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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Obama Asks for $80 Million to Close Gitmo

President Barack Obama came under fire Tuesday for including $80 million to close Guantanamo in a massive funding request to fight America's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The $83.4 billion request to Congress was submitted on April 9, when lawmakers were on break over the Easter holidays.

Tucked into the 99-page bill were a few paragraphs about Guantanamo — including a request for funds for foreign countries that accept prisoners. U.S. efforts to have other countries take in detainees have largely been a flop — stoking fears the men will end up in America.

"The administration needs to tell the American people what it plans to do with these men if they close Guantanamo," U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said on the Senate floor Tuesday. He pointed out that two years ago the Senate voted 94-3 against sending detainees to the U.S. - ABC News Story

Here you go President, You said you were looking for $100 Million in cut, I give you $80 Million in one swoop. Now, don't be stupid. Why are we paying other Countries to take our Prisoners. If you don't think they should be tried in court, let them go in Iraq or Afghanistan and the Military can take care of them when they attack again.

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