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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

CNN Reader Comments - Good Stuff

Below are some CNN Readers Comments. I found them interesting to say the least.

I'm disturbed by the media's nonstop excuse making and defending of Obama and his policies. According to economists, the economy was "brought back from the brink" by TARP and the Fed last fall. Yet somehow Obama attempts to claim credit with no evidence. The media allows him to claim credit for all good news, while at the same time blaming Bush for any bad news. I can see no evidence whatsoever of anything Obama's done thus far that's had any impact on the economy besides tons more debt. He's pushing more government, more spending, and more taxes which is the antithesis of America. He's doubling down on Bush's mistakes. On healthcare, Obama has admitted in speeches over the past 5 years that he wants a "public option" as the first step to single-payer but the media covers it up and acts like those who make such claims are "fearmongering". I'm tired of Obama getting a pass and being held to a much lower standard than any previous President. On foreign policy he hasn't been as bad as I expected, if you ignore his nonstop apologizing which is just obnoxious. Of course he has plenty of time to ruin that still. It would be nice if the President stayed in DC and worked and stopped wasting time wandering the country campaigning and the world apologizing. And enough with the press conferences! He's not that interesting or captivating no matter what he thinks of himself! - Christy

the media (cnn) has to do a better job explaining the health-care plan to their viewers. Pres. obamas health care plan is what america needs ASAP. The republicans are lying threw there teeth 24/7. - Tony

As I read these comments, I am absolutely awed by the ignorance of the majority of these posts. If people would spend the same amount of energy researching facts as they do blaming Bush, you might find that Obama (and his fellow democrats) ARE the force behind the reckless lending that has put our country in the "great" recession. We are headed in a very dangerous direction and if folks don't start educating themselves, we will NEVER be the country that we were founded to be. Our founding fathers must have tears in their eyes as they watch what we are becoming - AW

America was in big troube after Bush. I was thinking things would change but Mr. Obama is taking us down the same road, only faster!!! =( - John

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