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Friday, January 30, 2009

PolitiFact takes Heat on Broken Promise

Politifact.com is running a site that monitors the promises that Candidate Obama made against his actions as President Obama. They posted his first "Promise Broken" based on Obama stating that he would have a public comment period before every bill signing, but with the ledbetter bill, they posted the public comment after the bill was signed. Below is a snippet from their site on reader comments:

• "I will have to disagree on your Broken Promise . . . The Lilly Ledbetter bill has been around for months and months and many people commented on it on the old Obama website back when it was first defeated when Bush was still in office and it was been discussed in the media and on tons of websites. I think that saying that there wasn't time for debate and comments in this particular instance is unfair. It's not like if it was a new bill."

• "Do you really think the Lilly Ledbetter equal pay required a comment period? I think it's more important than a comment period for it. There was plenty of print and electronic coverage of it, and it's the first signing. Cut this man a break. He's not the liar that just moved to Dallas."

• "The important thing is it has been signed. When time for his signature came, this bill had been completely vetted and there wasn't a lawmaker (certainly not Lilly Ledbetter) who was thinking about 'sunlight before signing.' If PolitiFact doesn't handle gray areas vs. black and white, there is not a lot we can do, if you don't."

• "I have to admit I'm not so upset about his speed in signing this one. It's a NO BRAINER. Thank you for keeping us informed."

• "Are you freaking serious, Politifact? Are you airing this petty grievance as a broken promise?
Do you really think the majority of Americans, other than the ones who listen to the Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck types would really care? Perhaps that was your goal regarding this petty 'broken promise' grievance: Appease as many of the 'Regional Party's' constituency and disregard the the 77% of Americans who thinks that the president and his administration are doing what is right for this nation, petty grievances aside . . .

"When I first saw your Politifact on President Obama's promises, I thought it was a great idea as I wanted to gauge his words against his actions, also. However, if you plan to continue to fill white space with these pettty, nonsensical, so called 'broken promises,' you have marginalized and watered down your authencity. Do yourself a favor and save this section for real broken promises for which most Americans will agree. Otherwise, your readers will begin to take you as seriously as, let's see, Sarah Palin."

Amazing that people think that you don't have to stand behind what you say. The guy who said that they disregarded "77% of Americans who thinks that the president and his administration are doing what is right for this nation", you have to keep an eye on the polls. It was only 77% when he was inaugurated, it has dropped into the low 60s and going down almost as fast as the stock market with this stimulus bill.

Check out politifact.com

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