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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Obama Plans to Put Terrorists in Civilian Courts

Four of the top military experts in the Senate have written President Obama imploring him to try terrorist mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed before a military commission, rather than in a U.S. court in the United States.

Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.), joined Sens. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) in pushing against the Justice Department's decision to try Mohammed, the brains behind the Sept. 11 attacks, in a criminal court in either New York or D.C.

“We write to you today to express our concern over reports that your Administration may prosecute Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the mastermind of the September 11 terrorist attacks, and other alleged war criminals in civilian courts in Virginia, New York, and the District of Columbia. Such trials would treat the war on terrorism as a law enforcement operation, rather than a war, and would treat its alleged perpetrators as common criminals, instead of violators of the law of war."

The full letter can be found here. - Politico Story

Reader Reply -

Yes, A terrorist leader like KSM who masterminded the murder of 3000 of our fellow citizens deserves the same rights as you and me, right? Let him have lawyers and the ability to summon witnesses and hell, lets put the CIA operatives and the battlefield soldiers on the stand while we're at it! He's a criminal, not a "terrorist". That's such a mean word. We should let him sue for emotional damages too. Great idea! He's probably a nice guy once you get to know him. Obama is such a great president, isn't he!

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