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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Fidel Castro - Obama Misinterpreted Overtures

HAVANA -- Fidel Castro said Tuesday that President Obama "misinterpreted" his brother Raul's sentiments toward the United States and bristled at any suggestion Cuba should free political prisoners or reduce official fees on money sent to the island from the U.S.

Raul Castro touched off a whirlwind of speculation that the U.S. and Cuba could be headed toward a thaw in nearly a half-century of chilly relations last week, when he said Cuban leaders would be willing to sit down with their U.S. counterparts and discuss "everything," including human rights, freedom of the press and expression, and political prisoners on the island.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she welcomed the "overture," while Obama responded at the Summit of the Americas by saying Washington seeks a new beginning with Cuba. But he also said that Cuba should release some political prisoners and reduce official taxes on remittances from the U.S. as a sign of good will.

That appeared to enrage Fidel Castro, 82, who wrote in an essay posted on a government Web site that Obama "without a doubt misinterpreted Raul's declarations." - FOX News Story

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