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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Pelosi to Blame for Democrats Failure

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Well, that didn't take long. Three weeks into the new administration and the Democrats are squandering their advantage and threatening to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Credit House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for getting the ball rolling. Under her leadership, House Democrats excluded Republicans from having any voice in crafting the stimulus package.

Acting like children who hadn't seen Santa Claus for eight years, House Democrats busily loaded up the bill with stuff they had been unable to get for eight years. It was payback time.

Contraception, funding for the arts, restoration of the national mall, stop-smoking programs. All while Americans lose their homes, their jobs, and their savings. It was both childish and disgraceful.

Apparently tone deaf to the disgust and disappointment of Americans with the bailout package for Wall Street and the banks last year, as well as the voters' strongly stated desire for change as represented by the election of Barack Obama, House Democrats set the table for failure -- again. - CNN Jack Cafferty Commentary

Nancy Pelosi has seen fit to shut out the Republicans, ignore what the American People are saying, and craft a massive spending bill to make up for all of those promises that have been made but not kept. Her and her Democratic friends are pushing it on the American People under the guise of Stimulus. They think that the American People are ignorant to the fact that it is a massive spending package that will do little to stimulate the economy.

President Obama for his part says that the Republicans have no credibility when it comes to the economy as it is under them and their policies that have lead us into this mess. Well, Mr. President, think again. It was under the Democratic lead Congress that has driven us deeper into this mess. It was under the Democratic leadership that the $700 Billion TARP package was passed. Remember that many Republicans were against it. The President still attempts to blame that on the Republicans.

President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, will all continue to push through massive spending that will drive the National debt to record numbers. They will also continue to blame it all on Republicans. Change, this is the Change that Obama sold us during the election. Hope, this is the Hope that Obama promised. Big Government, that is what Obama is bringing. Massive Deficity spending, that is what we will have over the next 2 years. Higher Taxes, that is what you can count on in the near future.

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