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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Milwaukee County Dispatcher Fired

Ok, if you haven't heard this story, read it and then tell me what you think. WISN Story

This guy claims that he was fired because he has filed a lawsuit about the working conditions. I heard about this story from several sources, and even just reading it, you got fired because you didn't do your job.

It has been my experience that when people are in a panic, you really can't understand them well. He says that his words are being misinterpreted. I heard the audio, and it pretty much sounded like he wasn't trying to be much help at all.

I am glad that he got the boot. He doesn't deserve to be on the job, and if you think that he does, stop and ask yourself...If you were in desperate need of help and needed to call 911, would you want this guy answering the call?

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