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Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The Truth about Trump and his Presidency

Trump is making all kinds of waves in Washington and around the world.  Some Allies aren't happy, some Americans aren't happy, the left is in a complete meltdown and some Republicans aren't happy. 

Trump is being Trump and people with Agenda's don't like it. 

Trump is a businessman.  He is all about getting things done.  He doesn't care about people getting mad and he doesn't care about the politics.  Something is wrong and it needs to be fixed. 

Trump was attacked for his stance on North Korea.  Warning the NK Leader that if he didn't stop his path of Nuclear weapons and threats to the United States and his neighbors he would face "Fire and Fury".  It didn't take long for the NK Leader to realize the 8 years of Obama was over and he was dealing with someone who doesn't just talk a good game.  Trump offered North Korea a chance at prosperity and growth in exchange for killing its Nuclear Weapons.  Time will tell, but in less than 2 years Trump has put a decades long menace on a path away from trouble.

Trump has been working diligently and pushing congress to drain the swamp in the FBI and DOJ.  It has become crystal clear that after 8 years that both organizations had been corrupted at the top by bias and politicized. 

Trade and Allies.  For years and years we have been paying tariffs to other countries.  Even though they do not pay tariffs to us.  Trump as a businessman was fully aware of this and recognized it as unfair and not in the best interest of America.  Our so called Allies were unwilling to drop the tariffs and Trump responded by adding tariffs.  They got a taste of their own medicine and are not happy about it.  Trump is absolutely right, this is an easy fix and can be done in a day.  Remove all tariffs and have open trade across the board.

Trump is taking on the immigration problem and again not looking at it through political eyes.  The fix is easy and can be done rather quickly.  Close off the border and force people to come in through our ports of entry.  If we did that then most all the other problems can go away.  A vast majority of the American Citizens are all for immigration just do it the right way.  If we close the border and force people to use the ports, then that stops the human trafficking and allows immigration in a way that we can control it.  Not really that difficult and makes absolutely no sense why people are against it.  Trump also wants Congress to act to clean up the immigration system.  Everyone in the country will tell you it is broke.  President after President has illegally decided to not enforce the laws on the books and given Congress a pass on fixing it.  Trump says no, his job is to enforce the laws and Congress must act to fix it.  If you don't like the law then fix it. 

Foreign policy is a whole new and welcome change for America.  Trump realized as did most Americans that it was crazy ridiculous that we were the world peace keeper and paying the bill for it all.  We drove up our debt to keep the peace around the world while everyone else benefits.  The United Nations is funded mostly by the United States.  Yet the United Nations rarely operated in the best interest of the United States.  Trump, like most Americans, wasn't going to tolerate that and put the United Nations on notice.  He also called out other Countries around the world to pay their fair share of the United Nations and NATO.  We haven't refused to protect or help anyone.  We just aren't going to be taken advantage of any longer.  Trump is right and he isn't a politician.

The economy in the United States is on a roll like no one has seen in years.  Trump has worked diligently to remove regulations and open the economic engine of America up.  Obama has tried to take credit for it, but reality is, if Obama was still in charge we would still be slowly chugging along and not anywhere near where we are today.  Big Government kills the economy.  Getting the Government out of the way and you see what is happening.

Trump is a businessman and he solves problems.  He doesn't kick them down the road and he doesn't tolerate inaction.  That has rubbed a majority of the politicians the wrong way.  They are not used to actually having to do their jobs.  They are used to letting things just continue along as they are and never addressing the real issues in America.  Trump wants action and pushes for action.  That is what a majority of Americans want.  Trump doesn't have all the answers, but he freely admits it.  He wants Congress to solve the problems.  He wants to help them. 

Trump may not be someone that you agree with, but he is a President that has taken action like we haven't seen in years.  Instead of standing in the way people should help solve the problems. 

Oh wait.  Can't do that because that will make him look good.  Can't solve problems on his watch.

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