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Thursday, May 10, 2018

The Fall of John McCain

I was always a supporter of Sen. John McCain.  I liked how he stayed out of the mess that was Washington and just went at getting things done. 

When he ran for President, I liked a lot of what he talked about and thought maybe he was going to make a change with the Republican Party for the better.

Over the past couple of years I can definitively say that I am so very happy that he never won the Presidency and have never been more disappointed in a politician. 

McCain has turned out to be just another Politician to me.  He turned into a bitter person holding grudges and against the very party that he was suppose to represent.

He no longer represents the class and statemanship that he once represented to me. 

I remember a conversation I had with someone during the election where he ran for President.  I was fully behind McCain.  I was told that I would be getting someone who doesn't represent the things I believe in.  He is selling me a bill of goods, is what I was told. 

Guess what, they were absolutely right.  This man that I supported and this man that I thought was one of the best was selling me a bill of goods.  It is so sad to see this happen and I feel bad that a man I once revered, not be that man I always thought he was.

I find myself torn between the pain of watching him go through all of his medical issues and the fondness for his family and the anger of realizing that I must have never really new the man I thought I had.

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