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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

All my Democrat Friends have gone Insane

I have noticed since Trump got elected that almost every one of my Democrat friends have totally fallen off the deep end.

I try to remind them of the time that Obama was President and we would have discussions on how I didn't like the way that Health Care was pushed through and his apologizing all over the world for how bad us Americans were.  They reminded me that he won the election and this is what the voters wanted. 

I would agree that he did indeed win and it is what it is. 

We could have conversations and debate the ideas and politics coming from the Federal Level.  That was the good old days.

Now they seem to have forgotten all of that. 

Trump won.  The American people spoke and he won the election.  This is how it is.

OH HELL NO!!!!  Not to the same Democrat friends.

Trump is the devil.  Trump supporters are the Devil.  America didn't want this.  We should impeach him.  He is corrupt. Blah Blah Blah.

Civility no longer exists with these friends.  They are right and if you disagree then you are a racist and part of the devil also.

I watch them lash out at other friends who disagree with them.  Watch them call life long friends racist.  Watch them demean longstanding friends. 

You can't even engage them in conversation about it.  They are right and everyone else is racist and the devil.

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