On Wednesday, it was a housing plan. Thursday, it will be a big, TV-friendly stack of budget blueprints, “The Republican Road to Recovery.” That’s to match the president’s own platitudinous budget title, “A New Era of Responsibility.”
The House Republicans’ budget document, provided to POLITICO ahead of its release, makes sure no one can miss the point: Each chapter begins “The Republican Plan,” and each section is divided into “The President’s Budget” and “Republicans’ Solution.”
House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said the housing proposal that he rolled out with eight other House Republicans on Tuesday was “in response to the administration — and the president himself, who continues to say that Republicans don’t have any ideas.”
“We’re here today to say yes we do,” Cantor said. “This is one in a series. It will not be the last. We are committed to trying to pull the agenda back to the mainstream and to respond to the problems facing America’s families today.”
The documents — and the showmanship in releasing them — are the result of frustration by GOP leaders who repeatedly hear on TV that they have no alternatives.
In fact, they had their own plans. They just didn’t get much attention, partly because Republicans sometimes disagreed about them among themselves.
So the entire House GOP elected leadership will join Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), the ranking member of the Budget Committee, for Thursday’s event. “It’s the old ‘I want to see it in writing,’” said a top House Republican official. “They’re going to see it in writing.”
Another official said: “We need to hold something up and say, ‘Here are our charts. Here are our graphs. It’s real.’”
The principles in the Republican budget will sound familiar: “limits the federal budget from growing faster than the family budget, ... provides universal access to health care and secures entitlements, ... lowers taxes, ... keeps energy and fuel costs low, ... ends the bailouts and reforms the financial system, ... keep the cost of living low.” - Politico Story
I don't know what everyone else thought of the President's News Conference on Tuesday Night, but I thought it was one of the most boring uninformative things that I have seen. I can not believe that Fox moved Idol for that nonsense.
I thought Obama sounded arrogant and didn't answer the hard questions. I also thought that his answer to the AIG Bonus questions was just plain ridiculous. It was a valid question that never received a valid answer.
He likes to repeat over and over that he inherited this mess. A reporter even asked if he was concerned that his kids and the next President would be inheriting his mess. He answered he was concerned, it sure doesn't look like it.
He also said that the Republicans don't have any alternatives and just keep bashing his plan. Well now they are laying out there alternatives. I am sure that they took some time to put out their plan because "they want to know what they are talking about". Now we get to watch the Dems and President bash on their plan and pretend that they want to work in a bipartisan
way to get a workable budget.
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