Human rights lawyers brought the case before leading anti-terror judge Baltasar Garzon, who agreed to send it on to prosecutors to decide whether it had merit, Gonzalo Boye, one of the lawyers who brought the charges, told The Associated Press.
The ex-Bush officials are Gonzales; former undersecretary of defense for policy Douglas Feith; former Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff David Addington; Justice Department officials John Yoo and Jay S. Bybee; and Pentagon lawyer William Haynes.
Yoo declined to comment. A request for comment left with Feith through his Hudson Institute e-mail address was not immediately returned. - ABC News
This is about as ridiculous of a thing as I had heard. President Obama needs to send a clear signal that the US will not support or cooperate in such an event. If we allow this to go forward then it opens the door for other Courts in other Countries to decide to prosecute anybody in the US for a crime that did not occur within their jurisdiction or boundaries.
Spain does not make the decisions of what the US does and does not do. I know that their are a lot of the "Hate Bush" crowd that will welcome this, but they are as short sighted as the President has been in some of his decisions. You have to look at the big picture. If you set a precident then what is stop them from prosecuting Obama for his attacks on Pakistan or something else as stupid? Think things through.
OK most of the countries on the UN human rights commission are the largest mass murdering, REAL torturing and true violators of human rights existing, hell most muslim nations put to death anyone that seeks to prosletize Christianity in their respective Countries and some IDIOT in spain seeks to try our officials for what water up someones nose? Sounds like the spanish guy will be running for the democrat nominee in the next presidential election.......Why we fund or even agree to treaties with some of our so called "friends" borders on rediculous. And of course of new FED Mr.Spend yourselves into the next millenia of debt the evil elf wishes us to go global on our monetary system away from our own dollar.........gee that sounds smart! This is what happens when liberals make it chic to bad mouth the USA companies like MSNBC who will soon enough go the way of liberal newsprint....bankrupt thank God!
When we allow foreign governments to think it is ok to try our officials for rediclous charges (esp considering the UN human rights commission consists of murdering torturing facist regimes not make believe crap for water up some terrorist's nose) then I think it is time to just tarrif and stop funding counties deal with them country to country period. And no global economy or monetary system unlike what the evil elf Fed chair wishes I am sure his idea will work as well for America as the UN has......which is not at all!
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