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Thursday, November 6, 2014

Who Will the Next President Be

Now that this Mid-Term election is over and we are just waiting on a few votes yet to come in, the focus now shifts two years down the road to the next Presidential Election.

Who will the Next President Be?

I don't know the Who, but I will say that I believe that the next President will be Republican.  The voters have gotten into a grove of alternating.  They were tired of what the Republicans had done and so they voted anyone but Bush to get Obama Elected the first time.  Now if this election tells us anything, at this point the electorate is saying anyone but Democrats.  This will bode well for the GOP if it doesn't make a major mistake between now and then. They have a fairly decent group of possibilities.  Now we have to see who moves to the forefront.  The Democrats haven't really shown their hand yet.  Other than Hillary Clinton, who early on has received a less than enthusiastic response.

The Republicans have been handed a gift from the Voters and need to take advantage of it.  They need to lay out an agenda and stick to it.  In that agenda they need to look at what are top of mind for the Voters.  Look no further than Wisconsin and they can find that.  Gov. Scott Walker has been able to win 3 elections in 4 years in what has traditionally been a blue state.  He has been able to balance the budget and lower taxes.  He has been able to build a better business climate and improve the jobs picture.  These moves, although not popular with the unions and many public workers, has drawn a thumbs up from the voters.  He has tackled the hard choices and made those decisions even in the face of criticism.  He didn't shy away from them just because he might be recalled.  He did what he thought was right regardless of the political consequences.  He was rewarded for those decisions.  A vast majority agree that even though they don't always agree with his decisions, he is someone who gets things done.

Obama has been the biggest gift that Voters have given to the GOP.  Follow that up with Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.  Keeping them around for the next two years will only help the Republicans to win the Presidency back.

This trio of Democrats have proven time and again that they don't care what the American People want.  They believe that what the American People need is what they tell them they need. 

Harry Reid has spent his entire time as Senate Majority Leader protected the President.  How many bills have made it to a vote in the Senate?  How many Budgets have been passed under the Democrats?  Harry Reid's claim to fame is changing the Senate Rules so that the Democrats could take votes without allowing the Minority any say in the matter.

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