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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Hillary Clinton Remaking Her Image

I have been reading report after report that Hillary Clinton is working to remake her public image.  Remaking it to me more approachable, more fun, more human.

Why is it that politicians have to remake their image to get elected?  Isn't that like trying to bull shit people into believing that someone is something that they are not?

Why can't people just be who they are?  If you have to change who you are in order to get elected to a public office isn't that wrong?  Isn't that telling us something is wrong?

Not to pick on Hillary Clinton, many politicians do the same thing.  I am just reading and watching as Hillary is really working hard right now to get things set up to make the run to the White House.  Shouldn't she be able to just say I am in and go for it?  She has been in the public eye for so many years that I am sure we all know who she is by now.  Why would she need to remake her image?

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