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Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Who is Paul Begala?

Paul Begala is your typical Democrat.  He is a strategist and of course a commentator for CNN.  He worked with Bill Clinton and also on Pro-Hillary PAC.

What makes him so typical, just read or listen to his comments.  He talks about President Trump with hate and calls out Trump for his name calling and actions, then turns around and does the same thing.

That is the Typical Democrat.  They say things like "His penchant for third-grade nicknames undoubtedly demeans the discourse" but then they will turn around call him names in the next breath.  

I read an opinion piece in CNN that Paul Begala wrote and it didn't take long to figure out that he fits right in with the I Hate Trump crowd and will bash him for everything he does while at the same time doing it.

Of course in Paul Begala's mind Clinton was the perfect President.  Smart and brought out the best in everyone around him.  He sure brought out the best in Monica Lewinski, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, Carolyn Moffet, Christy Zercher, Eileen Wellstone and Sandra Allen James.  He made them better people.  

The Democrats haven't figured out the Independent voters yet.  Many of those voters don't like how Trump does some things as well.  However they are sick of Democrats telling us how to vote and what we should think.  Democrats also don't seem to think we notice that while they bash Trump for those actions, Democrats and their media are doing the exact same thing.  You can't turn on the news without some talking head calling Trump names and going to the extreme.  We are tired of it.  So we are tuned out to the Democrats.

People like Paul Begala is just another in that list.  He made some very good points at the end of the article, but I was pretty put off by his attitude in the rest of it to even care what he had to say when he actually made sense. 

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