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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Government to Big and Powerful - Poll Says

Sixty percent (60%) of Americans say the federal government has too much power and too much money, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

Just nine percent (9%) say the government has too little power and money. Twenty-four percent (24%) believe the government has about the right amount of both.

Not surprisingly, the Political Class sees things a lot differently. While 85% of Mainstream Americans say the government has too much power and money, just two percent (2%) of the Political Class agree. Nearly one-our-of-four members (24%) of the Political Class, in fact, believe the government has too little money and power, but 68% say it has about the right amount of each.

While slightly more than half of those working for both the government and private industry say the government is too big, 79% of entrepreneurs feel that way.

The findings follow last week’s “tea party” protests against higher government spending and the threat of higher taxes. Fifty-one percent (51%) of Americans have a favorable view of the tea parties, but the Political Class strongly disagrees. - Rasmussen Story

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