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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Obama Team Falls Back to Campaign Strategy for Health Care

The White House launched a coordinated effort Tuesday to combat what it calls a “viral whisper campaign” to torpedo health care reform.

Its playbook: the same one Barack Obama’s campaign used in 2008 to shoot down rumors and questions about his citizenship, faith and patriotism.

The new offensive started early Tuesday morning when the White House posted a video response to a hodgepodge of clips on the Drudge Report that portrayed President Obama as favoring the elimination of private insurance. On the White House blog, Obama’s director of new media, Macon Phillips, asked supporters to send in leads for debunking chain e-mails or anything else that “seems fishy.”

It continued through the day with press secretary Robert Gibbs and Democratic National Committee spokesman Brad Woodhouse both saying a series of confrontational town hall meetings were manufactured by Republicans, conservative groups and lobbyists who are paid to drum up opposition.

Woodhouse described them as “angry mobs of rabid right-wing extremists” that populated McCain-Palin rallies last year.

Tuesday was just the start of the offensive, White House aides said.

The White House and its allies are developing a clearinghouse website to debunk rumors and myths — similar to the FightTheSmears.com site used during the campaign. They plan to use more video, Twitter, e-mail lists and other new media tools to “combat the right-wing noise machine” and dedicate new resources to rapid response on health care, according to a White House official. - Politico Story

The only problem with this playbook is, that many of the so called rumors and myths that Obama called lies and misinformation during the campaign have since been proven correct.

Obama blamed Right Wing Wingnuts at McCain/Palin rallies for calling him liberal. Well, I think we can plainly see the answer to that.

In the pocket of Unions - Hmmmmmm. I wonder what the answer on that one is? Auto Bailouts, card check, stimulus funds requiring union labor, hmmmmm.

Enemy of Israel? Well, I think we can plainly see the answer to that.

New Strategy in Afghanistan? Well, how is that working out?

Taxes? Deficit Spending? National Debt? Foreign Policy? Oh wait, He apologized to every Country about us Americans. I wonder if he told them that we acted "Stupidly"?

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