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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Treasury Secretary Under Fire

No sooner had Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner announced the Obama administration's new financial stability plan then he headed across town to brief Congress on it, but some Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill wanted far more detail than Geithner was ready to provide today.

"We've been here for three hours and 23 minutes and have no discernible idea as to how we're gonna solve this problem," said Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn, at this afternoon's Senate Banking Committee hearing.

"I don't think…I wouldn't want to encourage you in that view," replied Geithner.

"Well, we've been here for three hours and 23 minutes and I've been highly encouraged in that view, so I mean, we basically have some platitudes and again, I'm not being critical," said Corker.

"No, but you are, senator," Geithner argued.

"I'm not," said Corker. "I'm observing, in essence. Last night - I would be critical about this - I would think that the White House and you all communicate and last night the president said you would be very clear and there would be specific plans."

"And today we lost probably a trillion dollars in the market as people looked for those very clear and specific plans and instead heard guidelines and some platitudes. I mean, I haven't heard today what your commitment is to solving the problem."

Corker's criticisms came on the heels of similar comments from ranking member Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Alab., Sen. Jim DeMint, R-SC, and Sen. David Vitter, R-Lou..

"I think having a major announcement and a major committee hearing today with the complete lack of detail we have, quite frankly, was a big mistake and I think it's another version of the American people hearing how cataclysmic the crisis is with no flushed out solutions," Vitter said. - ABC News Story

Once again it appears that the Obama Administration is looking for money and telling us about some grand plan. They are trying to scare eveyone into, "THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING!!!" and we have a plan to stop it. The problem is, they won't tell you what the real plan is. This is the Transparency we all heard about. Last night Obama said that it would be laid out very clearly, as clear as mud!!! All that is clear is that they want Trillions more.

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