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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Obama Continues his Slide in Approval Ratings

President Obama is losing the Domestic War on the Economy and his overall Job Approval. His Democratic Friends aren't helping much either.

Latest Rasmussen numbers show the President at +11 on their Approval index, where 36% Strongly approve how he is doing his job and 25% Strongly disapprove. Last week that number was +21, 44% Strongly approving and 23% disapproving.

Rasmussen numbers also show that the Stimulus Package is not popular with Americans. Regardless of the sales job Obama has been doing. Latest numbers show that 48% believe more Government spending will hurt the economy. Only 35% believe that the spending will help the economy.

While Obama and the Democrats push that this Package is needed to create jobs, the question is the sustainability of those jobs. This package does not set us up for long term jobs and sustainability. Sure the Package will spend Billions of Dollars on infrastructure that will put people to work. What happens when the roads are built? The schools are built? Every one of those new jobs is gone. Now those same people are back out on the unemployment line. Obama is trying to buy time not solve the problem. All of this while driving the National Debt deeper and deeper.

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