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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Poor Kathy Griffin

Kathy Griffin who always thought she was a comedian put herself in a bad situation when she infamously took a picture of a bloody head resembling President Trump and posted it.

Since she has faced intense blowback and scrutiny.  She blames everyone but herself and continues to do so. 

She is now making claims of being on a kill list and receiving death threats.  Which all seems pretty ironic for her to be upset about this.  You did hold up the head resembling the President all bloody in an apparent attempt to look like you decapitated him.  Yet you are upset about death threats?  I am sure they are all joking around like you did.

She also is complaining about how hard it is to find jobs.  She said people have a bad taste about her and wont hire her.  I wonder where they could have gotten that bad taste or the lack of desire to hire her?  Wonder why they would be concerned to have her perform at their events or venues?  Not like she would do anything stupid.

But wait, it is Trump and the Right Wing Media's fault.  She didn't do anything wrong.

Kathy, sorry but it appears that your 15 minutes are up, you have nobody to blame but yourself.

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