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Monday, February 9, 2009

Obama Takes to the Airwaves to sell his Package

President Obama went on Prime Time to try to sell his package to the American People. I can tell you that I personally was very disappointed in listening to him. He really didn't explain a whole lot to me. I got very tired early of listening to him blame everyone for everything.

He said that he inherited this economy, this deficit. That is true, you did inherit it, don't tell me who's to blame tell me how your plan is going to solve it. Instead he went on to tell me, well first I am going to spend the $350 Billion from the last bailout. That didn't work because it was done wrong. If memory serves me, it was him and his Democratic Party that passed that bill, and I quote what they sold us then, "There will be tremendous oversight." So, you failed in that, now you want us to give you another chance with Billions more. I do agree that tax cuts alone will not fix the economy. But I am not sure that driving the Federal Deficit through the roof is the other part of the package.

Some of the things President Obama eluded too that scare the hell out of me, are that this is only the first step. There are more things that have to be done. What are these things, and how much are these steps going to cost us? What kind of ridiculous spending will be added to these steps in the name of saving the economy?

There were some points that he did some explaining, and I was satisfied with his answers. However none of those answers came on the economy.

I hope that this President will start getting down and his hands dirty. Lay plans out on the table. He has been selling us on transparent Government, but seems to try and leave enough gray areas so not to get caught when he doesn't follow through.

His talking about the Bipartisanship question showed his true colors. How can you stand there and try to sell me on the idea that you want to work bipartisanly to accomplish things, yet in the same breath attack the other side? This is their fault, why would I like their ideas? I guess I should have left out tax cuts and then add them so they could take credit for them. Talk like that does not lead you down the road of working together.

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