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Friday, August 7, 2009

Town Halls - Silent Majority No Longer Silent!

America's liberals have gone from swooning over Barack Obama's ascension to the White House and gloating over their Bush-induced domination of Congress to near-hysteria because ordinary middle-class Americans are rising in anger against the Democrats' planned hijacking of the nation's health care system. MSNBC's Chris Matthews worked himself into his characteristic spittle-laced frenzy while sputtering about the legions of protestors showing up to make meetings designed to sell Obamacare into "Town Hell" occasions.

He had Sen. Barbara Boxer of California on his "Hardball" program to pass along a condemnation of these town hall protestors as being "well-dressed middle-class people in pinks and limes … [a] Brooks Brothers Brigade." How dare these people adopt the tactics of the left, like the ACORN or SEIU organizers, and plan demonstrations of political dissatisfaction. The left would have us believe that such actions are illegitimate if performed by any other than their own supporters.

This is amusing, as are the awkward attempts by Mr. Matthews and his like to suggest that those folks giving the health care reform backers from Congress a frosty reception as they try to sell their nationalized health care plans are shills for the health insurance industry.

Truth is, the health insurance industry is as silent as the shorter half of Penn and Teller. As the Wall Street Journal points out, "If anything, the health-care business lobbies are helping Democrats by keeping quiet and hoping their silence buys them survival as heavily-regulated utilities."

What's actually happening represents a rare political development -- the arousal of what Richard Nixon dubbed "The Silent Majority," in this case by what they correctly believe to be a threat to their cherished right to choose their own doctors and exercise autonomy in matters relating to their medical well-being. - Baltimore Sun Story

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