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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Liberal View of the Stimulus Vote

Posted by angrycarpenter in General Discussion
Thu Jan 29th 2009, 12:46 AM
I do not want handouts I want a job.

If I had a job I could pay my bills, buy more food, pay my rent, pay my taxes, go out to eat a couple of times a month, buy gas for my car, give a little to charity, and hold my head up high knowing that I am making my own way. Multiply that by a couple of million, Republicans voted against it because it will work.

Republicans want us to suffer for voting them out, I say screw them. When I see that they voted against putting people back to work I know for a fact that they do not care for working people one bit.

I actually read the economic stimulus bill, If nothing else it will put some people back to work, it could not possibly fail on that point. What it fails to do is put money directly in rich peoples pockets without accountability, we have already seen how that works. What they really hate is the strict oversight written into it. Every dollar is to be accountable to the public on a website. No chance to funnel a couple of million into a country club or a private, exclusive, upscale anything. This is for the working man and they are showing the same concern for us they always have by voting no.

I am done crying about my personal life, Unemployment, late notices, no jobs to be had, the sheer impossibility of getting unemployment are all problems that many are facing right now. Now I am just angry.

I am angry at those who let our jobs evaporate in the name of "free trade".

I am angry at those who sold a bunch of unethical loans and then leveraged them a hundred times and then blamed the victims for being stupid enough to fall for them.

I am angry at those who started an incredibly costly war just make money off of it.

I am angry at the people who actually thought the economy would be so much better if no one ever did anything to protect it.

I am angry at people who say they love America but hate most of the people who live here.

I am pissed at EVERYONE who puts party before country.

I am totally livid at the banks who took our bailout money and loaned none of it out.

I am almost in a blind rage at Cheney and Bush for slashing taxes on rich people and running huge deficits for the rest of us to pay for.

Finally I am about to stroke out at the thought of the house republicans trying to stand in the way of putting me and millions of others back to work. How could these people think they are helping America by doing nothing? NOTHING! These people are monsters. They want Obama to fail even if it means a years long depression. They intend to stand in the way of anything that might make Obama look good and by extension put me and many others back to work.

I merely disliked republican policies before and saved my anger for the the ones who led them like the selfish sheep they are. But now I totally hate every last one of the bastards who in the face of a crisis like we have never known in our lifetimes still cling to partisanship in the hopes that our president will fail.

And most of all I hate Rush Limbaugh. More than any other American I hate him. Even more than Bush. I hate him and he hates me because I work for a living.

I am normally a forgiving person but there will never come a day when I will feel any different. - Democratic Underground

I found this to be quite interesting reading. This person claims to have read the Stimulus Bill. Now I will admit, I have not read the whole thing, and willing to bet they haven't as well. The bill is continuously changing. No one has ever said that it won't put people to work. Your sadly uninformed, the question is how fast will it put people to work. The Democrats fully admit that this bill will not put people to work immediately, it will be over the next 18 months plus. That is the philosophical difference. The whole bill is not trash, just the bloated spending on stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with the economy. Contraception, sod, etc. If you truly read the stimulus bill, you would understand that, pull your head out and pay attention to what is truly going on. Hatred has blinded you my friend.

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