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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

John Brennan and McCain are the ones Treasonous and Disgraceful

President Trump once again drew the ire of critics when he wouldn't come out and call Putin a liar on a national stage and to his face.  Even though Trump telegraphed that earlier in the week saying he didn't expect the leader to admit to it.

Trump is trying to thaw the relationship between the two nations and get to a working relationship that will help with multiple world issues.  How these idiot talking heads think confronting the leader on a national stage and face to face will help accomplish that is beyond me. 

Their statements and reactions came out more as disgraceful and treasonous did the Presidents. They have no idea what the conversation was behind closed doors.  They have no idea how that conversation went.  It is obvious that it was discussed.  Both leaders acknowledged that it was a part of the conversation. 

These talking head idiots would rather maintain a combative arrangement between the two nations over the meddling of our election.  This somehow has become such a big thing since Trump was elected.  It has been going on for years by many countries and right here at home.  We have candidates that we support in elections around the world and push for them.  We have done that for years and years.  Thanks to the Russians or whomever, we also know the Democratic National Committee rigged our elections in favor of Hillary Clinton.  Obama knew of the meddling for quite some time before this election and didn't do much to stop it until Trump had won. 

The outrage is manufactured.  It is manufactured because the Political establishment lost.  That is what the outrage is really about. 

I don't remember talking head John Brennan calling Obama Treasonous when he was caught on a hot mic telling the Russians after his last election he would have more room to make concessions with them. 

Trump may not be the speaker that Obama was, but his actions speak loudly to the American People and the leaders around the world.  Trump has taken a much harder line with friend and foe alike.  Obama and many leaders talked a good game, but put politics ahead of action. 

Trump has called out our allies for their lack of commitment to their very own security.  It has been a sticking point for many administrations.  The lack of funding some of these nations put into defense and NATO is appalling.  Yet they know we will be there if they need us.  Trump has pushed for them to pay their bill.  Trump understands that a strong Defense will deter such actions as North Korea, Iran and yes Russia.

Trump called out Germany, rightfully so on their deal with Russia.  NATO was put in place to be the defense against Russian aggression.  Yet Germany, the very same country we are vowed to protect against Russia, has been working with Russia in a multi billion dollar deal to provide 70% of its energy needs.  Russia will have control over 70% of Germany's energy?  Doesn't sound like Germany is much concerned about big bad Russia.

FOX News:
But, we do know that since taking office, President Trump has taken a much harder line on Russia than did his predecessor. President Obama visited Moscow in 2009 and soon thereafter abandoned a missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic that infuriated Russia. Trump has since reinstated the program. Obama refused to send military-grade weapons to the Ukraine; Trump is doing so. Obama was reluctant to ramp up liquified natural gas exports that would compete with Russian gas, but Trump is prioritizing such shipments and calling out Germany for its reliance on Russian energy.

Trump has surrounded himself with Russia hawks like National Security Advisor John Bolton and Defense Secretary James Mattis. If he were in cahoots with the Kremlin, he has a funny way of showing it.

The reaction to the Helsinki conference was over the top, given how little we know about what went on behind the scenes. It was also sad. It’s almost as though Trump’s critics wanted him to fail. But wouldn't hoping for increased confrontations with Russia be…treasonous?

Trump may not have been so eloquent with the words he used after the meeting, but make no mistake about it.  Trump is in the middle of negotiations with many countries on many fronts and the actions of the talking heads make it much more difficult to get results abroad.

These people are the ones that are treasonous and disgraceful.  These people are the ones who don't have America's best interest at heart.  

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