of Transparency and Leadership in Washington.  He has moderate maybe even somewhat conservative stances on Gun Rights, Immigration and the Military.

FOX News:

A Marine Corps veteran, Webb, 68, earned two Purple Hearts, the Navy Cross, a Silver Star and two Bronze Stars in Vietnam. He is considered a blunt, independent-minded Democrat who is conservative on issues like gun rights, immigration and the military. But he is cautious on the use of military force overseas and he wields more of a progressive — if not populist — message on prison reform, income equality and reducing poverty.

He received a law degree at Georgetown University after Vietnam and authored several critically acclaimed war novels before serving as secretary of the Navy under President Ronald Reagan in 1987-88, a position he resigned from in protest of budget cuts.
This is someone to watch as things start heating up for the 2016 Presidential run.

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